
Chapter 240

Chapter 240

Jiyun squeals as I enter the front door and runs to me, hugging and clinging to my neck.

"I missed you!"

As I pull myself up, still hugging her shaking body, Alessia, who was waiting with Jiyun, bows down to greet me.

"Welcome back, Master."

It's a very friendly greeting, even though it hasn't been that long since I've been away.

"Yes. I have."

I nod in response, returning her greeting.

"Alessia, where is father?"

"Don is on his way out now. From what I understand, he's been out for quite a while."

"And he knows I'm here?"

"I called him as soon as you landed at the airport. Let me double check."

"No, thanks, it's getting late, I'm just going to unpack and rest today."

"Okay. Understood."


Jiyun yawned deeply in my arms.

"Jiyun. Did you stay up to see your brother?"

"Yes, I was waitingmy brother is coming today."

"Okay, okay. Good girl."

I stroke Jiyun's head and head straight for her room.

Alessia quietly follows behind me.

"Hey, big brother. What were you doing in Italy?"

"Brother? UmI saved the world and became a knight."


"Yep. It's late tonight, so go to sleep. Tomorrow, I'll tell you the real story."

"UghI want to hear it today."

Jiyun rubbed her face in my arms while saying that.

Even though she said she wanted to hear the story, it seemed like she was about to fall asleep from the way her eyes were closing.

"Okay, okay. Let's go to bed."


Jiyun naturally curled up as soon as I put her on the bed.

She was so sleepy that she fell asleep as soon as I put her on the bed.

Smiling at the sight, I slipped out of the room and locked eyes with Alessia, who was also smiling.

"Looks like she fell asleep right away."

"Yes, she fell asleep as soon as I put her in bed."

"I don't think it's unreasonable, considering she's been standing on the porch all day saying she'd wait for you."

"I'm trying to get some sleep too. I slept on the plane, but now that I'm home, I'm sleepy again."

"They don't call it travel poisoning for nothing. You should get some rest, too."

"I will. Thank you, Alessia."

After saying goodbye to Alessia, I return to my room.

After a quick shower, I flopped down on the bed and felt the tension melt away.

"home again."

Really. They don't call it home for nothing.

Still, I had to get some work done before bed.

"I thought I was going to die of frustration because I couldn't check it on the plane."

No one knew I was carrying the main byproduct of Typhon in the first place.

First, I pull out the Fire Essence, one of the reasons I joined this raid in the first place.

[Name: Essence of Fire (Sealed)]

[Rank: Mythic]

[Type: Material]

[Description: I feel a great deal of divine power]

"As I thought."

An item that hasn't been properly unsealed yet.

I'll need this later, so I'll put it in the cube for now.

These are the next things I packed.

[Name: Twin Wings of Heaven]

[Rank: Semi-Mythical]

[Type: Ring]

[Description: This ring contains the power of Typhon, who was said to have blocked out the sky just by spreading his wings.


[1. Shroud: Blots out the sky, casting the surrounding environment in darkness]

[Name: Chains of Hephaestus]

[Rank: Semi-Mythical]

[Type: Material]

[Description: A chain that not even Typhon could break]

Typhon's ring that bathes the surrounding field in total darkness.

Items that affect the field itself were rare in the game, so it was always useful to have.

The Ring of Typhon's ability to color the world with darkness made it a perfect ring for a phantom thief to use.

The Chains of Hephaestus, on the other hand.

"Well, to each his own."

It's a pretty useful item in that I can melt it down to make equipment or use the chain as is.

I've decided to keep this one in the cube for future use.

And that's what I'm going to finish up before I go to bed.


[Me: Korean scabies. Club meeting tomorrow at 2:00].

[Jin-woo: Oh, boss is back. Are you buying gelato?]

[Choi Yeon: Strawberry flavor]

[Jin-woo: I want melon~]

[Se-ah: See you then!]

[Young-jae: It's been a while since we've been together]

I can meet the children of Familia I hadn't seen in a long time.

I think I should bring a gift for each of them, but what should I bring?

"Okay, let's unpack."

It's a great way to organize the warehouse!

* * *

~The next day~

I'm dusting in the office of the head of Familia I haven't visited in a long time, and I hear the children coming in one by one from outside.

As I put down the mop Im holding and go outside, I see Young-jae raising his hand in greeting.

"Ah, Mr. President, it's been a while. How was it abroad?"

Young-jae greeted me with the same face after a long time.

"You've been training a lot lately, haven't you?"

Judging from the scars on his face and the bandages on his hands, he had been training until recently.

"My mentor has been calling me a lot since I'm on vacation. I'm sure the other kids are the same way."


Well, I'll have to see for myself.

The door opened then.

"Ah. Eugene. Hi."

Choi Yeon, still unreadable, walks into the stale room and plops down in a chair.


I wave at her as she enters.

"Are you here from training too?"

"Nope. I went fishing with my grandfather this morning."


Fishing with Choi Sun-ho?

"Did you catch many fish?"

"Yeah. I think we cut up about 20 giant fish."

You usually say you caught fish, not slashed them, right?

Well, it seems like she had her own training.

And then again.


"There's still time to Huh? Everyone's here?"

Se-ah, in her Academy uniform instead of her normal clothes, was number four.

"Se-ah, why are you in uniform? Did you have a make-up class or something?"

I asked her curiously, since she was wearing a uniform even though it was vacation, and she replied with a cool smile.

"Well, it's not extra classes, but because Instructor Ji-hyun said that the uniform is hard anyway, so I don't have to worry about tearing it, and she told me to wear it when I come for mentoring, so I guess it became a habit, hahaha."

Is Se-ah being mentored at the academy?

It's not surprising since Ji-hyun lives in the Academy's faculty dormitory.

It's not like she's going to go far.

"So, does that mean there's only one left?"

I had a feeling he was going to be the last one.

We were all chatting about what we've been up to lately.

"Yeah~ I'm first~ I'm first because I came 5 minutes early What? What, everyone's early?"

Jin-woo, who had been doing a weird dance by himself, stepped back in surprise.

"Weren't we supposed to meet at two?"

He's still confused, but then he looks at me and smiles.

"Oh, boss!"

"How are you?"

I ask, still feeling pretty happy to see him after all these days.

"I'm fine~ I get stabbed and beaten up all the time But hey, boss. Gelato?"

And then he spoke and wiped away my good mood.

"Oh, yeah. Eugene. Gelato strawberry flavor. Do you have any?"

And Choi Yeon even asks for her own gelato because Jin-woo asked first.

It's the kind of collaboration that can be said to be a blast, but for some reason, I felt nostalgic.

Maybe it's because my life has been so bloody lately.

"Oh, I should get you a present."

I almost forgot about this.

I thought I should give them to the children.

"First, Se-ah."

Se-ah was very protective of her younger siblings, so I prepared a set of gourmet snacks that I knew they would love.

I even bought them at the Naples airport duty-free shop.

"I thought you'd like something you could share with your siblings. I thought they'd enjoy it."

"Awww, did you actually buy me a gift?! Aaaaah! Thank you so much! I'll definitely share it with my siblings and take a picture with them, and I'll make them write a thank you note!"

"No, I don't need a thank you note."

"No, you need to accept!"

It's not that big of a deal.

By the way, I also took out the item I hadn't given her yet and handed it to her.

And this was given to me as a gift by a high-ranking person in the Vatican, and they say that if you hang it at home or wear it on your person, evil spirits and undead will not be able to approach it. I think this will be helpful when your younger brother is with you.

"Wowthank you!!!"

I was glad that they were satisfied.

Next up, Young-jae.

"This is for you, Young-jae."

This time, I handed over a mid-level Fire Spirit Essence.

Depending on how it was processed, it could amplify the attack power of fire-based magic.

"I thought it would be best if you handled it yourself, so I brought it in its raw form."

"It's in pretty good shape. Did you go into a volcano or something?"

"Huh? Well, yeah."

Apparently, the news of the Etna Volcano being targeted hasn't gotten through here yet.

"Boss. What about me? What about me? What about me? What about me?"

He's getting restless as his turn approaches.

"Wait. You're last."

Next up was a gift for Choi Yeon.

"A longsword, blessed by the priests of the Vatican. I thought it would be good for you to have a sword with a perm effect."

For reference, the sword is like a gift for receiving the Knight's Cross, but in my case, I received two swords for two different orders.

I didn't see much difference between the two, so I wondered if I really needed them. As I was thinking about it, Choi Yeon remembered.

Its an item made by a craftsman from the Vatican, so it shouldnt be used carelessly.

It can truly be said to be the best thing to show off.

"Vatican. Limited edition. Yes. Thank you so much. I'll take it."

Choi Yeon immediately draws the sword and nods as she sweeps it.

Such a sword lover.

The corners of my mouth curl upward as I realize I was right to give her the sword.

Judging by the fact that she immediately embraced the scabbard, I must have succeeded in capturing her taste.

Boss~! I can look forward to it, right? Should I close my eyes?

He was so nervous that it was his turn that he actually closed his eyes and waited for his present.

Se-ah looks horrified at the sight, and Young-jae looks at him with an expression that says he can't stop him.

"Yes, because this is something I worked hard to get."

With that, I take it out of the cube and place it on the desk.

I glance over at the other kids.

"Are you really going to give this to Mr. Jin-woo? Don't you think it's a waste?"

"Wow. Jin-woo, I'm jealous."

"What is it? What is it? Should I open my eyes?"

"Uh. Open your eyes."

His eyes widen at my words.

"I got a paladin set, too Huh? What is this?"

Jin-woo finally looks at the item in front of him.

I smiled at him with a fierce expression and replied.

"The gelato you wanted to eat so badly. It's melon flavored."

Later, when I gave him the proper gift, I asked him how he felt at that time and Jin-woo said that his world came crashing down that day.

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