
Chapter 844 Lady Felicia’s Fate (Part-2)

Chapter 844 Lady Felicia\'s Fate (Part-2)

?844 Lady Felicia\'s Fate (Part-2)

Lady Felicia\'s instant reply really made it apparent how much the woman was willing to sacrifice for power.

It was a level that even made the self professed ambitious Alexander twitch his lips a bit in incredulation.

So he could not help but add with a taunt, "Oh? Then what about an arm?"

"Of course! I do not mind!"

The answer that came instantly did not have even a shred of fear, as Lady Felicia then put up her left arm to say with clear, limpid eyes,

"Losing my right hand will make it hard for me to write and do my work, Lord Pasha. But I can sacrifice my left," She zealously chimed, further adding,

"If I can live the procedure, I\'m even willing to give up both of my legs, my lord!"

The raw determination on display here made Alexander even now astounded, as the way the lady said it made it seem like it was really of very little concern to her like she would be perhaps getting her hair cut or something.

And Alexander was quite sure she was not bluffing.

This made him momentarily stunned as he found the real punishment he himself had thought of to be quite inadequate.

"... You do not need to lose your hand. I do not want Lapitus to turn hostile because I mutilated his wife," Until finally, massaging his globular a bit, Alexander forced this with an exasperated tone.


And then instantly gave a signal with his finger causing a few nurses to appear from the other room.

"But you will lose a finger." He informed.

This, unsurprisingly, did not cause any commotion, as Lady Felicia appeared very calm, and even very expectant to this news, quickly bowing her head in deference, as she then voluntarily held out her left arm.

So Alexander only gave a gesture with his head for the nurses to begin.

Thus, like practice, one very burly nurse took out a large cleaver and positing it over the cut finger, she separated the lady\'s left ring finger at the second bone in one single strike.


While Lady Felicia only gritted her teeth and groaned through her nose, but did not let out an octave of scream, for her mind was filled with gleeful lights.

And then ignoring her gushing finger while staining the heavy oak table a dark red, she turned to face Alexander and solemnly promised, "I am eternally thankful for your leniency my lord. I swear I will remember this lesson. I will never lie to you, by the gods!"

"......" Seeing her so easily brush off the pain, Alexander by now really had little more to say regarding her willpower and could only give an acknowledging nod.

Adding saying in a deep voice, "I will hold you on to that Felicia. You have lied to the gods once. There will be no salvation for you if there is to be a \'twice\'.

"Serve me well and I will even make you a noble. With separate lands and titles from your husband."

"But lie to me ever, next it will not be your arm that I cut. But straight your throat."

Lady Felicia only nodded her head repeatedly to this, promising Alexander that she had understood, as she then suddenly felt a profound sense of weakness grip her.

It was not due to blood loss from the bleeding finger, but more so the fact that having finally obtained what she wanted, relief washed over her.

And as all her worries and alertness that had caffeinated left her, it was replaced by the enormous tiredness she had been bottling up.

Then willingly resigning herself to it, Lady Felicia fainted right as where she was sitting, slumping her back against the chair and drifting off, to Alexander\'s slight panic.

"Felicia! The man even lightly screamed as he feared the worst, while one of the nurses quickly sought to take her pulse.

"She\'s just asleep my lord." And it was this reassurance that finally calmed the man down

The next morning Lady Felicia would wake herself to find she was in Alexander\'s room, though the man did not appear to be in sight.

Instead, accompanying her was a stinging sensation on her left hand, instantly making her recall the events that had transpired the night prior.

And as the memories came flooding in, instinctively Lady Felicia pulled her hand out of the light blanket and was momentarily amazed by the sight of her hand.

For whereas she was expecting her ring finger to be only a stump, now the bandage finger was actually whole, its tall and slender shape visible even through the thick white roll.

And when she tried to move it, it brought her a mind numbingly stinging pain.

It was a terrible sensation, but that only brought her great joy, for it clearly meant her finger had been stitched together.

"Hehehe. He really has a soft heart." The revelation then made the injured woman giggle as such, for she felt she had been given a brief insight into Alexander\'s mind,

Then lifting her left hand towards the ceiling, her eyes sparkled in joy at having obtained as all she had wanted without losing anything.

Alexander really had a soft spot for the fairer sex and given how endearing he found Fabiyana, he found it hard to hurt her mother.

Besides, given the amount of \'stuff\' the lady was willing to lose, he reasoned that to her, losing or not losing a finger would really not matter.

But Lady Felicia was unaware of these thoughts, and for the moment, she did not seem to care, as having survived the ordeal, relief, and excitement filled every pore of her body, and then, as suddenly as she had woken up, she fell back to sleep again, wishing to swim in this joyful experience for much longer.

Lady Felicia would only wake up only around noon and then as she was attending the lunch with the others,

"Mommy! What happened to your hand?"

As expected Fabiyana cried out in alarm upon seeing the large, prominent bandage, her big, dolly eyes almost tearing up at the mere sight of it.

But the mature lady was quickly able to alleviate her daughter\'s fears by simply claiming it was a small cut.

However, in much contrast to this easy target, Lapitus would of course not be so easy to hoodwink.

So when she was asked the same question that night, Lady Felicia revealed with slightly clenched teeth,

"Those papers were a trap! The Pasha wanted to test us using it. He let me steal those."

It was a narrative that instantly made Lapitus shiver upon hearing it, while Lady Felicia continued,

"And he let me give them to you. And surely he had his eyes on you too! To see if you were really loyal to him."

"Fortunately you passed.Otherwise…" the trailing voice could easily let Lapitus finish the thought as there really was one end for traitors.

"You… you mean the Pasha knew everything all along? Everything?" Lapitus appeared astounded at this revelation, as Alexander\'s scheme made the straight laced man shiver and his incredulation peaked at Lady Felicia\'s nod of confirmation.

"He did not punish you because you did not send the message and converted. Or else I would be a widow" The fair lady slightly joked, before showing her bandaged finger "But this is my punishment for stealing. Fortunately, I was only struck by a dull knife, so the finger severed," Lady Felicia embellished the truth.

But even this reduced wound made Lapitus\'s heart bleed upon seeing his wife\'s injured digit, and a low flame of dissatisfaction and anger ignited itself in his mind.

How could he serve a lord that had hurt his beloved?

How was he any better than Petrino?

\'Did I switch chains from one cruel master to another?\' Thus Lapitus momentarily appeared a bit disillusioned.

And subtly sensing this. Lady Felicia quickly and pointedly asked with a bit of alarm in her voice, "You are not thinking of revenge, are you? You idiot!"

"......" Lapitus gave no answer to the shout, neither a yes or no, which was pretty indicative that he was indeed thinking about it.

This then prompted Lady Felicia to point at the man and almost scream,

"Listen Lapitus! We finally got the city! After so long. After so many sacrifices! We finally got it. I have the papers making us governors of the city!"

"Do not screw it up for me! Do not try to be a hero and take any revenge. Not even the tiniest bit."

"As a matter of fact, remove even the tiniest bit of such a thought from your head." The mature lady\'s voice was forceful and didactic, grandly declaring,

"Whatever the Pasha did, we deserved. I do not hold the slightest bitterness."

Following this the lady then fiercely grabbed Lapitus by the arms to urge,

"Swear to me Lapitus! Swear to me by the gods that you will not do anything stupid."

"The Pasha will soon be leaving for the capital, and we will become like kings and queens inside this city."

"To get all that for only a small cut on my finger is more than worth it! It is a thousand times worth it."

"Do not do anything to jeopardize that."

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