
Chapter 223

Chapter 223

The hand he had prepared to pressure me with had been rendered completely useless by my Vatican trick.

"We're meeting for the first time before we attack Mount Etna, Don Medici, and you're being a bit of a jerk right from the start."

"You must have some misunderstanding, those children are just here to protect me. So don't mind them too much, but you've involved the Vatican in these secret affairs, and I'd like an explanation for this."

Ah, he turned the arrow in my direction. Is this it?

Well, it wasn't unexpected. I'm sure my opponent would have tried to trip me up with this.


"Of course, that's why I went to the trouble of bringing her here."


An explanation of what I intended to do in the first place, and why, would have been enough.

"You've spent a lot of time researching the Etna volcano, so you should know better than I do that it's not just any monster that lives there, it's a deity."

I can see his pupils dilate as he listens to my words through the cracks.

I kept a poker face to avoid giving away any information, butwas not a good match.

"Etna Volcano" is a dungeon I've beaten many times in the game.

Therefore, I was able to determine that this combination was absolutely impossible to defeat.

And why they hadn't been able to do it before.

"What does that have to do with the Vatican?"

"You do realize that Catholic Awakeners have a basic ability called idolatry', right?"


It's a basic ability that Catholic Awakened have that allows them to gain additional effects and damage options against gods and followers of religions other than their own.

A very fitting trait given the history of religion.

It was also an ability that was highly variable between individuals, and only the most effective of those would be granted the title of Inquisitor.

One of the positions Michaela had once held.

In other words.

"My escort, sent by the Vatican, is a former Inquisitor. She's even a Templar now. Can you imagine the power boost her presence alone will bring?"

He frowns, as if he doesn't like the idea, even though I thought I explained it pretty well.


"But if our operation were to enter the Vatican, do you think they would stand still?"

"There's no law that says they have to move."


This is why it's rumored that the Mafia in mainland Italy runs scared at the mere sight of the Vatican.

They don't even want to touch the Vatican, but they're scared shitless.

"The Etna volcano is classified as a dungeon' under international law. It's just that, like Dante's Inferno, it's been neglected because it was deemed too difficult or inaccessible."

And we take advantage of this.

"Don Medici. How many guilds are run by Don Medici? Why don't you move a few of them to form a raid team and officially challenge Etna Volcano. That way, even the Vatican won't be able to intervene."

It was a perfect plan, because even the Vatican couldn't infringe on the rights of the guilds.

"If we do that, the whole world will eventually know that we participated in the raid on Etna Volcano

"We have the right to take it, we pay the taxes, we're willing to come out and participate, or are you afraid of those who would take advantage of the opportunity to get in on the action?"

By the look on his face, I could tell.

This guy. Rather than sharing the rewards from the beginning, the Medici family probably tried to swallow it whole.

All the more reason I needed to bring this to the surface, so that my safety would be assured.

"And how do you intend to get involved? You're going to be in quite a bit of trouble if the heir to House Corleone rises to the surface."

"You needn't worry about that."

I already had a couple of false identities.

"Now, Don Medici, the choice is yours, what will you do?"

The choice is yours.

* * *

That is why we must always be careful, careful, careful, and try and try and try not to sin!

"Sister. What are you doing?"

When I left the confessional, I saw Michaela standing at the lectern, eagerly delivering a speech.

And below her, Don Medici's men, with their hands clasped together, shouting "Amen" in unison.

"Ah, Corleone Jr., are you done?"

"Yes. Well, for now. But this."

"Oh, I was just giving a short talk to the faithful here. I was just giving a short talk about how, even though we may be standing in different places, in the eyes of the Lord, we are all standing in the same place."

She wipes the sweat from her brow as she talks about how hard she's been working on her talk.

For some reason, her usually expressionless eyes were shining brighter than ever.

"Ah. Yes. If you'll excuse me, there's something we need to talk about in private."


I'd always known that Catholic heroes got a stat boost after attending Mass, butit actually buffed her in this way.

It was a day of new knowledge.

So, back at the hotel after the meeting with the Medici family, I explained to Michaela, filtering through the events that had transpired inside.

"Does that mean you're going to attack the Etna volcano?"


"With those mafia guys. The Medici family people?"


"And why?"

"For a helpless old man and his child, the hope of the future."

For the record, I didn't lie.

I'm the hope of the future, right?

"Even if that's the case, it feels like the scale has gotten really big."

With that, she reaches into her pocket.

"You're going to write a chant?"

"What? Oh, yes. I suddenly had a musical idea."

Shes really bad at acting.

"But wouldn't that be dangerous?"


"The Etna Volcano is a dungeon that even the Vatican's finest have failed to tackle, and you're talking about tackling it with a bunch of mafia guys who aren't even Vatican elites. I honestly don't think it's possible."

Her judgment was correct.

The Etna Volcano was an impregnable dungeon that even the elite of the Vatican had failed to breach many times.

She was right to be worried, especially since she was traveling to such a place with mobsters, not other heroes.


"You know what, Sister?"


"That's what Augustus, the Bishop of Jeju Diocese, said when I tried to capture Fafnir."


Her eyes sparkle for a moment at my story, then she shakes her head again.

"But that's not what happened. I'm aware of the report, but there was a holy object there that specialized in dealing with Fafnir."

Apparently, she was still vehemently opposed to my involvement. I can see where shes coming from.

If it comes down to it, I'll have to resort to a two-step plan.

"I'm disappointed. Sister."


She stares at me as if my abruptness has caught her off guard.

"Did I say not to report to the Vatican, or did I say blasphemy?"


She suddenly looks like someone who's been caught with a big secret.

It's not that hard to figure out how to play these characters.

Either they'll go along with it anyway because they have to protect me.

"Are you going to ignore the countless lambs that have been killed by the Etna volcano?"

Offending someone's values.

"Aren't the people who live near that volcano still struggling because the Vatican gave up trying to control it?"

The place we're going to is Mount Etna, an active volcano that could erupt at any moment, a place called a powder keg.

It's a scourge whose mere existence has depopulated Sicily, and I make the case for going there.

"For the sake of others, for the sake of our neighbors, for the sake of doing what everyone says is impossible and difficult, so that we can be the pilgrims who walk the hard road that the Lord spoke of."

By packaging it as a sacrifice for others, not for ourselves.

"The Way of Suffering. Pilgrim."

"Yes. How can we call those who only seek the easy way pilgrims? Isn't that what you've grown up seeing all your life, Sister, those who sacrifice, consume, and help others?"

I make her vision of what I am about to do.

In response, she clasps her hands together and closes her eyes.

"though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me. Your rod and staff are a comfort to me."

"Yes, just as I felt when I went to capture Fafnir."

I pause to gauge Michaela's reaction.

"I see that Corleone Jr. thinks differently than a criminal like me."

Slowly, she raises her head, stepping closer to me, clasping her hands together.

"I seem to have forgotten my past resolve to dedicate this one body to God."


"Corleone Junior, will you please allow me the opportunity to join this holy crusade?"

Apparently she was on fire.

* * *

[Title: Today's Report]

[*Content*: A report in a new way at the request of Brother Francis.

Today, Corleone Junior met with a major mafia force in Sicily, the Medici Family.

Judging from the friendly introductions and entering the confessional room, it seems like they seem to be getting along quite well.

In the process, a small lecture was given to eight believers from the Medici family.

Accordingly, it is requested to accumulate 8 talents that can be used in the Vatican Market.

[Photo of 8 men praying.jpg]

Corleone Junior decides to join the Medici Family to attack the Etna volcano, which had terrified the people of the Vatican Empire until now..

The purpose of the attack seems to be a noble will to save the people of the Italian peninsula and restore the territory of the old Italy.

Eugene Han Corleones actions are hereby recognized by the Vatican with a medal of honor.

The date of the assault on the volcano Etna is three days from today.

Please, pray for us.

That's all. End of report.]

[P.S. I almost didn't get around to writing this report again today, but I was interrupted in a spectacular fashion.

Instead, I got to compose a new chant. I hope you will write back with an evaluation of the work.

Personally, I am confident that it is a satisfactory result :)]

[Attachment: Cathedral on the Ruins lyrics.txt]

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