
Chapter 64 63: Changes

See, in order for me to finally utilize my ice magic, I needed to have excellent control over both water and wind mana, before fusing the two together to create ice.

So, I chose water magic to focus on first, both for its support and healing capabilities and for its offensive capabilities as well.

However, due to me needing to reach a certain level with my water magic, I focused entierly on it, wanting to master as much of it as I could.

Both because I hated leaving something halfway done and also because I was enamored with the various spells I had created.

I mean, I got a whole skill based on just my water magic because I dove straight into it!

Now though, the salamander fight made me heavily aware that using only one of my two types of mana coursing through my body was idiotic. I needed to start focusing on my wind, and bring that to the same level as my water.

If I had to guess, my progress with wind will be roughly the same as water magic, and that means that in under two years I should have managed to reach the point where I could start experimenting with ice magic.

Pursing my lips, I mulled over ways I could expediate my progress, to bring the time needed down to roughly a year and a half, if not just over a year.

After all, the spell ideas I had for ice was enough to fill a whole book! There were so many combinations I could do with water and wind, creating snow magic and different kinds of storms!

Sighing, I turned over, burrowing my head into Jahi\'s chest.

All this was something I could have to start experimenting with when we got home.


Taking another delve into Fovos Forest, Jahi and I got accustomed to dealing with Hobgoblins and Kobolds, sparing the few slimes we saw since we found them quite cute.

I had gained quite a lot of experience, since each Hobgoblin was worth roughly 420 Xp before [Growth], and 610 Xp after. That meant that each encampment yielded a few thousand experience, and I had grown more addicted to killing.

After all, not only was the rush of adrenaline as I dug my blade deep into flesh exhilarating, but seeing the amount of Xp I was earning made me feel giddy.

However, all good things must come to an end, as we were now back home.

After informing the Countess about our fight with a salamander, spinning a perilous tale that was filled with heroics and could rival most myths, I watched in hidden amusement as the Countess and Mother just smiled at me, their eyes growing dull before dragging the Marquess outside.

The sudden downpour of rain and crack of thunder surprised many servants, however after looking outside to find the Marquess running from the figures of the Countess and her maid, they just shook their heads and resumed their work.

Life moved on, months passing with little happening as I delved deeper into learning wind magic, the only surprise being my gaining of the skill [Boreas\' Blessing], which stated:

[Boreas\' Blessing (Novice) - Spells and Ritual Circles related to the Wind Domain are stronger; mana regenerates quicker while in windy areas]

I was excited at that, as any increase to my spells strength was great.

However, due to the new addition of that skill, I found myself drawn to the small yard Jahi and I used to play in, sitting among the branches of the large tree.

Due to the height and location, I didn\'t need to worry to much about not having enough of a breeze to help funnel a little more mana into my core, nor worry that any spells I used would potentially hurt somebody.

So, as I sat in the tree, leaning against the trunk as I traced out rune after rune, I looked towards the sky before pushing my mana out of my palm, watching as the runes shone green before disappearing.

An almost solid crescent of compressed air flew into the sky, before eventually dissipating into nothing.

This was something that I thought to be a staple of any wind users; a sharp, fast blade made from wind.

It was versatile enough to have so many variations, as I could increase the size and compression or make it smaller and more like a grenade, releasing a gale wherever I sent it.

Just like my water magic, I also created a Mana Cloak, enjoying the speed and power the wind provided.

While the Water Cloak allowed me to take less damage and had a passive healing effect, the Wind Cloak amplified my physical prowess, and I couldn\'t wait to use it in a spar against Jahi.

However, as I thought of that I frowned.

Jahi\'s Light Cloak combined both of my cloaks effects, making her faster and more resistant to damage, as well as giving her a passive healing effect.

Growling in annoyance, I dropped to the ground, my core feeling drained.

Looking at the sun, I nodded to myself before making my way inside towards the kitchen.

I had started cooking for Jahi and I, both because I loved it and also because it had popped up as a new quest.

[Prepare Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner - 500 XP]

Large, isn\'t it? However, I had gotten my answer right after I received it the first time.

A room was nice to have clean, but wasn\'t necessary. However, a meal was. You needed to eat, after all.

That increased the \'weight\' of the quest, and I didn\'t argue for or against it.

I was being rewarded for doing something I enjoyed, and would have been doing anyways.

I thought about the visit that was to happen soon. Jahi was annoyed that Anput and Leone hadn\'t been able to keep their promise to come here often. However, both had good reasons, as they were learning and training special things under their parents, and said they would visit very soon.

As I stood in the kitchen, talking with Lesnera and slicing the vegetables I needed for stock, I pondered over the recent developments.

Jahi had now aged another year, and I was getting close to being here for my second year.

We grew older, and looked older as well.

These few months had seen both of us mature a bit, as Jahi looked like a young adult, while I looked just a year younger than her, which I quite literally was.

Standing at six and a half feet, Jahi towered over me, her raven hair growing out to her waist.

Besides her height, her muscles had become more defined, but much to her disappointment she had become more feminine, with her breasts growing and waist thinning. It had become quite the sore point for her, as she hated how the only noticeable muscles on her body was her new eight pack, with the rest staying defined, but not slightly large like the Marquess\' muscles.

I told her over and over again that she looked incredible, however she just gave me a small smile before returning to her training.

She was honestly more like a gym rat than a demon...

As for me, I stood at just under six feet, and I was excited with getting my old body back, with a few improvements.

My breasts had grown, my hips widened, and I watched as my body moved fats to just the right places...

Of course, the main difference between my old body and this version of me was that I was much more active, as my stomach was toned instead of having a small, yet still there, pouch.

I was still a two years or so from reaching my complete mature look, but hey, progress! I was no longer a child!

Apparently having two various kinds of mana coursing in your blood made that accelerated growth even faster, and light magic was even quicker.

Thing was, ever since we hit this growth spurt, it was quite obvious that Jahi had an addition \'spurt\'.

Every time we entered the bath together she grew shy, tilting her body away from me so that I could only ever see her back.

When we slept she always kept herself facing either straight up or away from me.

Finally, what irked me the most was that she no longer got as intimate with me as she used to!

We used to have fun in bed or quiet places, with her doing as she pleased to me, however now?

Now she seemed to be avoiding me!

Of course, I knew why.

After all, she was a futa, which meant: she was going through puberty like any normal boy back in my world.

And how would a boy react if they had the girl they liked attending to their every need as a servant?

The amount of pitched tents and blatant staring would reach the millions by the end of the first week!

Finishing the food, I placed everything on the cart before making my way towards our room.

Well, I was tired of Jahi becoming passive, so if she wasn\'t going to make a move, then I would.




Lemon time?

I was looking back at the original discussion, and after realizing that I had quite literally pushed their intimacy so far ahead of schedule, I said \'fuck it\' and used their Magics as reasoning to create another growth spurt.

That means that...

Drumroll please...

They are of age and ready for some fun :D

Now, I do want to clarify that again, they are of THEIR worlds age, have literal hormones coursing through them, and are in close proximity ALL the time.

It would be odd if something didn\'t happen.

Also, they literally made out just a few chapters ago, and Jahi has been binding Kat with rope.

So... if you somehow were fine with that but not what happens next chapter...

I have no actual words.

Anyways, that chapter or chapters will be released tonight, as I currently am recovering from a self induced headache after writing way too much last night.


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