
Chapter 409 Behemoth’s Demise

Chapter 409 Behemoth\'s Demise

Of course, there were compliments of marines aboard each ship, and they were actual human beings. Even the starfighters, bombers, et cetera were all piloted by these Auxiliary class droids, the role of those previously known as bucket heads now relegated to artificial intelligence.

Yet, neither the Alfheim Dominion, nor the Svartalfheim Federation, knew this. Instead, they welcomed the Germanic Fleets, each of which was composed of 200 warships of varying sizes and classes.

A familiar face was in charge of the largest Germanic Warship within the fleet assigned to assist with the Alfheim Dominion\'s third attack on Behemoth. Admiral Alaric au Emrys was standing in his signature white and gold naval uniform board the bridge of the Carrier, christened as Bismarck.

His deck officers were all Germanic citizens, citizens who had completed their time at the academy, and who were tasked with commanding the AI based robotic units on board the ship, ensuring they functioned as intended.

In reality, their job was really no different from it was before. Giving out commands to units who execute such commands. The only difference was the process was now incredibly streamlined, as AI had no room for human error, and was far more efficient than a human crew.

Little did Emrys know that everything said on board the ship was being monitored by Tia and reported back to Erich, and thus Erich, Tia, and Mirage were all watching the communication that was being held between the Germanic Admiral and the Alfheim Admiral.

"And what exactly are such miniscule ships going to do against the Naraku?"

This was the question which the proud Admiral of the Light Elven race asked his Germanic counterpart, seemingly unaware that the reason his warships suffered such damage was because they were too large to adequately defend against smaller warships.

Which, for the record, the Germanic warships were not exactly small, the largest of which, their carriers were 5,000 meters in length. But compared to the Alfheim Warships, which were the size of small celestial bodies, it was reasonable enough to call them small.

Emrys wore a grin on his face as he explained to his counterpart why his fleets had utterly failed to annihilate the Naraku Scout Fleet known as "Behemoth".

"You really don\'t understand it, do you? Your losses have been significant because those giant pleasure barges you fly around in are better suited for intimidation rather than war itself. The Naraku do not fear you the way the rest of the galaxy has, and now you have learned the price of your folly.

Just provide support to my Fleet, and I will ensure that Behemoth is taken care of. I have orders from the Emperor himself. Failure to destroy the target is not an option. So we will fight to the last man if we have to in order to ensure that the bugs are wiped out. Now, unless you have anything else worth of note to share, we will be jumping..."

After saying this, Emrys hung up on the Elven Admiral, causing them an to curse aboard his own warship. But before he could do anything, Emrys and his fleet of 200 warships had jumped into the sector of space where the Naraku were currently licking their wounds.


Aboard the Naraku Queenship was the Hive Queen Behemoth herself. She was currently in a trance like state, communicated over vast distances to the Andromeda galaxy with her Empress as she explained what was happening.

"My Empress… We are able to converse at last… It has been some time since we lost contact with you all, we were beginning to fear the worst…"

The Empress was clearly in a foul mood as she spoke to her daughter in a harsh and spiteful tone.

"I don\'t need your sympathies. Just tell me what is happening in the Milky Way right now! What are the prey up to? Have they made any aggressive moves lately?"

Behemoth was stunned by these words, as she was completely unaware of the attack on the Hive World Within Andromeda that sent the Andromeda Naraku into a state of anarchy, resulting in tremendous and crippling losses.

Had she known this, she may have been more tactful with her response. Instead, she bluntly stated what was happening in the Milky Way.

"The prey has been oddly active lately. Not only have they begun launching attacks on all of our Hive Fleets in a loosely coordinated effort to repel our assaults. But they have also begun a crusade against all insectoid life within the Milky Way. I don\'t understand what is happening…"

The Naraku Empress\'s voice was filled with fear, something Behemoth had never heard from her mighty Empress before, as the monarch spoke to her daughter with anxiety.

"Those fucking bastards! They know! They know god dammit! They know that you and your sisters are a scout force, just like they somehow know about our subjects among the other insectoid races. They are trying to wipe you all out so that we have no eyes and ears in the Milky Way. I should have known that this attack was their effort to buy time!"

Behemoth was just about to say something when one of her servants, which looked like an anthropomorphic wasp, flew into her chambers, warning her of the impending attack.

"My queen! Hostiles have jumped into the system and have begun to engage with our fleet. We are under attack again!"

Naturally, the Naraku Empress heard this and was about to say something when an extremely painful sensation overwhelmed her senses. By the time she finally recovered, she realized that she had lost contact with Behemoth and her hive.

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