
Chapter 315 314: Squad Asmodia

Jahi PoV

The tent flaps for the Healers opened up, revealing a rather gorgeous woman.

Tall and lithe, the woman had a serious, but also gaunt expression on her face, her cheeks slightly sunken in.

Slitted stormy gray eyes looked our way, and the scent of ozone permeated the woman's clean azure robes.

Long, draping sleeves covered her arms, the cuffs made from a pronounced silver thread.

Reaching up, the sleeves fell down her arms, revealing the blue and gray scales that littered her pale white flesh, while her fingers were all covered in silver full finger rings, each of which ended in a sharp, lethal point.

Small runes littered each ring, and they emitted a warmth as sparks of electricity jolted between them.

Finally, the last notable thing - besides the scales that littered her flesh, which included her face, neck, and presumably the rest of her body - was her blue stranded gray hair, looking much like a stormy sky filled with clouds.

"Alright... Brat, this is the last member of your squad; Iaso, the daughter of Asklepious, Priestess of Lamiana, and skilled water mage. Be nice to her, and make sure to keep her safe; you're already draining my wallet enough, what with this Crusade and frivolous spending and promises!"

Ignoring Mom's weary sigh, I nodded to Iaso as she stepped forwards, the woman reaching for a pendant that hung from her neck.

"Theia Charis, Lady Asmodia."

Her voice was raspy and low, and I frowned at her odd words.

Sensing my confusion, Iaso lifted the small snake pendant, displaying it to me as she said "'Theia Charis' means 'Blessings' when translated to common tongue, Lady Jahi. It's the traditional greeting of my people."

Nodding again, I examined the pendant for a moment before turning my attention towards her 'claws', asking "I thought you were a water user? What's the lightning for?"

Smiling softly, Iaso raised both her hands, pressing the claws together and drawing out larger sparks of electricity, which increased the sweet, deadly scent of ozone.

"In order to better understand how to heal, one must understand how to inflict pain. My father started me off at a young age, kyria. Water reacts wonderfully with Lightning, especially when I wish to inflict pain."

The smile she wore as she continued to lovingly stare at her deadly claws made my heart clench in my chest, and I could tell that Leone noticed it too.

"Oh, 'kyria' means 'lady'! I remember that one! Asklepious is stickler for formalities, even if they are in a different tongue!"

Beaming at us, Mom chuckled softly as she gestured for us to follow, ignoring the dark looks Leone and I wore as we stole glances at Iaso.

Maybe... she would be better served elsewhere.

Away from Anput, Leone and I.

Letting out a sigh, I walked behind her as we made our way back towards the main tent, where Liga was waiting for us, alongside Nirinia.

The Djinn-Orc hybrid looked the Tigerkin over, while the Tigerkin ignored the gaze of the curious Djinn.

Seeing us approach, Liga... 'smiled', I guess - her lips curled upwards, while her fangs were bared to us - and she said "Lady Asmodia, Lady Presa-Ash. Marquess. Thank you for your generosity!"

Bowing, she made Mom sigh as she glared back at me, before shrugging.

"Your welcome Miss Liga. Kolia's said many things about you, mostly good too. Well, I'll leave you to talk with your new squad; after all, you will be with the four of them for who knows how longs so do get to know and respect one another. Nirinia, with me."

Striding away, Mom took the dawdling Djinn away towards the meditating Lady Sker, likely to discuss the upcoming Crusade once again.

Returning my attention to Liga, I took a breath before saying "She's right; we should get to know one another before we depart for the first mission. So... follow me. Anput will join us soon enough."

Not waiting for a response, I led them towards the carriage, where we had made our temporary abode; it wasn't as cleanly and tidy as the one we had at the previous fortress though...

No matter how much we three worked at it, none of us could ever replicate that tidiness.

Leaning against the carriage, I gestured to the campsite, prompting Liga and Iaso to sit.

"First things first; Liga, this is Iaso. Iaso, Liga. You have both been selected to create a squad for the duration of the Crusade to subjugate the Western Kingdoms. In the grand scheme of the Crusade, we'll be sent to do whatever the Commander deems necessary for a squad of our strength, no matter how trivial or how impossible it may seem.

Now, as for me and my fiancees. I am, as you are well aware, a Light Magician and a Demoness. I rely on enhancement magic to increase my physical prowess, alongside using my Light defensively. For all intents and purposes, I am the 'Tank' of this group; I can take most hits sent my way and distract anything too large for the rest of you to deal with at the moment.

Next, Anput. She's the Jackalkin that will be joining us soon, and she relies on her Metal Magic to improve her offensive capabilities. Anput fights well with most weapons, and will take the role of vanguard beside me, keeping the enemies from reaching you three.

Finally, Leone is a mage, much like yourself Liga. Her Fire Magic is potently destructive, and she wields it with both great fury and incredible finesse. Not only that, but she is rather good with her support spells too, knowing a fair bit of defensive, buff, and healing spells.

As for you both, you can explain your strengths here and now so that we may better plan our strategy going forwards."

Nodding, Iaso looked towards Liga before speaking.

"I am an expert in support Water Magic, as is decreed by my Goddess. My healing is potent enough to regrow lost limbs as well as purify most poisons, while my support buffs can provide a roughly three times increase in physical performance, be it strength, endurance, or your skins toughness.

Besides that, unless something strong is capable of making it past you, kyria, I can handle myself in close quarters combat well enough, since I have learned martial arts since I was but a hatchling."

Coughing into her fist, Liga went next, nodding to Anput as she slipped into the camp, her ears twitching as she leaned against my side.

"My Nature Magic is more geared towards destruction than support. I specialize in large, sprawling domains and alterations to the land itself, however I do have rather potent single target spells as well. Additionally, since Lady Presa-Ash is a Fire Magician, I do have spells that are meant to amplify Fire Magics in open area; I can provide rather flammable woods for you to burn or plants that release gasses that burn as well.

On top of my domains and single target spells, I am also self taught in stealth and silent killing, using my bolas and kukri to slow and maim my foes before killing them. Of course, considering the space you will likely need to perform your own attacks and spells, I doubt that specialty of mine will get much use."

Looking between the two women, I felt my mind start to whirl as I thought up potential strategies for us going forwards, making separate ones for each kind of environment we might find ourselves in.

"Good. It seems we have a diverse enough group here, so we should be good going forwards with the Crusade. Now, our first responsibility in the Siege of Goron is to work alongsi-"

I began to explain what Adelina wanted us to do, giving my squad, Squad Asmodia, their first orders.

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