
Chapter 1124 Battle For Phyrros Island (Part-2)

Chapter 1124 Battle For Phyrros Island (Part-2)

Thus the soldiers locked their shields and ran forward, trying to secure their positions.

While the camp servants followed up from the rear, carrying all the heavier equipment, such as tents, logs, and stakes on their shoulders.

They disembarked after the soldiers, using the ship\'s rope ladders to slowly get down, and being careful not to wet their equipment, as many of the things they carried such as cloth, and flint for starting a fire did not mesh well with water.

"Darn, it\'s freezing here! How the fuck did our guys jump straight into it without flinching a bit?"

And even when it was just their shoes that got wet, one of them could not help but break out into a curse upon feeling the chilly ocean thrashing against them.

"They got to rub warm oil all over their body." To his query, the man next to him curtly offered this insight, before impatiently mumbling, "Now, get moving. Or Lysads will have our skin. We have work to do."

This was the first time he got to hear of his privilege and the first slave\'s eyes went wide,

"Must be nice," as he mused in regret, wishing in his heart that he too got to coat his body in such a cold retarding salve.

Then he would not be shivering in the cold like he was now.

Of course, he very well knew this was a pipe dream within a pipe dream, to have access to such expensive oil reserved for a lowly man like him, but that did not stop him from hoping.

But he quickly put aside all such \'nonsense\' and instead concentrated on simply bearing through the freezing water and following his partner ashore, all the way consoling himself,

\'No Mukdus! Why are you being so ungrateful? We are treated here a hundred times better than what we used to be. Now we have enough food, warm clothes, not much beating, and they even give us a small wage that we can buy ourselves with. My Ramuh! Can you believe it! If old master could saw this, the bastard would likely faint on the spot!\'

In this way, the slave named Mukkus learned to count his blessing rather than lament his misfortunes and became a very apt example of what the circumstances of the time looked like when seen through the eyes of a slave.

As he went on to finish by pumping his fist towards his chest and consoling himself,

\'I should learn to be more grateful to the gods! It\'s just that some things are always given to the free men. This is just how the world works! Remember what father said, those hands that covet too much always get burned.\'

The way the man talked to himself really went to show the mindset of the times, where stomping on people would not get a cry of pain and disapproval, but a meek moan of groan followed by a pleased note for not squishing them.

Some would even apologize for being there to be stepped on in the first place.

It was a dog eat dog world, and where the nobles had done a fantastic job of squeezing out any rebellious fire that might be in the bellies of the common men long, long ago.

For instance, despite having only these fairly innocuous thoughts, Mukdus would be very, very careful about letting anyone know them.

Not that he had time for them anyway at the moment, as quickly reaching ashore, the servants immediately started on construction on the tents and other fortifications, bracing for any would be assault.

Although the chances of the latter happening were relatively low, since the disembarking and following tasks were carried out mostly quietly.

Sure there were some shouts, yells, and hurrahs, to draw attention people\'s attention to a place that needed it.

But fortunately, there was no need to use any loud horns, trumpets, or drums.

Everyone knew what they had to do and performed their work competently with little noise.

This peace lasted until the break of dawn when the Heeat family soldiers finally began to wake up from their slumber en mass.

And it was only with the clearing of the night by the dreamy rays of the morning sun that the silhouettes of the legionaries finally began to reveal on the sandy beach and this caused great panic among Lord Parker\'s forces.

"Hey! What\'s that! Wake up! Wake up! We are under attack!" They shot out in anger and panic, calling out to their comrades with piercing shrills, finally engaging their senses to figure out what was really going on.

And then, upon seeing the exact state of their dilemma,

"Imbeciles! What were you doing?" they cried out in anger towards the guards and sentries, who had been left in charge for the night, tasked with the job of keeping an eye out exactly to prevent such a thing

But it seemed that the cold nights and the cozy blankets proved to be too great an allure, with most choosing to huddle themselves by the fire or even just go to straight sleep.

Such dereliction of duty was a court martiable offense.

But any such punishment could wait.

For now, the garrisoned forces had bigger fish to fry, as hearing the cry of an imminent attack, the men quickly had all their slumber and tiredness kicked out of them and they scrambled to put on their armor and get their weapons as soon as possible.

Before heading out to form a defensive line around the inner perimeter of the makeshift walls, intent on using the tall, wooden ramparts as a bulwark against any incoming assault.

If Alexander had better reconnaissance of the island, and if he had known of the originally weak state of the defenses there, he might have seriously contemplated launching a full fledged night attack on the premises.

And given the then circumstances, it could have very well worked, thus dislodging the entire contingent with one go, and getting him the island even before dawn broke.

That would have not only saved Alexander a lot of time, but it would have also absolved him of having to go through the troublesome alternative process of conducting a complex amphibious landing and fighting his way through.

But alas, Alexander was a prudent man and never one to take unknown risks.

If it was the daredevilese Remus who was put in charge, he might have gambled it all, as the young boy was that kind of person.

But Alexander could hardly afford to be so caviler, especially when he was already gravely outnumbered and needed every pair of hands he got.

Hence, unbeknownst to the man, this golden chance slipped through his fingers, as Lord Parker\'s forces used the time to plug all the holes in their defenses, quickly taking to their stations, and becoming ready to defend their positions.

While at the same time, messengers were sent via the bridge to their main camp, informing Lord Parker of the attack and asking for reinforcements.

Something that was Achillas of course very eager to provide, as he shot up to chime, "My lord, we must not let Alexander take Phyrros Island. It is a vital link to our defenses."

And Lord Parker was quick to nod in simpatico, adding, "Yes, I agree. Whatever reasons Alexander has for attacking it, we must stop him," before turning towards the gathered officers and ordering,

"Gather 2,000 men and have them use the bridge to reinforce the men on the island as soon as possible! We cannot lose the island, no matter the cost!"

"Yes!" Lord Parker\'s command of course got a chorus of approval an instant later, as none of the officers had anything to object about.

With the exception of one timid, chime of objection, that originated from none other than Lord Bernard,

"Ummm, my lord, it might not be prudent to send men through the bridge."

"...." This sudden claim caused the room which was a bustling center of activity to suddenly pause, as the officers who were just mere steps away from the exiting the tent to go execute their lord\'s command paused to turn irritatedly at the men.

It was needless to say Lord Bernard currently was not in the best of favors with Lord Parker, and so for him to object as such, all the offices looked very much forward to their lord giving the man a good lashing for disagreeing with him.

But in the following days, under Miss Linda\'s cajoling, as well as generally cooling down, Lord Parker had become amicable towards the man in his heart.

And so the ducal lord magnanimously gave the man an inquisitive look and lifted his chin slightly as a gesture to continue.

To Lord Bernard, this felt like the gods were gracing him, and so without wasting a second, he very quickly blurted,

"The bridge leading to the island had been damaged during the disaster of five years. Although it has been fixed, 2,000 men marching over it might be too much. So I propose we use the ships to land the troops."

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