
Chapter 993 992: Questions

Chapter 993 992: Questions

I... really needed to get over this odd jealousy I had, but still, after what happened in the carriage when we were returning to the Empire and the odd feelings I had about the Dogkin servant, I wasn\'t willing to just let this rest for now, even though it only seemed to bring about negative emotions within myself.

Curiosity killed the cat was a saying I was beginning to understand intimately at the moment, and I really didn\'t want to leave this be since that would only eat away at me from inside each time I saw the woman.

"Kat, what exactly brought this on? I\'m not complaining or anything, and I had a good feeling that we\'d end up having sex here, but... you were way more enthusiastic and needy than normal, which again... I am NOT complaining about in the slightest~! Never have, never will~!"

Buckling her pants and smirking at me as I pulled up mine, Anput watched me and waited for an answer, which I gave her after a moment of hesitation, weighing the pros and cons before deciding to just be honest with her.

It was the best policy to follow, and it would keep things between us clear and above table, letting us both make the proper judgements that were needed for a healthy relationship to continue being healthy.

"I... I wanted to mark you, and I wanted you to mark me. I want to make sure that everyone we meet for the next few days can smell me on you and understand that you are my mate, and only my mate."

That made the Jackalkin raise a brow, though she kept quiet for a few moments as we finished getting dressed, eventually asking "Is... there a reason you need to have my pheromones refreshed now? Oh, you\'re still thinking about that plan of offering yourself at the arena, aren\'t you? Won\'t this just make that plan impossible, especially when it\'s MY scent clinging to your body?"

"Yes and no? For that last point, some people are driven by the desire to have something that they aren\'t supposed to have or something that belongs to someone else. And I was thinking of sticking to that plan since it would not only be an excellent way to harvest more Lust Mana, but we could also make a whole lot of money off of horny people\'s stupidity. But still, the real reason..."

I trailed off and took a deep breath, deciding that I really should just come out and say it now that we were here, alone, and in a position that we could discuss this without needing to worry about others butting in or drawing those people in if we did get a little... noisy.

"The real reason is because I wanted to make sure Yasmin could smell it."

"Yasmin? Why would you want to make sure she could smell my scent on you and vice versa?"

The genuine confusion on her face as she asked that made me feel relieved, that minuscule part of me that had worried there was perhaps something within her that did want her former servant to be more than just a servant finally being able to lay to rest now that I had seen her reaction.

"It\'s a stupid reason, really. I mean, tell me, when you look at her and then look at me, don\'t you think we\'re rather similar? Almost down to a tee in certain areas?"

"Similar..? What, curvy Dogkin who are servants to important people? I guess the maturity and how efficient and incredible you both are is the same too, and objectively you both have the same... \'archetype\' of beauty? Just where you\'re more seductive and coy, she\'s a bit more strict and innocent? I guess?"

"Yes, and do you see why I might just be a bit... I dunno, feeling like I need to mark my territory? Surface level only, are we not both exactly your type?"

"I feel like this is a trick question; a trap you\'re laying down for me to fall right into and use against me..."

She frowned and studied me closely, her obsidian eyes narrowing as she tried figure out if answering that \'dangerous\' question would have bad results, but when I said "I\'ll answer for you; we\'re both buxom Dogkin women with mature features and motherly aura\'s, but she\'s olive skinned and dresses \'looser\' than me while I have pale skin."

"Since you said it... yes..."

I nodded and stroked her arm before patting her shoulder as I added "Then can you see why I wanted to make sure you smelt like me? I don\'t want you waltzing around the Sultanate smelling suspiciously free of a mate, and I bet you feel the same way, don\'t you?"

Looking away from me for a moment, Anput murmured "Well, yeah, but still... that\'s different!", though when she looked back at me it was with a smile, which placed one on my lips for now.

"And Anput?"


"I also just wanted to ask... and please don\'t get angry with me, since you asked us all to not pry, but... I can\'t help but be curious if Yasmin was the Caninekin that Cali showed us in the carriage ride back to the Empire?"

And just like that, the smile that had been on her face disappeared, the Jackalkin turning away and walking towards the anvil to lift the cuffs from the horn before walking towards the door, making me bite my cheek as I watched her walk.

"If you knew and remembered that I asked you to not pry, why did you pry? If I wanted to talk about it, do you think I wouldn\'t say a word?"

Her voice was flat, and when she glanced back at me I had to hold back from biting through the flesh of my cheek as I swallowed down my emotions too, not really wanting to cry or get angry at something that I myself caused.

"Because I don\'t want you walking around carrying... whatever it is for however long you were planning on carrying it! It isn\'t healthy and it\'s-!"

"And it\'s MY problem, so I\'LL deal with it! Kat, I\'ve said it before; let\'s not argue about this, especially not now. I\'m finally back home, I\'m able to deal with this on my own... just leave it be, alright? Just leave it be..."

Anput opened the door and stepped outside of the room, looking both ways down the hallway before glancing back at me and gesturing for me to follow, her neutral face a far cry from the passionate warmth that had been on it a few moments ago; but, like I was well aware of, actions had consequences and this was the one action that I knew would have a consequence like this, yet I still took it...

Swallowing down any other words I might have wanted to say, I stepped out of the room as well before following the Jackalkin through the halls, the two of us remaining silent for the entire walk down, which had become another of those moments were time stretched yet folded at the same time; it felt like forever as we placed one foot in front of the other, but at the same time, it was over really quickly too, which only made it worse when we entered the main hall again and found everyone else seated around some tables, chatting.

My eyes lingered on Anput\'s side profile for a few seconds as I watched her don her usual smile, so I decided to do her this one courtesy as I too donned a mask of familiarity for the others even as Anput walked her separate way, keeping herself away from me.

My mate went ahead and took a seat amongst the pups, surprising them and joining in on their own game that they were playing, whilst I went and took a seat beside Jahi, finding comfort in the all too familiar, strong presence of the Demoness I was bound to in so many different ways.

She was in the middle of playing a game of mancala, the gorgeous blue and silver flat pebbles that they were using as pieces sliding from hole to hole as she slowly learned the game from none other than the Sultana herself, who sat across from us.

Jahi gave me a small smile before focusing on the board again, watching as the Sultana took her turn and began to gather up the various pebbles, before depositing them into her larger hole that acted as her \'home\'.

They were both quiet as they played, so I remained quiet beside them even as I glanced over at Anput, who was shuffling a deck of cards for the pups; I wanted to ask some questions, to speak my mind and express so many different emotions, but at the moment... speaking only felt like it would lead to more troubles, for all involved.

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