
Chapter 856 Captured Zanzan Nobles

Chapter 856 Captured Zanzan Nobles

?856 Captured Zanzan Nobles

Alexander\'s plan to make the captured nobles cooperate was simple- threatening to not recognize them as nobility but as instead common peasants who could then be killed or sold as common slaves.

"You have no one to come save you. You are alone here. No one knows whether you are even alive! I can do whatever I want to you," Alexander\'s threat was naked and real as he laid bare the situation to the defeated men.

To this of course the esteemed men had protested at first, one pointing at Alexander and very simplyangrily shouting,

"Lies! His Eminence Manuk would never do that. He is probably caught up in some urgent matter and will no doubt soon contact you."

While another of his friends too quickly chimed in,

"That\'s right! And even if Lord Manuk were to encounter something untoward, there is still our own lord. He will surely send messengers to inquire about us! Our families will never let us be forgotten."

This man was far more genteel and polite with his speech.

And lastly, another man warned this,

"Lord of Zanzan, surely you cannot hope to keep the massacre of so many nobles a secret. It will no doubt get out. You should be smart enough to know what the consequences of that would be." "So I would advise you to exercise patience and not to be too rash with your actions, lest you do something regretful that you cannot reverse."

This particular voice was very smooth and cool and Alexander found the source of this subtle threat to come from a short, quite slim man, in his mid- thirties, with very bushy eyebrows and sunken cheeks.

He appeared very gaunt, showing evidence that his days in captivity had not been kind to them,but his eyes still shone with intelligence and wit.

It seemed he was one of the leaders here.

And all these men pointed to the same thing, that even if what Alexander said was true, and Manuk did truly abandon them, their other backer Matbar (Marquis) Kyaum would surely not.

And so if Alexander was to kill them, no matter how well he hid it, there would always be the danger of it getting out someday.

That would be a diplomatic clusterfuck in the best case scenario.

"Bah! He doesn\'t have the guts! Sewer rat!"

But then suddenly, as Alexander was thinking of the best answer to respond with, this abhorrent slang rang out, and the bellicose voice cursed in one of the filthiest languages that Alexander had yet heard,

"Hehe! Do you think we will be scared by a mongrel like you? Bah! I have my dogs tear slaves like you every weekend just for fun!"

"Just wait till my father defeats you."

"Your children\'s flesh will be picked apart by vultures and wives will be r@ped not by men but by my dogs, pigs, and horses. Because that\'s what you are, filthy animals not even deservingto be treated as humans."

"Just you wait!" The man pointed with dripping malice at Alexander.

And even then he was not done.

As after saying this, this man appeared to be in his mid twenties turned around to the other nobles, before spreading his arms and claiming in a jubilant cheer,

"My fellow lords, how can you be intimidated by this low blood cur? He is a slave! A low born object! How dare would he harm a single hair on us nobles? He would make the entirety of Adhanian nobility his enemy if he did, hahaha."

The laughter was boisterous and very happy.


Which rang particularly prominently against the pin drop silent backdrop as the entire surrounding had suddenly gone completely dead silent at this man\'s audacity in shock and horror.

\'How can this idiot be so delusional?\'

Was the same question surfaced in the minds of everyone present, from both sides.

The captured side cursed this idiot for being so oblivious to his circumstances, as although many of his enemies called Alexander many names behind his back, none of them were stupid enough to dare him so openly, especially when so much of the advantage belonged to the man.

While Alexander\'s side, after being shocked out of their wits, turned livid to the point many faces turned almost pepper red.

"Scum! You dare!" Menes was the first to respond, and his lion like roar was at such a volume that it even made Alexander twitch a bit in shock.

And following Menes\'s example, came many such similar enraged shouts, with many even unsheathing their swords wishing to cut the man down then and there.

However, to this, the man did not show the least bit of fear, and even put his middle finger up as he revealed a taunting smile.

Like he was daring them to touch him.

"Who is your father?" While Alexander, who was externally the most pensive and unmoved by all this picked that one interesting phrase to inquire about.

"Of course its Matbar (Marquis) Kyaum!" And the man puffed up his chest in pride as he replied.

To Alexander, it seemed almost as if the man might be condensing pride out of his skin pores.

"Oh? And are you legitimate?"

The fact that his father was Alexander\'s greatest enemy to the West was not a surprise, as the way the man had said \'my father\' was a pretty big giveaway.

But Alexander did want to know his true status in that undoubtedly large family.

"Yo… you!" And this suddenly got a very large reaction from the man, as he turned very flushed, and looked at Alexander so hatefully that it was as if he wanted to eat the man raw.

It was very apparent that this was a particularly sore spot for him.

"Oh! So you are not?" And given the answer was not an immediate \'yes\', Alexander was pretty easily able to deduce the answer.

As he then sneered, "Heh! So you are not even a noble, just a pretending nobody."

"What! Kyuam r@ped your whore of a mother and then left her to die in a ditch?"

"Were you then brought up in the stables by dogs and pigs? Is that why you only have them as friends? That must be why you talk so filthy instead of us civilized human beings?"

Alexander might not have shouted and swung his sword like the rest of his men, but his reply was not any less sharp.

In fact, it actually cut that man far far deeper than any sword cut.

Because many of the insults Alexander hurled were indeed true.

He was indeed a bastard, born from a maid, not a working woman.

And he did work in the stables as a boy.

But the reason Alexander was able to figure all this out was not because he was some kind of physic unable to see the past.

It was simply because stewards and stable boys were the two most common jobs for illegitimate children of a noble.

And since this man was out here fighting instead of looking after an estate, Alexander could bet he probably grew up as a stable boy looking after the horses while serving as the squire to any one of the lords of the house.

As Alexander finished taunting the man, suddenly, blind with rage, that man jumped over the relatively short fence, and

"Ahhhh!" started to maddingly charge towards Alexander, a small rock that he had picked up from the ground in his hand, his eyes bloodshot, his face twisted with malice.

It appeared Alexander\'s mockery had hit a hit too close to the mark and driven the man mad.


But of course, he was tackled to the ground long, long before he could even get to properly see Alexander through all his entourage.

"Darm animal! Looking to die aren\'t you?" Menes ground his teeth as he held the squirming man down, pressing him so strongly against the ground that it seemed he wanted to mesh the two together.

"Get him on his knees!"While finally tired of this circus, Alexander lightly stepped up and asked this.



He soon equipped himself with a dagger, the large, steely blade glinting off the sunlight.

"Pasha Alexander please restrain yourself!" And seeing this some of the captured nobles urgently shouted so, with one of them even asking,

"Lord Alexander, that man has lost his mind after staying in captivity for so long. Please do not lower yourself to the same level."

But Alexander paid no heed to these clamors and instead lowering his head to look the restrained man directly in the eyes, he growled, "Those things you said… did you do that? To other slaves?"

"*Grrrrr*" In response, Alexander only got this sound, as the man just struggled to free himself from the men holding him to his knees.

But the way his eyes swam with pure hatred at Alexander made him convinced that the man indeed was capable of doing such a thing.


And so Alexander had no remorse in driving his full dagger into his beast in the shape of a man\'s heart, and once dead, he turned to look at the nobles and said,

"I do not care what you think. But know that if you do not obey me, every last one of you will end up like that."

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