
Chapter 55: Testing

‘This place is a dump.’

‘No state-of-the-art training facilities, no medical lounge.’

‘The cafeteria…is that a cafeteria? Why are they all huddled together drinking water?’

A guild’s building is a symbol of the organization.

Look at the ornate buildings in the center of Seoul of the Ten Guilds.

The Firebird Guild, one of the top ten guilds, had a 100 billion won building as its headquarters, with numerous training facilities in the basement.

Chen So-yeon, who grew up in the number one guild in Korea, the Divine Sword Guild, knows all too well what a building needs.

For starters, they needed a facility for training hunters, a medical center, and a cafeteria. And where would the office staff sit?

“Ms. Ha-ri, here’s some corn, you can go and steam it.”

“Oh, thank you.”

“It’s included in the tribute, so I’ll give it to the king.”


They pass by farmers stacking their crops in their warehouses with a taxation system that they don’t understand.

“Lord Yappy…is this really all there is?”

-Need more salt?


The group of cadets stare at the salt-laden water in their glasses that appears to be the meal.

“This is the ‘soldier’ training ground, folks.”

“Aaahhhh! Die! Die!”

“Fuck you until you bleed!”

They were fighting with bare hands and almost no clothes on.

A week ago, news broke that the Ten Thousand Gods Guild had received a new batch of trainees.

The news was that all of the first-grade cadets had advanced in rank, and the competition for the 100 second-grade cadets was so intense that the ratio was 85:1.

The 100 low-level Hunters who had beaten the odds were shaking their fists at each other, ready to kill.

“I, I… Senior Ha-ri, what is that training?”

No, could that be called training?

It was like a battle royale where you had to destroy everything in sight.

“Huh, training.”


“His Majesty the Lionheart King has a very profound intention for you to experience…No, it’s not. The Knight Training Manual says it’s different, so you can read it here…….”

“I, I’m out of here, I need to get away from this crazy place!”

“Hmm, is everyone here?”

It was then that Leon appeared from behind the cadets. At his appearance, all the cadets stopped.

“”Welcome, Your Majesty!””

The politeness of the trainees, who had been beating each other to a bloody pulp, was in some ways frightening.

“Today is the visit of the cadets of the Academy who are considering entering the gates of this king. Training will be suspended for the day.”

The trainees sat down in unison while Koo Dae-sung, Kim Do-han, and other first-generation trainees sat closest to the king, followed by the second- generation trainees.

The cadets naturally sit far apart, isolated in the middle of the training center.

“I, Ha-ri….”

Just as Han Soo-ho was about to say something, Ha-ri jumped up and moved the seats in the training center.

“Your Majesty, your seat is ready!”

Ha-ri prepared Leon’s seat like it’s a given.

“Hmm, how are Sir Yappy and Queen Beatrice doing?”

“Sir Yafi is clearing away the meal, and the Queen hasn’t left her chambers, but she said she was getting ready to go out…….”

“Then shouldn’t you, the handmaiden, go and help her?”

“… I am guilty.”

Ha-ri can’t say that she couldn’t go because she had to change her maid’s clothes.

“You, too, stand there.”

“Um… yes?”

“You’re going to have to start training as a knight soon. How long are you going to stay at that level?”

“Uh, yeah!

Ha-ri sprinted off and stood in front of the cadets.

“I will select a jade stone from among you and make him a seed. Those chosen will be tutored and taught by this king himself, and will bring honor to our organization.”

It’s still awkward looking down from this high, but the cadets seem to understand.

“I, Your Majesty, will I be able to learn the Holy Laws if I become your squire?”

Kim Jae-hyuk ranks in the top three in terms of skill among the cadets gathered here so he was naturally confident that he would be selected.

“The Holy Law can be taught to anyone. However, it is only by the grace of the gods that any of you are qualified to use it.”

“The Book of the Ten Thousand Gods…….”

In short, if you want to learn the Holy Law, you have to convert first.

The cadets are familiar with the gods of Leon’s world thanks to the Ten Thousand Gods YouTube channel.

Leon thought most of them would choose the God of War and Flame. In any case, the cadets were attracted by Leon’s demonstration of the Holy Law.

-I saw it on YouTube, and it was amazing.

-What about the fact that he just empowered the whole army? How the hell did he do that?

This is the most media-savvy generation so they’ve come to know what the Ten Thousand Gods Guild is all about and what Leon has done.

-But it looks like they edited the videos. The camera work is so perfect.

– They say he’s stronger than an S-class, but is that true? Isn’t there a little bit of bullshit in there?

-The big demon he killed looked like he was a mess, but isn’t he supposed to be weak?

Ha-ri was dumbfounded by what he heard.

Even a good-natured Ha-ri would be furious at such a stupid thing. How can they be so immature?

An Archdemon is a catastrophe that, upon its appearance, puts the government…no, all governments on the continent on high alert and, if necessary, dispatches their own S-rank hunters to eliminate it in advance.

Have they forgotten that the Archdemons that have appeared so far have been able to wipe out whole cities?

“It’s Soo-ho.”

“Eh, big sister?”

“Soo-ho, you can’t be impolite to His Majesty, I’m just saying this because I’m really worried as your sister.”

“……I can see that.”

Ha-ri was worried that Soo-ho, who had grown up like a brother to her in the orphanage, had picked up some bad habits while he was away.

She couldn’t imagine the Lionheart King looking the other way just because he was a rambunctious adolescent boy.


Chen So-yeon and Kim Jae-hyuk also heard the warning and her warning made them both a little nervous.

“We’ll have to see what you’re capable of first. Bring your swords to the fight.”


The cadets looked puzzled at Leon’s words since he didn’t give them time to adjust.

“The time limit is…yes, until the last one is down. Oh well, you’re not going to die anyway. The Holy Grail will heal your wounds.”

The Hunters, who had been in full training before the cadets arrived, shuddered but their bodies had already regenerated ‘without a scratch’.

“Ah, no, wait, what does that mean-”

No way? Really? That uneasiness turned to certainty when Leon landed in the middle of the cadets, his steps as light as a breeze.

“About forty of you, I hope you at least made it to this king’s body.”

In the next moment, there was an enormous surge of power that was enough to make the more sensitive among the cadets doubt their senses,


Immediately after Ha-ri’s voice rang out, Leon’s finger shot to the forehead of one of the cadets. A flick of the finger, and──


The cadet who was hit in the forehead was knocked back with full force and bounced like a fan baseball but the huge aftermath swept the cadets in the straight line together.

* * * *

The cadets of Hunter Academy are the elite of the Hunter world.

Among the growing number of Awakened, they awakened at a young age, and by the time they reach their senior year, they are already battle-hardened.

They’re used to dealing with monsters, and they have the safety guidance of their professors, who are also high-ranking Hunters, but there are several who have cleared the orange gate.

“We… didn’t hesitate, did we?”

Kim Jae-hyuk couldn’t believe what was happening in front of him and so did Han Soo-ho.

“At first, we all panicked, but we immediately raised our weapons and fought…….”

Han Soo-ho catches the real sword that his classmate was wielding between his fingers and at the same time, they saw Leon slamming the sword’s owner to the ground.

He was too strong.

The cadets never took unarmed opponents lightly and the attacked cadet didn’t hesitate to swing his sword at the instinctive stinging sensation.

However, even with the sword and its unique skill, it can’t even move away from the spot, let alone reach his body.

“What kind of monster is that…….?”

Chen So-yeon, who was holding her own sword, didn’t dare to charge at Leon. Her feet felt heavy, as if she was dueling with her grandfather. No, judging from the momentum, it might be more than that.

Chen So-yeon had been raised to be the successor of the number one guild in the country, the Divine Sword Guild. Under the tutelage of Chen Jin-soo, the so-called Berserker, she had more practical experience than her senior, Ha-ri.

But she has never seen a monster that can overwhelm Hunters with its momentum alone, without even moving from its spot.

“Kids, don’t just rush in.”

Han Ha-ri had gotten away early and was waiting for an opportunity and Han Soo-ho replied.

“Sister… Do you think you can win?”

“No, it’s impossible. He hasn’t even summoned the holy sword, let alone his horse.”


Soo-ho wanted to say something else, but Ha-ri naturally gave the cadets instructions. Being the oldest and an A-rank Hunter wasn’t for nothing.

“Do you remember the joint gate attack in the second and third grades? Just like the boss raids back then?”

“Sis…but don’t you think it’s a bit unfair to treat people as boss monsters?”

In response to Soo-ho common sense tackle, Kim Jae-hyuk pointed his finger at Leon.

“Soo-ho, don’t you think he’s worse than a boss monster?”


“I agree.”

“So-yeon, even you…….”

Chen So-yeon frowned at the tingling sensation from earlier and agreed with Ha-ri’s plan.

“Hurry up, senior. I don’t think it’ll take more than a minute for us to be wiped out.”

Then it happened.

Among the cadets being swept away like leaves in a gust of wind, a hulking cadet charged at Leon, holding a mace.

The large cadet’s skin was as hard as steel.


Unique Skill Iron Skin, a skill that hardens the skin of the entire body, eliminating the need for armor.



The cadet collapses and vomits up what he ate this morning, and Leon kicks his tongue.

“You’re so weak, you trusted your skills too much and neglected to train.”

His armored skin shattered like glass with a snap of Leon’s fingers and the cadets couldn’t believe it.


Ha-ri’s shout sends Soo-ho and Jae-hyuk running. Jae-hyuk, a spearman, and Soo-ho, a shield swordsman, attacked at the same time.

Of course, the difference in reach between fingers and spears is incomparable so Jae-hyuk and Soo-ho don’t rush in and attack from out of Leon range.

“It’s a solid, standard attack but you’re overconfident based on the difference in length of our weapons.”

Leon snaps his fingers. The same finger flick as before but the difference was that he hit a spear instead of flesh.


The spear pole snapped and bounced upward.

“What power?!”

Leon’s fist stretches out toward the defenseless Jae-hyuk but in a moment of desperation, Soo-ho instinctively raises his shield to protect Jae-hyuk.



What Leon did was simple. He threw Soo-ho’s shield straight up into the air.

He slipped his left arm through the handle of the shield, and Soo-ho was sent flying through the air.

Simply grabbing a shield and throwing a person into the air?

“Is he even human…….?”


Soo-ho flew in the air for a moment before falling down and Leon tapped him with his foot to help him up.

“Come on, get up. You’re not tired already, are you?”

“Oh, no!”

Soo-ho scrambled to his feet, and the two of them clashed, parrying Leon’s blows but his unreasonable physical strength overwhelms them both.

“Jae-hyuk, what should we do? He’s a monster!”

“Do you get it now?!”

A shadow leaps from Leon’s back.

“Your Majesty, brace yourself!”

Ha-ri leaps in the air, increasing his momentum, her sword is aimed at Leon’s defenseless head, but──


He caught the blade with one hand.

“……Doesn’t that hurt your palm?”

“I thought you said it was a big move.”

Ha-ri replies with an embarrassed look at Leon’s point.

“You know my skills, right?”

At that moment an explosion erupted as the flames that had been compressed around the blade burned through the air and shot directly at Leon.

It was an application of Beatrice’s compression of power from earlier. But──

“The God of War and Flame protects me. Fire cannot hurt me.”

Leon didn’t even get a scratch on his palm, let alone a burn. The difference in physique preceded the difference in power. But then──

The sound of iron grinding against iron came from Leon’s palm as Ha-ri had pulled her sword out of his grasp.

‘I may not have your power, but I didn’t waste it.’

She had talent, after all. With the sword free, Ha-ri stabs the fire-encased blade at full speed.

“I thought I told you fire doesn’t work.”

Still, she didn’t hesitate and Leon’s eyes widened.

Reflected in her pupils a sword and a spear glowed with an eerie light.

At the same time as Ha-ri’s stabbing, Kim Jae-hyuk and Han Soo-ho attacked without missing a beat.

In other words, the fire was meant to draw Leon’s attention but Ha-ri hadn’t expected that Leon would see Jae-hyuk and Su-ho in her eyes at that moment.

‘That’s a good combination, but….’

It was obvious. Moreover, if Leon dodges, they will collide with each other.

He was about to step aside half a pace, hoping for a collision when a sharp foreboding flashes through Leon’s mind.

‘There’s another one?’

A frenzy of magic erupts as the hairs on the back of Leon’s neck stand on end and a deadly bullet was fired.

Chen So-yeon sword specializes in stabbing and her thrusts were also an art form in themselves.

The flashing blade was aimed precisely at Leon’s retreating gap.

“Not bad.”

Leon’s voice was heard even by the fallen cadets in the corner before they were swept away by the onslaught, their eyes widening as they focused solely on the tip of the blade.

“Realize that there is an ‘overwhelm’ that renders all your finesse and coordination useless.”


He caught the stabbing sword with his hand, not even looking at the flash of light from the square.

Is that even possible, without having eyes in the back of his head?

Leon held Ha-ri’s blazing sword in his left hand and So-yeon’s flashing sword in his right and his palms tightened as a terrible crunching sound of metal was heard.

In the next moment, even Soo-ho and Jae-hyuk weapons, which had arrived in the space of 0.7 seconds, were shattered by Leon.

“Low-grade material made just by hammering away at it instead of capturing the energy of the stars? You should arm yourself properly.”

Leon’s hands were still intact after having smashed the weapons of four people in an instant.

“What the…….”

He actually smashed a weapon made of spirit stones with just his strength?

“Is…Your Majesty…a human?”

“Pardon me. I am a demigod.”

They knew he was strong, but this kind of power is beyond their imagination.

Leon’s icy gaze fell on the four of them as the two failed to capitalize on a golden opportunity and Ha-ri cautiously raised her hands.

“Ha, surrender?”

“How can you surrender already, when your limbs are still intact?”

“Does that mean…?”

“If you want to be treated like a soldier.”

Ha-ri shakes his head in exasperation, she has no intention of having salt water for her meals.

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