
Chapter 141 Plans For The Future

He was currently having a debriefing about Mirage\'s latest mission from the woman himself. And just when he was about to conclude that the mission was only a half success, he received a call from one of his immediate subordinates. As a result, he raised his hand and halted his meeting with Mirage.

"Give me one moment, dear. I have to take this call."

After saying this, Emrys stood up from his seat and walked into a corner, where he accepted the communication from their superiors. Though Mirage did not know what they were talking about, she could tell by the Supreme Leader\'s mannerisms that he did not appear happy with the disruption. Finally, Mirage heard one specific statement erupt from Emry\'s mouth with a bit of fury in his tone.

"Well, unless you can prove he is cheating, don\'t fucking waste my time!"

After saying this, he abruptly hung up where he returned to his desk, and as he sat down, he could not help but vent his frustrations.

"I am surrounded by idiots! Sorry, dear, you were saying?"

Mirage took a deep breath to collect her thoughts, where she then spoke the words that Emrys wanted to hear most.

"While the primary mission was completed with just barely satisfactory results, the secondary mission which you have tasked me with is going smoothly. While Erich does not trust me just yet, nor do I ever really think I will be able to fully gain his trust again after my previous betrayal. He has become less hostile. To the point where he has grown comfortable with me by his side. He may even have let a thing or two slip..."

Emrys\' eyebrows raised when he heard this last remark and was quick to inquire further about it.

"Like what? What has he told you?"

Mirage smirked when she heard this before revealing the secret she had come to learn about Erich and his current household.

"He did not say it directly to me, but I was there when he spoke of it to Hideaki. Apparently Erich has two Oni Lovers staying with him in Teutonia, naturally as the Supreme Leader of the Empire. I\'m sure you are well aware of this."

Emrys\'s expression immediately grew grim as he posed the next question in his mind. One which did not conceal the coldness of his tone.

"How much do you know about this matter?"

Mirage reacted in disbelief when she heard this. There was a visible level of shock on her face as she interrogated her superior for answers.

"So it is true, then? I thought he was just bluffing in front of our contact. But he really does have two Oni whores living with him? How is this allowed? Surely they\'re not who I think they are!"

Emrys sighed heavily as he leaned back into his chair and pondered silently for several moments. Just when Mirage was about to speak up again, he made a comment that frightened her.

"You weren\'t supposed to know about this...."

Upon realizing that she had stumbled onto a secret that she was not supposed to know, Mirage\'s years of experience as a field agent kicked into overdrive, and she began scouring her surroundings for any possible threats.

Yet, Emrys did not move an inch, at least not at first. He remained utterly silent, before standing up and walking over to the window of his office, which gazed upon the giant city which littered the landscape of the entire world.

"Empress Kondo Yumi has taken a liking to Erich, and while I would not call her feelings towards the man\'s love, she is definitely obsessed with him. Her niece, however, is desperately in love with Erich. No doubt due to Yumi\'s influence. Which puts us in a rather unique position.

Erich has a lust for alien women. This can\'t be denied, and at this point, it would be pointless to punish him for his tastes. I plan to use Erich to secure the Great Oni Empire as our puppet, and so far he has been marvelous towards reaching that end goal.

Do I find his proclivities to be disgusting? Absolutely, we all do. And it is why his mother is no longer speaking with him, despite the close relationship they had earlier in life. But our morals can not overrule our sense of rationality.

Erich\'s relationship with the Kondo Matriarch, and the young Princess, is a powerful political tool we can make use of. So, against my own sense of disgust, I have permitted them to live together in Teutonia.

Of course, it will be some time before Erich is allowed to return to his home. After all, he has five more tiers of training to complete before he is considered a true WRAITH. But when he does, those two women will welcome him with open arms.

Can you imagine it Agent Kuhne? A Germanic male being named the Emperor Consort of the Great Oni Empress? The power and influence we would hold over our greatest allies would be immeasurable."

Mirage stood in disbelief for several moments while struggling to get hold of her thoughts. It wasn\'t until nearly thirty seconds passed was she was finally able to do so, which she was then quick to voice her opinion on the matter.

"You would have Erich marry Kondo Yumi? Our people would never accept such a thing!"

Emrys simply scoffed and shook his head before looking directly at Mirage. Where he then spoke with an indifferent tone in his voice as he outlined his plans for the future.

"You think I would sell Erich off to that old Hag? Never! You know as well as I how valuable of an asset he is to the Empire. But I would marry him off to her niece, Kondo Ayumi, who is no doubt being groomed as that bitch\'s successor.

One day Erich will be the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire, and if we can also put him in a position as the Emperor Consort of the Great Oni Empress, then perhaps our alliance would be able to rival those sub-galactic powers who look down on us as a mere upstart."

Mirage could hardly believe her ears when she heard this remark. The Supreme Leader had thought decades ahead, and was planning accordingly for the future. But for someone like Erich to become the Supreme Leader of the Germanic Star-Empire, and the Emperor Consort of the Great Oni Empire, it was simply something she could not accept.

Still, she did not make a remark about this, and instead asked for what her next orders were, which she already had an idea of what they might be.

"Sir... What are my orders?"

Emrys turned his sight back to the city landscape, as he said exactly what Mirage had expected him to say.

"For now, maintain a close relationship with Erich. I want to know everything he does, and who he speaks to. If he trusts you enough to sleep with you, then soon enough he will make the mistake of letting you know things that I myself may not be aware of.

As promising of a talent that Erich is, unfortunately the man can be unpredictable, and is often resistant to authority. He may have already done some things that could be harmful to my plans. And if he has, I need to know what these might be. If that is all, you are dismissed Captain..."

Mirage made a short salute before departing from Emrys\' office. Once she was gone, Emrys locked the doors behind him before travelling over to a hidden door. Which after running a biometric scan, unlocked itself to reveal the naked figure of the red succubus, who had once been Erich\'s most beloved.

S\'aleth was still sleeping soundly in a cloning vat, almost as if she were already dead. Yet, the monitors assured Emrys that she was very much alive, albeit in a medically induced coma. Emrys simply smirked when he saw the woman, who was among the last of her species, before making a snide remark.

"Soon enough, my little pretty, you will have a part to play in all of this. But for now, continue to get your beauty sleep. When I finally bring you back from the dead, I want you to look your best!"

With this said, Emrys gazed upon S\'aleths figure for some time, wondering what she had been dreaming about for all these years. It would not be until much later that he shut the gates behind him and locked her away in the darkness once more.

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