
Chapter 111 110: Reactions

It had become a mixture of a blessing and torture, hearing that sound.

A blessing because it fueled many of our fantasies, either of the woman moaning or being in her place, underneath the charming blue Demoness that was Jahi.

However, it was torture because, as of current, we were only allowed to listen on in envy, hoping and praying that our time would come soon.

"So umm... about earlier..."

Anput nodded, her cheeks slightly darker as she tried to focus on me.

"Kat... she..."

"She killed... no, she butchered those men. All with a grin too..."

Pursing her lips, Anput turned her gaze to the floor, a mixture of surprise, worry, and slight pride in her obsidian eyes.

Nodding, I bit my lip, feeling very similar emotions to her.

Kat didn\'t seem the type to kill at a moments notice; at least not people.

Sure, we had seen her enjoy killing the monsters in Fovos Forest, but monsters and people are two very different things.

I was worried that she might start craving that rush more often, since she seemed euphoric after the massacre, her face flushed as she gave Jahi that sensual grin...

Gulping at that memory, I sighed as I too stared at the floor, happy that Kat had rushed forwards to deal with a potential threat.

She was like a knight in shining armor...

Well, she was actually a rogue in dark leather, but details, details~

When that man had drawn his blade against Jahi and shouted that she must\'ve slept with someone for her Silver Tag, I was furious, ready to utilize the full arsenal of magic I had at my disposal to eradicate the man, but...

Kat was fast.

Now I don\'t know if that was because she was already feeling... withdrawn, or if she was really that fast.

What I do know is that she didn\'t hesitate to kill those men who lusted after us, even though she knew that we were fully capable of taking care of ourselves.

Especially Jahi, the woman in question.

It warmed my heart, knowing that Kat was willing to do that much for me...

For me...

A smile spread on my lips, and I found my mind wandering to the different fantasies I had of her, changing a few around to fit this new, cold, ruthless version of Kat.


Anput PoV

Leone was smiling to herself, likely thinking about how utterly sexy our resident killer looked as she... well, killed.

I have to admit, if before I was smitten with Kat...

Now I was head over heels for her.

I stand by what I\'ve said to her before; if Jahi wasn\'t around, I would be doing everything in my power to make Kat fall for me.

She was the perfect mate, and after seeing her earlier, that only reaffirmed my belief.

Kat was gentle and caring, an excellent housewife, great cook, and was capable of defending herself, and by extension, our children.

The woman was everything you could want, which was exactly why I understood why Jahi was so taken in by what should have just been a simple maid.

Almost every other noble in existence would have slept with Kat, what with her sinful body and seductive charm, but not many would have cared about her, for her.

Jahi, however, saw those traits I saw, and considering the amber and amethyst ring I saw on Kat\'s finger, she made sure the Dogkin knew that she was wanted and needed.

As for her more... \'worrisome\' trait, I could care less.

The women in the Sultanate were crueler than the women here in the Empire, what with the tougher, harsher lands to survive in.

It wasn\'t uncommon for the stronger women to have a large bloodlust, and many warriors fought in the Gladiatorial Pits just because that was the easiest place to let blood flow.

Kat would\'ve thrived in the Sultanate, whereas here she might struggle, but...

I chuckled, leaning back into the sofa.

Well, there was no shortage of idiots wandering around, and it seemed that she cared not from where the blood flowed.

Just that there was blood TO flow...

Honestly, she\'s just the perfect mate~!


Jahi PoV

I panted, looking down at the sprawled out figure of Kat, her body stained with our fluids as she too panted.

Her eyes were closed, and her breathing gradually evened out, finally falling asleep.

Laying down beside her, I trailed my hands over her body, enjoying her warmth as I though about what I saw earlier.

The sight of her weaving around those poor adventurers as she used her wind mana and dagger to tear them apart was quite... vivid, and I could only grin as I recalled everything.

She looked utterly beautiful in those moments.

She had been true to herself, not hiding behind a mask, nor trying to fit some social norm that she felt shackled by.

Katherine Zara-

No, Katherine Asmodia had been herself, for one of the few moments of our short lives, she had truly been herself.

And that was one of, if not the most beautiful things I had ever seen.

Was I worried about trying to keep my puppy \'well fed\'?

Not at all.

If there were no people to satiate her hunger, there was a near infinite supply of monsters for her to torment, to butcher.

It was obvious, what kind of woman she was.

She wasn\'t just a killer; she was a more than that.

Anput and I were killers; warriors.

We loved the thrill of a good fight, how our muscles strained under a good blow, how euphoric it felt to gradually improve our technique.

Kat, however, seemed to prefer the end result of a battle; the kill in itself.

When she had held that last mans skull in her hands, she was grinning as he screamed, her mana gradually tearing him apart.

The way she killed wasn\'t efficient; it was drawn out and torturous, done to inflict the most amount of agonizing pain that she possibly could before killing them.

Her pale blue eyes had been fixated on her victims own eyes, waiting and watching for them to darken as the life left them.

Kat was a hedonist.

Right after one lust had been satiated, she immediately sought me out to fulfill the next, which I was happy to douse.

Smirking down at the sleeping woman, I gently cupped her soft cheek, stroking it as I whispered "What am I going to do with you, my sweet little puppy~?"


Kat PoV

My eyes fluttered open, and I yawned, trying to recall what I had been dreaming about that made me feel so fulfilled.

Sitting up, I rubbed my eyes, my body aching slightly as I recalled the administrations of my lover, her large blue frame sleeping soundly beside me.

Getting to my feet, I stretched, my body, mind, and spirit feeling satisfied altogether for the first time in...

I pursed my lips, silently chuckling as I remembered that I had NEVER felt like this before.

Stumbling over towards the dark bathroom, I sighed as I leaned against the sink, turning it on and splashing some cold water on my face.

Looking up, I almost let out a yelp as I saw my reflection...

Well, it wasn\'t mine.

What stared back at me was me, but not.

Her pale face was covered in blood, and her ghastly blue eyes shone with a strong lust as she licked the serrated edge of a bloody knife.

​ "You killed them~! You killed and killed and killed and killed~!"

She grinned at me, and I gulped, taking a step back.

Leaning forwards, she continued in that high pitched singsong voice.

"You butchered them! Tore them apart! Bathed in their blood! How\'d it feel, hmm? To take a life? They might have had spouses and children, mothers and fathers to go home to. Now those people wait..."

Taking the knife, this other me placed the edge on her own throat, giggling as she finished "Forever~"

Biting my lip, I remained silent as I stared at her, making her pout.

"Come on, show me a reaction~"

Not getting anything, her grin faded, and she snarled at me, her eyes glowing with hatred.


Shaking my head, I stepped forwards, leaning against the sink again.


Narrowing her eyes, the other me leaned forwards as well, her nose almost touching mine as she said "Because you were just some secretary a few years ago, were you not? You never killed, let alone fought someone. Why are you so..."


She nodded, still staring at me warily.

Sighing, I looked down at my hands, pursing my lips.

"You\'re right. Really, it\'s only been a few years, but I lived for what, thirty years as a normal woman? But..."

I chuckled, smiling at the other me.

"Well, thats the past, no? Besides, this might have always been me, been something I craved. In modern times, killing is wrong, its frowned upon."

Spreading my arms, my smile turned to a grin.

"But here? If you have the strength, you can do what you want. Besides..."

My grin faded, and I sneered, making the other me shiver slightly.

"Those bastards dared to lust after my Mistress..."

Taking a deep breath, I returned my expression to one of neutrality, before continuing.

"So why should I care? I\'ve accepted that I\'ll see blood in this family; I accepted that a month or so into my reincarnation. I choose this life, so I\'ll live it."

The other me stared down at her knife, before nodding.

"Well, at least you can accept it..."

She returned her eyes towards my own, her reflection slowly merging into my own.

"Oh, of course I accept you; the brutal, ruthless, bloodthirsty me..."

Our voices merged, until the only thing that remained was the ethereal glow of our blue eyes.

"After all, if its for them... I\'d do anything..."


So what\'d you think of the third Kat we\'ve seen so far?

Also, I have officially decided on all four of them, and surprisingly Anput will be the most... sane of them all.

I mean, Jahi is extremely possessive, as is Leone, and Kat is just... well, this entire chapter explained it pretty well, no?

As for Anput, she likes fighting.

Besides that, what\'d you think of each of their reactions? I\'m curious, since many people seemed to like the idea of a more bloodthirsty Kat.

Oh, but don\'t worry if you don\'t really really like this side of Kat; she\'s going to be one of those people who goes from glacially cold to infernally hot depending on the situation, but mainly glacially cold as we progress more into the Academy, which is what I promised in the Synopsis.

(Also, this was a surprisingly easy chapter to right lol, I did it in like thirty minutes XD)


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