
Chapter 1113 Husband And Wife (Part-1)

Chapter 1113 Husband And Wife (Part-1)

."......" And the act was so horrifying that for a second, the entire room felt like it had come to a freezing pause.

How could a son hit his father, a father who was lying on the ground completely defenseless?

Was he possessed? Or had his body been hijacked?

Everyone was shocked.

And the two who were the most shocked were naturally Lord Cassius and Lord Nolan.

Neither could believe what had just happened.

Lord Cassius could not believe he had hit his father, and stared at him with a blank look, while Lord Nolan also could not believe his son had hit him, and stared back with a shocked face, his lips quivering, stunned to the old man even forgot all the pain he was in.

Until suddenly the realization of it all sank into the old man, and understanding what just happened, his face twisted into a dark, demonic form, as he shouted with a snarled shrill,

"You animal! I raised an animal! No! Even an animal would have been more grateful to his parents. I raised a pig. An imbalance of a pig. I curse you! I curse that the wrath and spite of the gods be upon you. Be doomed! Be doomed!"

What Lord Nolan had uttered was the most virulent curse in all of Sybarias, as anything involving the gods was treated with the utmost reverence here.

And when a parent called doom upon their children, sincerely and with grievous ill intent in their heart, it was seen as being almost a death sentence.

The Sybarians believed that the gods listened to a parent\'s wishes for their children, be it good or bad.

As a matter of fact, the uttered words were so shocking that even Alexander was stunned.

Because the curse suddenly reminded him of an incident he had in his own childhood.

Back in school, he used to have a friend who used to smoke. And this guy was an underaged chain smoker. Went through a minimum of one to sometimes even three packs a day.

And it was something the boy\'s father hated. Absolutely detest it.

So the man many times tried to stop it, by pleading, by admonishing, by scolding, and by even beating the boy.

But the friend never changed.

At best he would pause for a few days and then start once again, hiding himself from his father\'s sight while he took the whiffs.

Until one day, the old man was so fed up and so hurt at seeing his son smoke his life away that he cursed him, "I hope you fall and break your neck."

And in an absolutely miraculous turn of events, this wish came true on that very day!

Alexander and his friends were playing football after school, and while trying to get the ball, suddenly the boy tripped and hit his head on the metal goalpost in such a way that the spine around his neck fractured.

It was a freak accident.

And although he recovered, it was never a full recovery and he continued to suffer various medical complications.

Then for the rest of his life, this friend would go tell everyone this story, warning them not to go against their parents in a way that truly hurt them.

And yes, he also did quit smoking from that day on.

And although Alexander did not believe in such superstitions, and thought all of it was just a very unfortunate coincidence, he also felt there was a lesson to be learned here.

Sometimes people\'s will had a mysterious way of manifesting themselves.

Thus at Lord Nolan\'s malicious curse, he suddenly felt a chill run through his back.

While the old man himself was not yet done, but after cursing Lord Cassius to spend an eternity in hell, he now turned to berate his son\'s intelligence, producing a mocking sneer to taunt,

"And what did you say right now? Love? You say you fell in love with Linda? You saying that you fell in love with that hussy? Heh! I always knew you were a fat lard of a pig whose head had more maggots than brains. But I did not think it was hollow!"

"You think someone like her would ever put an insect like you in her eyes? What can you possibly give her? She is married to a duke. A duke! What are you to a duke? An insect? No, less than an insect! You are just a fat tub of lard!"

"Why would Linda ever even spare a glance at you? You are a piece of shit that she would not be even willing to step on!"

It was like this that Lord Nolan went to berate his son in front of his wife, in front of Alexander, and perhaps most damning of all, in front of the many guards who were simple commoners.

And then ended with the loud officious order,

"You dumb donkey, open your eyes! She was just using you. And now that she is done with you, she is going to throw you aside like the leaf you used to wipe your butt! This is what she does! That fucking whore has slept with half the mansion. How else do you think she got the family to support her?"

"So shut your snort, kneel down, and go apologize to Miranda. Say that you were hoodwinked and beg her for forgiveness. Lick her feet if you have to! Say that it was all that fucking whore…."

"Shut up! *Crack!*"

Hearing his father call the love of his life such derogatory words over and over again, and then be ordered to go crawling back to his wife, the already crazed man fully snapped, and in a complete state of madness, threw a full powered kick with his heavy leather boot onto the old man\'s chin, using the full force of his body.

Lord Nolan had never treated Lord Cassius with any respect, but only saw him as a tool for his own gains.

Due to this, when the first clues of his madness started to manifest, the old man did not pay any heed and rather than obediently shutting up and letting the man vent, instead chose to comfort and berate him in front of so many strangers.

It would have been humiliating to even a normal man, forget Lord Cassius who was not quite in the right state of mind.

And the result was thus.

Lord Cassius\'s kick produced a dreadful *crack*, and caused a small sprinkle of white teeth and red blood to spit out, as Lord Nolan immediately fell back to the ground from the immense impact, rolling his eyes over and foaming at the mouth.

The hit was so bad that the old man started to see stars, and then a sudden sense of crippling dread began to grip him, as he felt he was about to have another heart attack.

He could not believe his son had hit him once again.

Of course, none of this mattered to Lord Cassius even in the slighted, whose face only morphed into utter hatred and absolute rage, before screaming at the top of his voice towards the semi conscious man,

"You lie! You lie! You old fart, you always lie! All my life I have lived by your words… your lies. There was never a moment in my life when I felt free! I was always under your thumb!"

"*Bang*! But with Linda, I will be free. She was promised me!"

"*Bang*, If it was not for you, I would already be with her! *Bang*, I am here all because of you! All because of an old fart who already had one foot in the grave."

"What is the point of you living? *Bang*! There is none! There is none! *Bang*, why aren\'t you talking? Talk! Speak! Berate me like you always do!"

As Lord Cassius was saying this, he began to kick the old man in the stomach in anger, taunting and trying to get a response, all while Lord Nolan could only produce heaving sobs.

He was an old man, and could not take such heavy physical punishment!

So the defenseless man could only lay there and bear it.

"Cassius enough!" Until that was Lady Miranda decided to intervene, her voice hard and cold.

This tragic sight was finally enough to snap the shocked lady out of her stunned state and she let out this angry growl.

No matter what a father\'s faults were, this could never be how a son treated him. It was utterly repulsive.

And hearing this familiar voice, Lord Cassius did stop, before turning his red, enraged eyes towards the source.

As he then bared his white teeth in a snarling gesture to curse, "Miranda! You whore! You barren husky! You slut…."

But the madman never got to finish his tirade, as in his delirious state, he only saw a sudden flash of colors and a flurry of movements, before finally coming to the realization that his wife was in front of him and she had plunged a large dagger into his heart!

Let us say no to Original! Don\'t take part in a crime! Don\'t patronize thieves!

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