
Chapter 199:

Chapter 199:

"The missing advance scouting party has also returned safely, with no one injured"

"Furthermore, the Emperor of Dragonia has been revealed to be the unmarried daughter of the Lionheart King of the Ten Thousand Gods Temple, who is emerging as a universal icon"

Contact with another world, the first since the myriad gates occurred, and the news that the ruler of the beyond is Leon\'s only biological child.

The entire world, not to mention the United States, had reported this, and they were expecting contact with the new world, but

"The Empire of Dragonia intends to refrain from contact with Earth for the time being."

Taking the podium, the Otherworldly Emperor, Karina Dragonia, crushed their hopes.

"What does that mean?"

"Literally. Do not paraphrase my words."

"Why is that? Surely the exchange between the Empire and the United States will lead to progress on both sides"


Karina laughed out loud at that.

"I have no intention of making this king\'s empire a colony of Earth."

"Shi, colonization, you misunderstand!"

"You won\'t be able to take it by force, because I\'m here, but culture, politics, economics, it\'s all poison."

Some understood what he meant. The logic of poor third-world countries becoming economic and cultural colonies of great powers has been proven time and time again.

"So recognize me not as Emperor of Dragonia, but as Archduke Dragonia of Lionheart. I have come to this world solely to help King Lionheart."

That was the end of Karina\'s statement.

Even the gate to Washington, D.C., was removed by Karina and Beatrice, meaning that the United States would no longer be able to interfere in the world beyond the gate for the time being.

"We\'re going to have to put the deliver democracy\' plan on hold, even though it was a temporary plan."

Mr. Hobson reversed his momentary course, disappointed with his aides\' report.

"Well, let\'s get on with the celebration of the heroes who solved the crisis in Washington it\'s Christmas, after all."

In any case, the stock market recovered, and Washington\'s plummeting real estate calmed. President Hobson hoped there would be no more big events like this in his term.

* * * *

A suite at the Intercontinental, a luxury five-star hotel in the heart of Washington. The U.S. government had given away the entire top floor for publicity, and Karina was taking in the night view.

"This is a very developed city, I never thought I\'d see anything like it."

"They are lowlifes, not favored by the gods. They may clothe themselves in splendor, but their hearts are not at rest."

Leon despised crony capitalism and unaccountable democracy. For him, human greed is an unaccountable desire.

The problem was always those who wanted more than they needed, when all they had to do was pat themselves on the back, do what they wanted, and enjoy what they had.

"That\'s why they\'ve made such remarkable progress."

Karina had a different take, but she didn\'t hide her cold wariness.

That\'s why she closed the gate between the Empire and the United States.

Of course, she doesn\'t intend to close the gates completely. They will use it to travel to the Empire, and once Karina knows enough about the planet, they will acquire the technology.

Of course, all of that will be done at her discretion.

"Is everything okay, by the way?"

"What do you mean?"

"Your empire. Are you sure you\'re okay with coming here like this?"

Karina had laid aside her power after the courtship shenanigans in Dragonia.

More like temporarily put it aside because no matter what the nobles think, Karina has the absolute power to seize the throne at any time.

"I am still their emperor. I have no intention of giving up the throne."

Even so, the absence of an emperor would cause them great turmoil.

"And this is a test."

"A test?"

"By nature, the Empire is run by bureaucrats, not me. I was a monarch who ruled, not governed."

"You\'re not wrong, Lionheart was like that. But"

The Otherworld is not like Lionheart.

The nobles are noble, the knights protect the freemen, and the freemen serve them and pay taxes because it\'s their duty to do so.

But this world lacks this natural sense of coexistence. People talk about Noblesse Oblige, but they are often corrupt, greedy, and unwilling to do their duty.

Lionheart\'s superiority comes from its unwavering integrity and chivalry. Karina recognized this.

"I know. They\'ll probably fail, or more accurately, eat the country."

"Then why?"

"Because their failure will make the people wait for my return. I was a fearful emperor, but I was an emperor who did not fail."

And that, she adds, will also favor the spread of the faith of the dragon god Dragonia. Just then, something from her shadow lets out a coy chuckle.

[Cackle, it is said that foolish dwarves do not realize the value of something until they have lost it.]

Leon gave such a Dragonia a polite look and said.

"Doesn\'t sound like a bad strategy, did you come up with it?"

[Gee, you\'ve softened your tone, you didnt call me a lizard.]

"If you claim to be a god, you\'ll be one of the gods I\'ll worship, unless you\'re an evil one, in which case it\'s up to the dragon god to decide."

[It\'s up to me? You\'re saying it the hard way, that if you don\'t like it, you\'ll cut me down with a single blade.]


Leon did not deny Dragonia\'s speculation. Dragonia was pleased with his respectful demeanor, but he was still quite forgiving of the brash Leon.

[Well, that\'s good, Dragonia, this dragon god is the guardian of your daughter, so you can be a little more lenient.]

Dragonia was quite pleased with the deal.

From the humiliating offer of divinity from the arrogant gods, all he had to pay was the soul and body of one captured.

Of course, the souls of 30,000 Northern soldiers would be taxed, but in the grand scheme of things, it was a win for Dragonia.

"Your body now occupies the seat of the gods. You will cooperate with us in the destruction of these evil creatures."

[Needless to say, there are few things I abhor more than the gods themselves: those filthy shards of evil.]

Faced with a common enemy in demons, the Dragon King willingly joined the hands of the gods.

Karina turned to the Dragon King that dwelled in her heart.

"By the way, have you decided on a name for your divinity? You\'ll need a proper code to spread your faith."

[Cackle I\'ve got something in mind.]

Leon still didn\'t like the old wraith, but he made a distinction between that and the current circumstances.

"I will proclaim the new code of the gods at the Great Blessing Ceremony, but until then, finish your consultations with the gods."

[I know.]

"If you claim to be a god, show your subjects the love they deserve. The Code will be the bridge between the gods and the humans."

Leon shifted his gaze to Karina after giving her some advice.

"Karina, do you have any plans after this?"

"Yes, wellthere should be some proposals for Christmas."

There were no immediate plans for a celebration to commemorate the successful capture of the gate, but the leading economic and political organizations in the United States were interested in Lionheart and the Emperor of the Dragonia Empire.

When they returned to East Asia this time, there would be no telling when they would return, so there would be no shortage of people trying to get a good look at them.

"I suppose"

Leon started to say something and then repeated himself, his languid demeanor surprising to anyone who knew him.

Karina was puzzled by her father\'s demeanor.

Eventually, though, Leon said what he wanted to say.

"Then why don\'t you go on a date with this kingnay, with this father?"

Karina\'s eyes widened at the suggestion that Leon had made.

* * * *

In the run-up to Christmas, the Knights of the Burning Sword are excited at the prospect of spending the holidays in Washington.

While being a Knight of the Burning Sword is a similarly amazing and different experience wherever you go, the majority of the Knights that Leon formed on Earth are still students at the Academy.

They felt like they traveled halfway around the world when they went to America to capture the Gate, and now theyre spending Christmas there.

It\'s even better when they have the support of the U.S. government, which is so generous to each and every knight.

-Hands up for Disneyland!

-Disneyland is in California. It\'s the opposite of Washington.

-I want to go on a tour of Washington\'s Michelin restaurants!

-I want to go to Olympic National Park, and we\'re going to run around the park!

-I hear they have a million acres, but don\'t they have bears? What if my horse gets eaten?

-You can punch a bear with your finger.

-Natural monument. Jail time if you get caught.

Anyway, they had all kinds of plans right up until Christmas. For the seniors, this is their last winter as students.

They were going to have the best Christmas ever with the White House making accommodations, but

-Crack! Stand up straight, organism, that\'s all you can do.

The sharp steel wire crackles like a whip, creating a sense of intimidation.

The cute, minimalist spider robot swung the wire ferociously.

-A-37. Straighten up!

"Ah, yes!"

The boy straightened up at Yappy\'s command. Yappy turned his crimson infrared gaze to Chun So-yeon in the front row.

-The organisms are messed up because the organism captain is not standing straight. Straighten up.

"Uh-oh, okay."

Knight Commander Chun So-yeon tensed her posture, but as if to complain about something else, Yappys mechanical leg slapped Ha-ri\'s shin.

"Ouch, why are you hitting me?!"

-Dissatisfied, organism?


Dissatisfaction, a feeling that everyone in this room had, but didn\'t dare let out.

Like being dragged into the army, and no one being able to say yes! to the question, "Cadets, are you in the army now?

Another commonality is that the knights are technically soldiers.

-How long do we have to do this?

-I don\'t know, until the king tells us to stop?

Leon said in a cheerful voice as he watched them, admiring their military bearing and the way they moved at Yappy\'s command.

"How is it? I have brought up a bunch of ignoramuses who never had a shred of faith."

"I see."

Karina moderately countered Leon\'s boast.

It wasn\'t an empty statement. Leon had been in this world for over a year now.

The Knights of the Burning Sword were one of the most elite orders of knights two hundred years ago, but here on Earth, not a shred of faith could be found.

Leon\'s resourcefulness in raising a knightly order here and rebuilding thousands of Man-at-Arms was worthy of emulation by the Archduke of Dragonia.

"How did you raise an order of knights so quickly, when the labor involved in raising a single knight is no ordinary task?"

"The gods helped me. These are children who have not earned enough merit to be knighted."

Leon noted that the gods of the Temple of Ten Thousand Gods were unusually willing to connect directly with the knights, and that the ordination ceremony had been conducted so quickly that it was unimaginable for Lionheart.

"Certainly that way, we\'ll be able to get quality troops quickly, even if they\'re not at the level of full knights."

Of course, it would require the favor of the Gods, who were all too cooperative with the Lionheart King.

"So much is possible for a king as beloved as I am."

Hearing Leon boast, Karina stifled a giggle that escaped her.

He was not the sort of man to brag about what he had or borrow the authority of the gods to elevate himself.

He was simply a faithful worshipper who took pure delight in the fact that he was an agent of the gods, and in all the love they did for him.

To boast of it to his daughter was a pleasure, as it seemed to signify a slight relaxation from the urgency of the past.

This is the kind of man the gods must love.

"Those four are special, though. They all have their own holy objects, and did I mention Han Ha-ri and Chun So-yeon? I\'m honestly surprised."

"Yes, they are talented and deserving of the gods\' favor. Did you know, it was the Moon Priestess who decided to pass on the holy relics to them?"

"Aunt Isabelle was ah then, when the king was preparing for the final war."

Karina had heard speculation that the Gate was a giant archive of past events.

The last fight of the Lionheart, her own departure from the Lionheart and return and the last fight of the Lionheart.


She wondered what it would have been like in real life, if she had done the same thing, and the Lionheart King hadn\'t had to fight so long alone.

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