
Chapter 490 489: New Home, New Roommates..?

We made our way to the surface after dismembering the Magma Wyrm, harvesting an abundance of scales and spines from the monster, along with its bones and fangs, filling our packs to the brim with monstrous goodies for Anput and Leone to utilize in their hobbies, and for us to sell as well.

The mission itself paid us out around two dozen Gold coins and some Silvers, whilst the excess monster parts were haggled between the Guild\'s Receptionist and I; the previous one was gone, having apparently transferred and moved away to support her daughter in a quieter place and with her new lover.

This new Guild Receptionist wasn\'t as adamant with her prices as the previous, acquiescing to my demands much easier than before as I leaned on the counter, though I was certain that was because the woman sitting behind the desk was smitten with me, or at the very least lusting after me.

She was a pretty Elven woman with long ears that twitched or jumped constantly, each movement making them move in some way; as for the rest of her, she was an Elf.

Thin body with some supple curves that went for \'quality\' over quantity, golden blonde hair that was braided down her back, gentle features that could charm anyone, and dazzling forest green eyes that captured your gaze easily.

Though, I personally think that thin, innocent Elf was hiding a rather pervasive futa that wanted to indulge herself, but that was only because I gave her a little \'show\' of resting my chest on the counter as I gave her a price that was a bit above average value, and she agreed without hesitation, all whilst her green eyes flickered from my breasts to my face, trying hard to not stare noticeably.

So, with this being a battle of negotiation, I had no problem giving her that show and milking her for all the coin I could, making sure everything was believable and not large enough to get her fired or moved so that I could have a reliable \'piggy bank\' going forwards.

I mean, why wouldn\'t I use this to my advantage to get some more coin for each item?

I had the body for it, and the lack of \'dignity\' that some would scold me for, but I couldn\'t care about retaining some \'dignity\' if it meant easy coin; I had done worse in my previous life, so this was child play.

Besides, the annoyed gazes of my lovers from behind me made me smirk, letting me know that I would be getting a very in depth explanation on why I shouldn\'t do this, with the beginning lines being \'You belong to us\' as they demonstrated that en masse.

So, with a large pouch of Gold coins in each of our hands, we browsed the markets for a few minutes before making our way up to the Palace, where we would begin to review our fight against the Magma Wyrm and where we could improve.

For me, I had the desire to create some better defensive spells to combat gaseous attacks and hotter attacks, as well as a more pressing urge to experiment some more with the my skills and level them up if possible.

I imagine that Anput is more so thinking about forging some weapons and armor from those materials, especially since she said she had a gift for me; a gift she has yet to give to me, I realized...

Glaring at the Jackalkin, I pinched her waist as we walked, making the woman hiss in pain before glaring at me, asking "What the hell was that for?!"

"Hmph! Where\'s my gift? Hmm? You promised me a gift, didn\'t you? So where is it?"

Her obsidian eyes were blank for a moment before she opened her mouth, only to close it as she looked away.

"It\'s uh... not ready yet. I needed to get some finishing touches done, but... well, yeah..."


I gave her a dry look before letting out another \'hmph\', making my way over to Leone and hugging her arm to my chest, leaning into her.I think you should take a look at

Making my mate even more jealous was always a fun game to play, as her other unfulfilled promise to mate all day long was still there, waiting to be done...

Jahi grinned as she \'comforted\' the Jackalkin, whispering something to her as they walked side by side, the two eventually grinning mischievously together, staring at me.

I sauntered beside Leone, amusing the two even more as I cast a knowing glance back at them, before coyly looking up at the blushing Vampire as I whispered "How did you want to join us, Leone~? Shall this \'humble\' maid service you, or are we both providing service to the Mistress~?"

Licking her lips, she looked me over before glancing back at the other two, muttering "I... I t-think I\'ll join you..?"

I nodded, and I pulled her along quicker as we rushed towards our room, the other two matching our pace as we prepared to indulge first; that seemed to be a problem we all had, despite the others teasing me about being \'hedonistic\'...

Weren\'t they just as insatiable as I was?!

Reaching our room, I opened the door before freezing, finding a rather large \'party\' lounging around in our room.

The Marquess, the Countess, the Empress, Mother, Lady Lorelei, Lady D\'Arcon, Monica, Nirinia...

Leone and I froze as we stared at the large cluster of people, before Anput and Jahi stopped behind us, staring at the group with slight frustration in their eyes.

"You look like some deer that got caught in the lamplight~! What, were you planning on having some fun~?"

The Marquess grinned like crazy at Jahi, pride and amusement in her eyes as she looked over the rest of us, while Lady Lorelei frowned at Leone, only to sigh as the Empress pat her arm.

"Now young lady, this is my house..."

Hearing the Empress\' words, we all deadpanned as she tried to hold back a smirk, with Lady D\'Arcon shaking her head as she muttered "Dear, really?"

Releasing Leone\'s arm, I allowed her to move around and enter the room, before making my way towards the small kitchenette that was in the corner, pulling out a teapot.

"What brings all of you here? Should I prepare enough tea for everyone, or..?"

Glancing over my shoulder, I saw the Empress nod as she replied "I think so? We need to discuss  a few things regarding young Jahi\'s time here... Like it or not, she is amongst one of the more lethal weapons in our arsenal, and I\'d rather her be as polished and tempered as possible for the future."

Filling the teapot with some water, I set it on the stove before sitting down nearby the kitchenette, allowing them to begin talking.

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