
Chapter 908 Philips’s Agreement

Chapter 908 Philips\'s Agreement

?Alexander\'s decision to relocate a large part of the royal family, especially the male members, from Tibias to Zanzan was of course based on long, historical precedents.

A defeated royal family, weakened both in manpower and prestige was a very ripe target to be usurped by a branch family who would be able to rally many of the frustrated nobles around them, promising them a second chance at freedom and liberation.

Alexander wished to remove that firewood far, far before it had even the slightest chance to catch alight.

And such a move would only have the happy additional instance of removing rebellious thoughts from Philips.

After all, even if one wanted to rebel, they needed to have allies first.

Thus Alexander had been very forceful on this front when he was proposing this to the other nobles, absolutely not taking a no for an answer.

"It is a matter of security for the realm!" He had vehemently posed.

In fact, Alexander had originally wanted to execute all the branching members of the royal family but that idea was curb stomped into the ground almost an instant later.

So he settled with the nobles on the agreement that the other royal members would be afforded a decent life outside of Tibias.

While in the case of Philips, although he was at first a bit appalled at Alexander\'s intention to relocate all his kin hundreds of miles away to another city when the former pointed out the benefits that would bring to the Crown Prince himself, the man could not help but see the act very differently.

It was not like Philips had never learned tales of rival family members betraying each other.

But the man never considered it ever happening to him.

It was like how people were aware that accidents on roads happened, but rarely considered it was ever going to happen to them.

Until it did.

And it was a similar case here, where it took Alexander\'s pointing to make the man see his own benefits.

Thus ultimately, Philips, fearful of his cousins posing a challenge to him decided to ditch his original plan, which was to make them stay in his own estate if things came to the worst of the worst, and with a curt nod acquiesced, "Fine, we agree." but then quickly added this conditions, "But we then ask that none of their private property to be seized. They must be allowed to keep all their gold, jewelry, and other exotic belongings."

It seemed Philips was still doubtful of the \'handsome\' stipend that Alexander promised, fearing the pasha would promise a sum much lower than the required amount they would need to live a lifestyle matching their upbringing.

And in that sense, on the surface of it, this ask seemed very good, with Philips appearing like a diligent head of the household looking after his extended family.

However, towards this, Alexander could not help but snigger internally.

For he thought it was pretty foolish.

Of course that was not because of what Philips was asking.

Alexander would agree that was pretty solid of him.

But unfortunately, the Crown Prince seemed to have forgotten to take into account the circumstances these people would be under with such large wealth.


In a foreign city.

Alexander was sure various gangs and even city guards would swiftly come to them like ants to honey after being attracted to their flashing wealth, making various excuses to \'borrow\' money.

"My daughter is getting married."

"My wife is sick."

"I have not eaten in three days"

"My house has a leaking roof."

\'I want to buy some warm clothes."

The various bizarre and creative excuses these swindlers could make to fleech money out of their victims was almost like an art form and it had to be seen to be believed.

So Crown Prince asking this clearly showed that he did not have much idea of the affairs of the common folk, which was of course perfectly normal given his life circumstances.

"Okay. I agree." Alexander was more than happy to agree to this, as he was more than happy to fuel to this inevitable harassment.

They were no friends of his so he saw little reason to intervene.

And even if he wanted to protect them, Alexander doubted these showy people would be able to hold on to their wealth even if it was not cheated out of them.

Alexander did not know these people but guessed that being born into the lap of ultimate luxury, they would not be tight fisted with money.

Meaning no more with their large stream of income, they would soon be destitute.

And then they would have to Alexander for more.

That was exactly what the man wanted.

"Thank you, my lord." However, Philips was not versed enough in such critical matters.

So unfortunately he was not able to see through Alexander\'s intentions, and instead even gave a large grin thinking he had managed to at last score a win as evidenced by Alexander\'s quick answer.

"Hehehe, don\'t mention it," Alexander\'s hearty chuckle as the reply also had a lot darker undertone to it than Philips could have ever realized.

Thus, finally, quite happy with the concessions he had managed to extract from the defeated Philips decided to end the meeting then with a brisque wave of his hands,

"If that is all you have to inquire, then let\'s finish it here for today."

"You can take that paper and have a read through a few times in the next few days. Make sure you thoroughly understand all the terms so that there is no misunderstanding."

"We will sign an official one with all the updated agreements a week from now from now."

Alexander breezily ended.

However, although Alexander clearly signaled the end of the meeting, instead of leaving, Philips appeared to drag his foot a bit.

For although the man had no more objections to make to the demands, he did have an additional ask.

And seeing Philips somewhat intrigued Alexander who could not help but raise an eyebrow.

The curiosity was soon solved when he heard Philips speak in a somewhat uneasy voice,

"My lord, we … heard that you offered various trade deals with the other noble houses. We too would like to be part of one."

Philips had come here with the expectation of getting access to cheaper priced inventory of Alexander\'s specialties.

Such a thing would be crucial to getting the wheels of their own coffers going.

But Alexander had of course no intention of giving such a deal to Philips.

The reason for which was simple- he had no intention of helping the royal family ever become strong.

But outwardly, he gave Philips the following reason, "That offer was only given to the nobles who surrendered before the fight. Your royal family did not. So naturally you are not qualified."

It was a brutal answer that got Philips to produce a bitter face.

Philips could have been blind and he still would not have missed the lucrativeness of Alexander\'s business.

He was of course very disappointed.

"But work loyally for five years and I will reconsider." Until suddenly he heard Alexander promise this.

Thinking that one should always dangle a carrot while giving the stick, facing Philips, Alexander had decided to change his mind at the last minute.

"Yes! Of course Lord Pasha! I swear." Which unsurprisingly produced a great deal of enthusiasm in Philips at last decided to dismiss himself.

The Crown Prince\'s next few days however would quickly work to erode this alacrity as Alexander\'s terms predictably caused a lot of tension among the royal members when Philips informed them.

His youngest sister, and undoubtedly the most spoiled had thrown a great tantrum at being made essentially statusless, her fit made all the more fiercer by how jealous she was of her elder sister.

While his mother had vehemently refused to even consider Alexander\'s terms at first

"No! If we die, we die. That is better than eternal damnation!" She had screeched at having her belief forcibly changed.

And it took a lot of cajoling on Philips\'s part to make her at least agree, with the straw that broke the camel\'s back being this particular sentence from Philips.

"The pasha has threatened to decline to treat Father if you do not acquiesce Mother! He is not doing a charity here. Please reconsider!"

Philips had decided to blatantly lie here to convince his mother because he knew that if he told her about Alexander\'s original offer, i.e. either him or Perikles taking the position in her stead, she would absolutely make them accept it no matter what.

Lady Parthia was at that pious in her belief.

And Philips knew that perhaps the only thing that could shake her from her pedestal was her love for her husband Perseus.

The Queen had shivered and shed copious tears of regret that day when she had first heard Alexander\'s \'disgusting\' threat

But ultimately nodded.

While regarding the matter of Philips\'s uncles and cousins, the man found himself utterly lacking in any and all courage to inform them of their fate.

It was like he was too ashamed to even show him their face.

So Philips decided to skip that conversation entirely, intending for the other party to become aware only when he had finished signing the treaty!

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