
Chapter 399 Gravity Mage Tisha

The Lich moved its magic catalyst and tried to cast some spells in response within the two-second delay between the spell activation and when its effects set in.

Almost a dozen projectiles of varying elements, dark light, flame, and earth, along with some wooden vines shot out of the ground and towards the caster of the spell.

Unfortunately, the increased effect of gravity in the area, not only slammed the lich into the ground with enough force to crater a hole in it, but also bent all the magical light, redirected the trajectory of his flames, turned the earthen projectiles to dust, and snapped the wooden vines in half.


Such was Yetu's reaction as he watched this while throwing out two more 'Titan Punches', before picking up his great sword and saying.

"You can study my skill later, after we kill our respective opponents."


The woman, Tisha responded with a low hum, before turning to the lich that was trying to get to its feet despite the increased effect of gravity on the area it was in.

Her eyebrow raised as she lifted her foot, filled it with magic power before stomping it back on the ground, with a three-ringed magic circle momentarily manifesting before shattering into pieces of light.

"Did becoming an undead make you dumber or something? How on Aidos did you plan to cast a third-tier spell without me noticing, especially when you're under the effect of my magic?"

Tisha shook her head as she spoke, however, the expression on her face changed into one of pure shock when she noticed that below the magic circle she had shattered, was another magic circle of a similar element.

"Son of a-!"


A large explosion rang out, sending up a cloud of smoke into the air, with the effects of Tisha's gravity magic on the lich dissipating right after.

[Tsk…damned woman.

But that gravity magic…she's the one who the reports say took out Beg'dikeec.]

It seems that the lich with the strange name that Tisha had defeated during Operation Synchro had a very high position among the liches of the Eighth finger's army.

On a side note, the liches here were just a few that the Eighth finger lent to Vazgan as the Dullahan King wasn't exactly in control of any himself.

It was also a small sign that the Eighth Finger definitely had designs on this battlefield today, but that was a matter for later in the day.

The teeth of the unnamed lich clattered as it activated multiple magic of different attributes, followed by its magic catalyst glowing with an eerie dark light.

Sadly, its spell casting was not completed as a voice rang out a few seconds earlier than the lich had predicted.

"Reverse Gravity."


The spell was self-explanatory, and its effect wasn't hard to guess.

The gravitational pull of the area within a 100-metre radius of the lich was reversed, causing both the lich and all the other random undead nearby to be unceremoniously sent flying into the air.

"Grounded Embrace.

Gravity Haul.

Delay Magic;

Pyro Salvo

Witch's Moon blade."

[Instant Quintuple Casting?!!]

Despite being flung into the air, the lich was still continuing with its spell casting, however, it could not hold back its shock when it heard and sensed five peak Tier 2 spells being simultaneously activated at the same time.

Its opponent did not give it time to showcase its spellcasting prowess, with the lich cursing as it noticed that three of the four spells were meant for it.

Just as the effects of Grounded Embrace set in on the surrounding undead and slammed them back on the ground, a projectile of condensed gravitational force slammed into its arm that was about to grab its magic catalyst, pulling it by the arm in the direction of the caster.

The lich tried to take offensive action by launching the multiple spells it had activated towards the direction it was being pulled towards.

However, emphasis should be placed on the word, 'tried'.

A hand covered in eerie deep purple magic power shattered through the multi-layered magic barrier that the lich managed to cast and grabbed its skull.

The hand gripped the skull tightly, with tendrils of purple lightning snaking around the owner's entire arm, followed by a slight cracking noise as the Lich's thick skull actually cracked.


Sensing life-threatening danger, the lich released a burst of pure death attributed magic power, knocking back the owner of the arm that cracked its skull and dying a part of the sky pitch black.

"Tsk…death energy.


Tisha spoke up as she saw the wisps of black smoke that snaked around her arm, as if trying to force its way into her body through the slightest opening it could get.

Despite the point-blank explosion, she had received earlier, the woman was relatively unharmed, save the few scratches and patches of dust and smoke on her face and robes.

Such small scratches should have already been healed with her grandmaster-level regenerative capabilities, but due to the influence of the death energy of the lich, the wounds were not healing yet.

Of course, that was if she didn't do anything about it.

"Cleans all which is impure.

Purifying Light."

An orb of magic light manifested behind her and began increasing in concentration until it built up into a large sphere.

All the wisps of death energy around her were forcefully dissipated, after which the sphere of light was released in a large column of light that shot forwards to clash with the incoming darkness spell from her opponent.

[Dark Capriccio!]

The finished its chant with a scream, with a three-ringed magic circle of dark light manifesting underneath its floating magic catalyst.

A mass of darkness consisting mostly of horror-stricken faces, emerged from the circle and swirled around its body, becoming more and more condensed before then launching forward as a concentrated beam towards Tisha.

Bone-chilling screams rang out from the mouths of the horror-stricken faces as the two beams of light and darkness collided in the sky.

"Delay Magic; Activate.

Pyro Salvo

Witch's Moon blade."

Tisha murmured in a low voice, with the lich's red inferno sights growing larger in shock as although it could not see or hear her murmur, it instantly realised what she had done.

[The time she held my skull!]

Simultaneously as it spoke, an ice-cold blue magic great sword was conjured right above its head and delivered a sweeping blow that launched multiple blade-like projectiles of frost towards the lich.

The projectiles all landed clean hits, shattering some of the lich's sturdy bones and causing the crack on its skull to spread out even more.

Even so, it held back its annoyance and deployed a barrier of magic to block the spear of bright red flames that shot towards it from behind, while still firing the beam of darkness towards Tisha.

Unfortunately, deploying a barrier, was exactly what Tisha wanted it to do, as the spell she had cast was one that showed its true power after colliding with a surface.

Upon impact with the barrier, the flaming spear burst into multiple trails of fire that circled around the semi-circular barrier and hit the lich faster than it could react.


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