
Chapter 996 995: Night 'Chats'*

Chapter 996 995: Night \'Chats\'*

Sinking comfortably into her muscular body, I ignored how she swiftly slid her hand into my shirt and yanked off my bra, the Demoness wanting to feel me directly instead of through my clothing, her need for me warming my heart just like it did all the times before this.

"Yes, I think we could make something like this back in the Empire. But again, the problem would be finding a spot that is worth constructing a place like this. We wouldn\'t want just any view, now would we? And that means finding a plot of land that is worth the effort, and then planning out the architecture and getting the materials."

"Gods, you\'re so sexy when you get all mature like this~! I love it so~ much~!"

The teasing tone she took made me raise a brow, but I ignored her as she leaned over me and gave me a kiss, her fingers digging into my breast as she enjoyed herself, the sweetness of her saliva tasting even better after all the desserts from before.

On the opposite lounge chair, Anput and Leone were already far ahead of us, the Jackalkin laying back and staring blissfully at the stars as the Vampire Princess eagerly sucked on her cock, the two of them completely naked already and enjoying the nip in the air.

Our tongues danced together for a few seconds before Jahi pulled away and began to strip, gesturing for me to do the same after she glanced over at the other two and saw what they were doing.

"How\'s it feel to be back, Anput~? And is it fun to be having sex in your childhood room~? I bet~ you used to dream about doing this all~ the time, didn\'t you~?"

Turning to stare at Jahi, Anput rolled her eyes even as she replied "More times than I care to admit... It\'s embarrassing how often I used to be overjoyed at the letters you both sent. Mother made fun of me far too many times because of it..."

"Oh? So you weren\'t just~ imagining being my woman, but also looking at Leone the same way~? I guess that would have made some sense since you\'re both people of importance. I just have to wonder though..."

As she was speaking, Jahi grabbed her cock and pulled me down towards it, the Demoness expecting a blowjob but instead getting her penis submerged between my breasts, causing her to raise her brow before returning to her chat with Anput.

"Who would have been married to who between the two of you~? Leone\'s the youngest, you\'re the oldest, so logically the Princess would have been sent to the Sultanate, but... fuck sake... It would have been entirely possible to have you wed to Leone if the Empress decreed it that way."

We all looked down at Leone, who was blushing as she was held in place by a smirking Anput, the Vampire\'s mouth full of Caninekin cock while her own penis rubbed against the chair, its sheer size still something to behold even now.

"Oh, I dunno... Before I knew she had a monster~ like that under her dresses, I envisioned having her as my wife more often than not, and from some of the discussions that I had with Mom, it seemed that if I wanted to court her, I was likely one of the top candidates for her hand. Me, Draka, and a few others were the ones potentially aiming to make her our woman, and there were dozens of others waiting to become her women."

Finally releasing Leone after she slapped Anput\'s thighs, the Vampire blushed as she took a few breaths before saying "I-It w-wasn\'t set in stone..! I could have been the one to court you!", her red eyes narrowing slightly as she glared at the Jackalkin, who just smirked at her and replied "You? Courting me?"

The amusement in her voice and the way she was already guiding Leone back onto her cock made the Vampire\'s ears go red, but despite her opinion instantly being questioned she resumed giving Anput a blowjob, which only made the Jackalkin smirk more as she leaned back and slapped her knot against Leone\'s lips.

"No, Leone, it would have been me~ courting you, my love~! For this exact reason... You\'re gorgeous, elegant, smart and perfect as a woman~! It\'d be easier for me to court you than the other way around, and besides~!"

Pulling Leone away for just a moment, Anput covered the Vampire\'s face with her penis before guiding her down towards her knot, this time leaving the Vampire\'s mouth free as she instead said "I\'m far more dominant than you, and it wouldn\'t have worked between us if you were trying to take me as your woman. It\'s just how it is... now go ahead; bite me. I\'ve found that feeling to be so fucking great when I\'m pounding your thick ass..."

Jahi and I both raised a brow at how Anput smirked down at the Vampire, not pulling her punches at all and telling her straight to her face that they would have never been good together if Leone tried to take the lead, but as we watched Leone do just what was asked of her without any hesitation, the point just seemed to prove itself...

The Jackalkin let out a relieved sigh as Leone bit her inner thigh, her body shivering slightly as that liquid was pumped into her bloodstream and sucked straight into the nearest thing that needed a lot of blood; her erection.

"Interesting... never thought to do that before... but also, Anput, I have to ask... how often were you envisioning trying to steal Kat away from me~?"

I felt my breath hitch in my throat for a second as I looked at Anput, the \'confrontation\' from earlier still eating at me somewhat, but I got over it a second later and waited to hear her response.

She was leaning back and staring at the sky with half lidded eyes, but she managed to reply "Oh all the fucking time... such a prime candidate for a mate, such a perfect woman to make my wife? Gods above I used to think about that the most... and then I thought about how I could use it to leverage getting you as well~!"

Smirking over at us, Anput added "I also thought of the other way round often as well. I was going to find some herbs to induce a heat onto myself, seduce you, lead you away and steal you away~! Then by proxy I would get myself a sexy maid too~! Used to be quite the cunning, conniving bitch~!"

"Yes... you used to be rather... competitive and combative with me, didn\'t you? Trying to make me jealous of whenever you and Jahi were alone together..."

The thick cock between my breasts pulsed as I said that, and the Demoness chuckled as she said "Oh, when you both were at one another\'s throats for the smallest things~? I remember that well... it was a tad irritating too, honestly, but only because I was - and always will be - a greedy Demoness."

Leaning down, I gave that \'greedy Demoness\' some extra service as I began to suck on her cock as well, making her groan contentedly as she too leaned back and stared at the stars, enjoying herself immensely.

"Y\'know what... to hell with the view; I want a balcony now... This feels so great to not have it sometime down the line. A nice cool atmosphere to contrast the heat of your bodies... who wouldn\'t want this?"

"That\'s what I\'ve been saying, my love~! See~? It feels so damn good... Hey, Leone, turn around for me. Arch your back too... I\'ll give you what you want and then some~!"

"You too, Kat..."

I glanced over at Leone and smiled slightly at how the Vampire instantly did what Anput asked, raising her hips and wiggling her butt to entice the Jackalkin into taking her once again, not even trying to beat the Jackalkin\'s allegations from before.

Mirroring her, I moaned softly as Jahi slid inside without any forewarning, the Demoness just getting right to it as we began to make love beneath the stars, her penis finding its way straight into my womb and reminding me of just how thick and long she was.

My body accepted something so big so easily, and as I felt her press down on my lower back so that she could appreciate my curves even more, I looked over and caught Leone\'s eye, the two of us staring at one another as we gave our partners free rein of our bodies without any questions.

Anput was hammering Leone\'s pussy while Jahi took deep, rhythmic thrusts, but the outcome was the same either way; both of us were pleasured by our partners, and we both were used all night long, left on those lounge chairs as the two futanari alternated between using us for the entire night.

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