
Chapter 517 Styxcanva

The city was extremely clean despite having a lot of people roaming around. The economy seemed to be booming.

However, it felt a bit warmer due to the white color the city had. In fact, the city was far too white in his opinion. The building might not have the same structure, but they were all painted white, including the roof.

The road was made of white stone, paved in an organized way that let them shine.

Noel could see a few scholars moving around. The scholars came in various degrees. There was a pure scholar who never cultivated their power and focused on theoretical work about so many things.

The second type of scholar was a battle scholar. They were mostly Spirit Magicians from the Tower Association. They were the ones with the highest population in this city, considering Styxcanva was a city directly under the Greatest Scholar, the White Magician, Light Lord. He was one of the elders of the Tower Association, whose position was similar to the Water Lord.

There were a few more types, but Noel was focusing on the second type. They might be numerous in this city, but he actually wanted to know about something. And only they had the answer.

"So, what should we do now?" Noel glanced at Rose. She was the one suggesting this place, so she should know more about this city.

"We have four options here. First, the street will always be busy until evening. There are various items you can trade here.

"Although the number of goods can\'t be compared to the city of trade, the quality is quite good. There is numerous research conducted in this city after all, so they obviously want a lot of things.

"If you don\'t want to look around, we can go to an inn. I have gone to this city once with Jonathan, so I know a good inn for us to stay.

"Or you can go sightseeing with me. You don\'t need to buy or do anything. Just looking at the city alone should give you some inspiration. We can go to the academy if you want.

"Last but not least…" Rose paused for a moment and pointed at the huge tower standing in the middle of the town. "We can go to the Tower of Knowledge. That tower is basically the biggest library in this kingdom.

"If you have any inquiries, you should go there and get some book recommendations. Although you have to deposit some money as insurance, it\'s still a good opportunity. What do you think?"

Noel looked down, contemplating. He was quite interested in the last two options: the tower and the academy.

So, Noel couldn\'t help but ask, "What\'s the deal with the academy?"

"Well, this academy is made by six elders from the Tower Association, including the Light Lord. Even though the Light Lord is the one governing the territory, it doesn\'t change the fact that this city is heavily guarded because the other lords have put a lot of investment into it, including the biggest library.

"There should be three lords at a time who guard this city. So, even the organization doesn\'t dare to strike this town that easily.

"As for the academy itself, it\'s basically what you know about the academy, except for the fact that it produces all kinds of scholars.

"There are many influences who love to wait in front of their gates to recruit newly graduated students. Though, most students ended up working with the Tower Association.

"If you visit there, you might be able to get some treatment and know about their facility. After all, it\'s not easy to be one of the Zero Squad members in the Demon Banner Army, especially the Demon Relief Squad. We have a lot of prestige, you know.

"Do you want to visit this place? There is also a benefit you can get from the academy. You can negotiate with the students to guide you to the library. As you know, with the number of books in the library, it\'ll be hard for us to find a single book that we want.

"We can hire a student who specializes in that field of study to bring us the book of their recommendation."

Noel closed his eyes for a moment, thinking. It was truly a wonderful idea. Due to the tower being the biggest library in the kingdom and it being open to the public, he believed there would be a lot of people visiting it.

So, they might want a guide to lessen their burden.

Noel nodded his head. "In that case, let\'s go to the inn first to drop off our luggage. We\'ll get something to eat before heading to the academy."

"Alright, then."

Rose guided him to the inn near the academy. Although the fee was a bit expensive, it was the best inn in the town. So, it was worth it. And they had exchanged a lot of money with their Contribution Points, so they didn\'t worry too much about their money.

After dropping off their luggage, they used the inn\'s restaurant to get something to eat before heading to the academy.

To Noel\'s surprise, the academy was bigger than he originally thought. It turned out the academy was actually the building that separated the tower from the rest of the town.

With that size, the academy was split into a few categories, so they could go to one school of thought to find a person.

This academy could be said to be the biggest academy in the kingdom, far better than the royal academy. Though, their purpose was different.

Noel never went to the royal academy since his family could afford a tutor and his father also wanted to teach him himself.

So, Noel didn\'t know anything about the academy\'s life. He was a bit excited to see what was inside the academy.

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