
Chapter 778 777: Shifting Tides

Chapter 778 Chapter 777: Shifting Tides

With the first of the two Deacon\'s now taken out of the fight, the sight of victory was looming ever closer as I scooped up my great sword and joined the two Demoness\' in clearing out the remaining Cultists on the main street of Nogart, which were proving to be rather tenacious little bastards in their own right.

An even mix of humans and other races, the Cultists were all equipped in navy blue robes that covered a silver cuirass and some bracers, which was attached to a leather shirt for further protection; they were decently armored for a Cult, suggesting that these were some of the \'elites\' of the Cult of Ambitions normal members.

Those who have proven themselves to be admirable warriors capable of surviving some pressing situations and dealing with some tough opponents.

Of course... whether or not those individual achievements would place them on the same level as some of the Legionnaires inside the Empire\'s Legions, but... in number, these Cultists were proving to be a good challenge as well, their weaponry and armor made from some sort of silver alloy that reacted well with their mana, which was above the average level by a good bit.

Strong, well equipped, deep reserves of mana, rather well versed techniques...

These were some good fighters, and as I grabbed my blade and stood up, I took a deep breath and smiled, looking forwards to further whetting my appetite with these juicy morsels before heading for yet another big bite.

My eyes moved from the various Cultists to the chanting mages surrounding the thin hooded man trying to weave together a spell or ritual of some kind, though considering the lightning shrouded fireballs that exploded against the mana dome around the Cultists above.

Fire illuminated the city in a harsh orange light, while the booming of thunder as lightning struck the dome as well layered a set of auditory and visual stimulus that threatened to capture your attention and made it far harder to hear or see anything else without being distracted.

Thankfully... I was already accustomed to rather flashy spells, since Leone and Kat were rather adept at wielding spells that were quite... large and intense, with wide range and incredible powers that always left me in awe at their abilities.

So I was able to dash forwards and capitalize on the brief moment of overstimulation that caused the Cultists in front of me - as well as Satanya and Luci, albeit to a lesser extent - to freeze for just a moment, but that moment was all I needed as I picked the blonde human man standing in front of Satanya and cleaved my great sword down, using this moment to cut the man in two and lower the difference between our side and theirs by one.

While my blade was on the rebound, Satanya\'s eyes widened before she launched herself to the side and skewered another Cultist in the throat, her serrated blade tearing through their flesh and almost completely severing his head from his body.

Pulling back, I stabbed forwards and caught the arm of a woman, drawing a scream out of her lips as she watched a large amount of her upper arm fall to the ground with a wet squelch, the flesh already greying as the Stygian Silver poison began to consume the leftover mana, just like that poison began to travel through her body and worm its way towards her Core.

Leaving her to suffer in her last moments, I looked up and stepped back as a spear lanced towards my stomach, trying to gut me with its barbed tip and avenge the two Cultists who had fallen to my blade already, but sadly for the Lizardkin woman who was glaring at me, she was no longer apart of the winning side.

Luci\'s needle dagger pierced the side of the Lizardkin\'s head, slicing through her brain and killing her instantly as she twisted the blade with a quick snap, giving me a curt nod before launching herself towards a new enemy, making me snort as I stood there with three bodies at my feet, their corpses still radiating heat as life seeped from their open wounds.

The tides of this battle shifted instantly, the addition of myself and the loss of Deacon Renama sealing the win for us as we began to battle the Cultists with an increased fervor, wanting to get through them to reach Deacon Fulbargn.

But, they were still tricky nuisances for us, and even with their numbers being reduced by four - thanks to the three that I had killed and the fourth that Satanya had killed - they were quick to recollect themselves and resume working together to face us, their numbers still greater than ours.

Eight Cultists glared at us as we flicked the blood of their comrades off our blades, and with a smirk I shot forwards again, my boots pounding against the cobblestone and mirroring the way my heart pounded in my chest, my body responding to my craving for more battle and amplifying the adrenaline high that I already had.

I thundered forwards and crashed into the mana shields of the Cultists without a care, my body encased in a brilliant golden light that absorbed the impact and allowed me to swing my sword horizontally, trying to catch as many of the Cultists as I could with that singular swing.

Sadly, I only managed to bisect one unlucky Cultist who reacted too slowly, cleaving them in half and showering the others in that unfortunates blood, though they had little time to comprehend what had just happened as Satanya and Luci joined me, sprinting around me and launching their attacks on the sides, trapping the Cultists between the three of us.

Raising my blade again, I swung down and shattered the thin longsword that an Elf tried to block my great sword with, surprising the man as the heavier dual metal sword continued to slice downwards, chopping through his head and splitting it in two before heading further into his body.

As the sword cleaved into the cobblestones, I released a hand from the hilt and summoned a golden dagger, parrying the spear that thrusted towards my neck before flicking my wrist towards the human responsible, nailing them in the brow and killing them too.

Down to six, the Cultists lost another two and were brought to four as Satanya and Luci killed one each, and those unlucky four were caught between us, our blades stabbing and slashing at them swiftly as we cut them down without hesitation, leaving no one alive from the Cult on this street besides Deacon Renama, who was bound and unconscious.

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