
Chapter 115  Colossal monster

Chapter 115  Colossal monster

" That shrimp, damn. "the third uncle cursed, before turning around and running away.

The Blind Dane demon looked at me and then at the brave warrior, sensing our weak life force, it decided to follow the third uncle since he was stronger than me and his life force was still perfectly fine.

Monsters love to eat stronger prey, as they taste better and will also increase the speed of their evolution. And because both of us were heavily injured it did not expect us to run too far away.

After a moment, it turned away and began to follow third uncle at an incredible speed. Although the danger was gone but it was just momentarily peace.

Taking in a laboured breath, I dragged myself towards the limp body of second uncle, from the moment I came to this world he had been helping me, and seeing him in such a state made me sad and angry.

I didn't even have the strength or time to bury his body properly, picking up one of the spikes, I used it as a cane and slowly walked towards the brave warrior.

The knowledge of medicine was still present in my mind, I checked his body's condition and found that even though he was extremely weak right now, but if he rested properly, he could be saved since KIR monsters have high immunity.

Using all the strength I could muster, I dragged his body towards the bushes and then hid him in them. Although there is still a chance of the demon finding the brave warrior, but with this his chance of survival increased slightly.

I felt pain all across my body, ignoring it all and closing my eyes, I used my senses to the max to scan the surroundings.

I observed everything within a range of a mile, and then I found it, though the aura was weak, I sensed the aura of a high tier monster.

Though it would be a big gamble, the place around the high tier monster would be the most safe place for now. Using the spike for support, I pushed my injured body forward.

I've already lost a lot of blood, as I limped forward I left a trail of blood behind. The high tier monster was less than a kilometre away from me, and soon the Blind Dane Demon would be back.

" Fuck, Wang Jia didn't say the test is supposed to be this hard. " I muttered to myself, walking forward.

Each step was painful, a stick had pierced my belly earlier, and taking it out would result in more blood loss and pain. My breathing was ragged, and my eyes were on the verge of closing. Slowly my eyesight began to return.

My broken left arm waved with each strong wind, and my body wanted to just collapse, but I knew giving up now would only result in death, summoning all my might I took slow steps forward.

After walking for 10 minutes, I had covered a little over half the distance. The Blind Dane demon was yet to return, but my body was reaching its limit, one of my legs was broken and the other was badly bruised.

I was hungry and thirsty, just keeping my eyes open and taking slow steps forward was testing my limits. If it wasn't for the good physique of the KIR monsters, then I'd already be long dead.

Thanks to the high tier demon there were no other monsters in this part of the forest, after travelling for a dozen more minutes, I felt the aura of the high tier demon near me.

Both my body and mind were a mess, taking each step was like moving heavy rocks. Just then I saw a big mountain hidden well behind the trees.

I knew the demon was inside that mountain, then taking in a deep breath, I decided to enter the cave that was present at the foot of the mountain.

I walked into the cave, I tried not to make much sound as I moved forward, and then I saw a colossal beast sleeping. It was like a giant gorilla with a face like that of a crocodile, its height was comparable to a 6 or 7 floor building.

It was badly injured, there were big wounds all across its body, it was probably trying to heal as it slept. I moved forward and walked towards the wound that was present on the side of its chest.

The wound was big enough for me to enter, and after entering I was easily able to find a big empty space inside it, I wasn't sure what it was nor was I in any condition of finding that out.

Just after taking a few more steps, I fell forward and immediately drifted towards unconsciousness, than at some point my mouth began to be filled with the blood of the demon, and I drank it to quench my thirst.

Without me knowing my body slowly began to heal, but the blood was doing much more than healing since it wasn't any normal blood, but the essence blood, which also contained the Life force of the demon.

Since the demon's body was too injured for it to survive, it decided to take over my body, as its essence blood slowly began to fill my body.


The human city was able to subjugate the monsters, though they suffered quite a lot because of this event. At the entrance of the arena, an injured KIR monster was lying next to a dead fire bear.

Though the first uncle was able to kill the bear, he had to pay a heavy price for that, one of his arms was missing, his entire body was badly burnt, and he had several other internal injuries, but he was still alive.


Thanks for reading and have a great day.😄


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