
Chapter 433

If you have money, you can monopolize a good business street and crush your competitors.

Depending on the region, it may grow to such an extent that even the lord cannot carelessly touch it.

Hey, Fahilia, in the first place, Arnil Firm is where I exert my influence, so there's no way I'll be eaten.

How much more can a mere peddler like her withstand the pressure of a business above a certain scale?

It's nonsense.

If I had refused, I wouldn't have received a penny and would have taken away the business distance.

that's the reality

When the owner of the store explained to me, she said that she was happy and obediently agreed to the deal to hand over the rights.

yeah i thought it would be like this

It's a number that makes you think you'll get 10% of your rights even if you can't do it in the first place.

That's 1 penny.

Undoubtedly, the Budell Company was profiteering.

What followed was a very personal complaint.

no matter where you lost

No matter where you missed a good number due to the tyranny of the upper house.

Only complaints as a merchant are pouring out.

These are stories that any good merchant would think of, so there is nothing particularly special about them.

After complaining so much, Elim's mood calmed down a bit, as if his mind had calmed down a bit.

Instead, I only drink alcohol in earnest.

It's what I live for, so I don't hold back.

yes that's a good attitude

“…Whew…. It’s like that. It has been three years since I left my hometown, but I am still barely making ends meet.”

“Yes, yes.”

“What is Budell’s store like?

The products are cheap, and the money is calculated like a beggar.”

“Yes, that must be difficult.”

The original mind for the company is leaking out.

Okay, now there's a story worth hearing.



What... hm? But why are you talking about this?”

“don't mind? don't mind?.”

After running out of things to say, it seems that he began to question himself about what he had confessed in a slightly calm reaction.

“Anyway, I know it's pretty tough. Is there a reason you are still a merchant?”

“Why? Of course.”

She answered without a single thought as if it was nothing.

“Because money is good!”


” “I suffered a little from a young age.

The Kingdom of Ernesia is still less discriminatory, but... not everyone sees it favorably. It was really hard.”

Elium spoke while fiddling with the symbol of the blood of his ear.

Although Ernesia Kingdom's policy towards heterogeneous and mixed races is generous, even people's perception of it is not generous.

There's no problem when it comes to cities, but villages that are far from cities must have a rather ostracizing atmosphere.

It must have been because of that experience that she was hiding her appearance when we first met.

Come to think of it, Dwarf blacksmiths, including Aken, said that during their training days, they hadn't been very active outside the city.

It's kind of a hardship.

I understand the rough.

Because I, too, have not only lived my life as a human being.

“But those hardships are usually solved if you have money! Money is the best!”

.... hmm.

Is there some kind of logic you can't help but understand?

“So I made a decision when I was young. I want to become a merchant. I will save up a lot of money and live a life that is not sad.”

“That's why you became a merchant.”

“Money is good. Because money neither betrays nor bullies. 7

“Oh? That's right.”

What about it? money is my friend As long as you have money, you are not lonely.

“uh? By the way, where is the escort that accompanied Sahib Kehil?”

It wasn't until they talked to the fullest that she suddenly realized that Seina wasn't there.

“Ah~ I was away for a while because I had other business. don't worry. It will be nearby.”


For some reason, she glanced near the door outside the tavern.

“So why did you want to meet me in person? You don't think it's normal, do you?”

“Umm, if it’s to talk to satisfy my curiosity as a merchant… I wouldn’t believe it.”

Since the suggestive effect had been removed earlier, the only thing that lightened her mouth was alcohol.

At some point, she must have been taking a sneak peek at me, wary of me.

“...Not just another merchant, but from Arnil Firm... He's also quite a high-ranking person. He also brings an escort. What's the business of such a person to me like this'?”

“There are two things. One, I was curious about who the wild kid who thought of selling his eyes was.”

I said, extending one finger.

The wild kid pricks up his ears.

Then he brought out the second item, another one.

“And to tell you this.”

I finally figured out why I called her.

“Don't you want to try your hand at a bigger business at a bigger business than that dirty business?”

At this time, she no longer touched the glass and could not move a finger in a daze.

dirty overture.

You understand the meaning of what I have compared.

What I am saying now is an explicit warning and suggestion.

To abandon the current trading company and move to the Arnil Company.

“If you're being used by them like that, you'll end up being abandoned.”


She will already know what I'm talking about.

The drunkenness had already run away, and the complexion returned to normal.

did you say I know everything.

How will I look to her now?

that only she knows

* * *

Accepting the offer right away is an unreasonable request.

After saying that I would hear the answer later, I got up first.

While I'm leaving, she's thinking about it without saying anything.

It means you got it right.

As soon as we came out, Seina walked out of the alley near the tavern as if she had waited beforehand.

“Is it over?”

“The main point has been conveyed. What about you? Are you done?”

“I've also sorted out the general outline.”

Seina shrugged and pointed towards the alley.

You know what's there without even looking.

These are the guys sent by the merchant.

Any superior has its own strength to use its fists.

Did I look suspicious?

Or was he monitoring her or the lower end merchants?

It doesn't matter either way, but Seina sneakily arranged it in advance so as not to interfere with the conversation.

Doesn't seem to have killed anything.

“It’s pretty outrageous. Are you going to ask for a price later?”

“No, you don't have to. Leave those bastards alone.”

I didn't know it, so please take a look at it.

However, if you continue to attack, there is no relentlessness after that.

“...Could it be that you were trying to bring that female merchant into the company?”

“Then what would it be?”

avert one's eyes

What do you mean?

” if??????

“no. Absolutely not.”

I don't even have to listen to what this idiot is thinking.

Would I dare to come to a place like this and seduce a woman?

At first, I didn't even know she was a woman.

It just seems like a waste to rot in a place like this, so I'm considering scouting for the Arnil Chamber.

That's all.

“Even otherwise, Uncle Lichen seemed to want the right talent. I just thought it might be a good opportunity.”

Truly I am a wonderful nephew. Is not it?

“Was that beast, a mixed-race girl, like that?”

“His resourcefulness and keen eye are at a level where he can earn his own living. But I’m not the type to easily lose money anywhere.”

Intuition is probably higher than others.

But it was in a different way that I noticed her.

“I might be able to use my own imagination.

If I teach properly on a large scale, I will do my part?”

At least if my eyesight is correct.

“Even so, are you not an outsider? I don't think I can take him away that easily.”

“are you okay. Anyway, from our conversation a little while ago, I realized that she doesn't have good feelings for the company she's currently dealing with.”

It's easy to turn your back at any time if you're not loyal to the company you're dealing with.

It is true that he is hesitating at this stage.

It is not something that can be moved freely just because you want to be right.

Even if it succeeds, if it is the opponent's strategy, there are many cases where only the sweet water is sucked up and discarded.

When that time comes, you can't go back.

If that happens, your life as a merchant is over.

It is difficult to gain the trust of customers, but what is more difficult to obtain is the trust of partners.

Will he be able to transfer the company until he breaks it?

I deliberately gave him a reprieve to give him time to think about it.

“Which one is more right? You should be able to judge that much for yourself.”

“aha? Is it like that? Hmm...

However, even after hearing my explanation, Seina didn't seem to understand everything.

“why? Do you still have any questions?”

“It’s nothing. Did Arel-sama have a reason to step in? It seems to me that there was absolutely no need for that.”

“That's right.”

That's right.

I don't know if it was in the past, but now I don't have to personally pick up talent.

Even scouts that you don't even have to do there.

Seina must have thought that was strange.

“Actually, isn’t Arel-sama not very interested in the business of selling snow?”

“....yes. I'm not particularly interested in such trifles.”

He groaned and admitted the truth.

As Seina pointed out, there was no particular merit in the snow business.

That's right, it's just a child's stroke.

It was clear that it was a Hancheol business.

Still, why did I pay attention to this case?

“I’ll give you a quiz. Guess.”

” yes?”

“Did the Daesanghoe really pay attention to it and offer a direct contract just because a single merchant sold it with their eyes? And will you keep an eye on it so thoroughly?”

“Uh... uh... I'm not sure.”

Seina, who was obtuse with the merchants' logic, couldn't think of the right answer.

“Isn’t that what business is like? I just think that if you sell good things, you trade in moderation.”

“A neighborhood market…?”

However, what Seina was thinking was a vague perception.

It's not entirely wrong.

“It’s not like that. However, snow is not an attractive product at all for merchants above a certain size to pay attention to.”

Best of all, it won't last long.

“Nevertheless, the company does not bother to bring in snow. And even though it's an unfair profiteering contract, that kid can't resist at all. Even when I'm only going to meet that boy, the merchant directly sends friends like that. Obviously strange, right?”

“Huh? When I heard it, it was really….

After hearing it, Seina also noticed this sense of incongruity and was perplexed.

Why did I bother to go to the merchant myself and openly ask for information and upload the medicine?

He must have realized that the series of actions was a little unnatural.

“Could it be on purpose?”

“Yeah, I deliberately moved openly.”

did you say I have no interest in selling snow or scooping water.

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