
Chapter 779 Gift For Ptolomy (Part-3)

Chapter 779 Gift For Ptolomy (Part-3)

The girls being put forward to Alexander were all dressed in a very similar way to how those four girls before were- bras or sashes on the top, combined with thin, linen underwear and revealing pants below, thus showing or nearly showing everything that a man might want to see in a pleasure slave.

Their hair was done in all kinds of various ways- braided, ponytailed, free flowing, bunned, to name only a few and they wore various ornate jewelry, such as bangles, anklets, earrings, and neckpieces, as well as sexy chains around their breasts or lower hips.

Seeing this opulent display of ornaments, Alexander would have to admit, that he might have underestimated the costs of dressing and maintaining these girls.

Gold itself was expensive, and when it was worked on by skilled artisans like now, even just a little bit, it quickly tripled or even quadrupled.

It seemed that Cassim was willing to splash significant amounts of money to make Alexander\'s tributes appear as flashy as possible in front of the king.

Something which pleased the man.

As Alexander inspected these girls, he found some of the bolder ones even starting to show off their bare bodies to Alexander, as they parted his chest sashes, or lifted their bras, making their oiled voluptuous flesh glitter due to the shining gold pieces, with Alexander even spotting a few with piercings on them.

While a few of the other girls even pushed their underwear aside, showing their well combed tufts.

They then even spread their pink perfumed lips, letting a jeweled silver tiara hanging from the waistband they wore dangle in front it, making it look like a star shining against a dark lake.

The entire reveal was very sensual and Alexander could tell the entire thing was very well rehearsed, impressing him about the quality of training they surely had received.

In the process of the tour, he found that the types of women Cassim had chosen were as large in variety as their numbers.

The ages of these women varied anywhere from short, petite teens yet to fully bloom to mature voluptuous thirty-year-olds in their prime, sporting figures of every possible kind- curvy, slim, plump, and slender, with looks and complexions of similarly diverse nature- cute tanned ones, oval white ones, and squared ebony ones.

But like those four girls Alexander had seen before, the one thing that tied them together was their beautiful faces, as he felt these girls indeed were enough to catch those eyes in the capital.

Furthermore, as he moved from tent to tent, each and every one of the girls there acted as if they could not wait to submit to him, sultry walking up to him and caressing him, pushing their abundant chests against him, urging him to feel their ass or rubbing their creamy thighs, as all of them seemed to beg him to take them then and there.

Alexander was certainly impressed by how naturally they were able to present themselves, especially given that it had only been a fortnight since their capture.

\'Cassim must have really good trainers,\' Alexander felt reassured.

Hence feeling his 1 million ropals was not going to be wasted, he afterward urged Cassim again to make sure none of the girls to be sent had any physical defects or diseases, and then decided to exit the tent.

"My lord, it is already noon, And we have prepared a feast for you. Please, won\'t you attend?"

But then Cassim humbly posed such, framing the invitation as a choice.

Alexander was indeed feeling hungry by now.

He had been walking for hours and given the heat, he was tempted to get inside that cold room again, wishing to wait out it out there.

Thus Alexander happily accepted, following which he was then served all the regular delicacies.

Expensive white bread, very good cheese, various meat, fish, honey, and a kind of fermented sauce he never had, with the most unique item of the meal is definitely being the sheep\'s testicles, which had no taste of sheep but tasted more like pork sausage.

The two men dined in that cold room, the two eating and chatting, while making small talk about their past, about funny experiences they had, Alexander was being attended to by all four of those scantily clad ladies, every one of which tried to fill his belly almost as much as they tried to raise his lust meter, trying almost every trick in the book.

Alexander was of course no stranger to such endeavors, as it almost came with part and parcel with being a lord.

Everyone tried to get into your pants, either to earn a favor or like here, to show goodwill.

And since these girls meant no harm, Alexander was happy to oblige, copping a feel of the soft chest here, or groping the luscious butts there when the opportunity presented himself, and he did this right in front of Cassim.

The slaver of course did not even blink an eye, since this was not the first time the girls did this.

And as the man who had commanded them to do so, he was very much pleased to this reaction, as his smiles only grew wider every time he saw Alexander pinch one of his girls.

If Alexander even showed the slightest interest in any of them, he would be over the moon to gift all four of them together.

To be able to please a client as big and powerful as Alexander by giving away just four such girls was daylight robbery in his eyes.

Following the meal, as desserts, Alexander was served yogurt with honey in a small earthen pot, and as he took small scoops of the white and yellow stuff using an ornate spoon made of gold, feeling the coolness wash down himself, Cassim slowly spoke up in a gentle voice,

"My lord, it\'s too hot outside. Why don\'t you take a rest here? I\'m sure anything you might have can wait!"

The practice of having a short nap was indeed common, but Alexander could tell that was not the slave trader\'s real intention.

Those thoughts were betrayed by the scalding looks he felt the four pairs surrounding him flashed him.

Cassim was trying to set up the conditions for him to enjoy these girls, and by the looks of it, these girls were also very much in favor to enjoying him too.

And Alexander would easily guess why.

The four might not hate their current master- Cassim, but they did not love him either.

The man was no saint, and many times even cruel, and the four only tolerated him because he was too powerful and also not an unconscionable tyrant.

Thus though they would not slit his throat at night if provided a chance, they would also not hesitate to abandon him at a moment\'s notice either.

And how could a better chance present itself than this, with this young, enigmatic young master to whom their master appeared to be so ingratiating?

It was simple maths really.

"Hmmp, I\'m indeed feeling a bit sleepy. That was a great meal." And Alexander was surprisingly willing to accept Cassim\'s offer.

Seeing all those sexy, scantily clad women had worked up his lust, and since he was being offered such a free sample, he felt it would be too rude to decline.

"Great! Great! Then please, I will leave you to rest." At Alexander\'s willingness the slave trader instantly jumped to his feet, as if he could not wait to leave Alexander and let him \'dine\' alone, his heart overjoyed by the fact the man was willing to accept his offering,

So turning to the girls, he instructed,

"You four. That good care of the master. Make sure is he most comfortable."

And then with a hurried bow, he was gone.

Alexander might not have believed how fast such a large man could move if he had not seen it for himself.

With the room now all to themselves and having gotten Alexander\'s implicit permission, the girls got a lot bolder, as one of them tugged his arms, cooing,

"Here master, there is the bed, Let us rest there."

And Alexander was happy to be led, though the place he was brought was not really a bed, but more like a very large devan.

And as he was sat down, another girl who was following in toe quickly squatted down, giggling,

"My lord, it\'s too hot here. Let\'s get you more comfortable," as she then very expertly worked to free Alexander of his pants.

By the movements of her hands, it was apparent she was very experienced.

And in that similar vein, his upper body armor too was stripped by the other three, until he just had a plain tunic on him.

"Oh my god!" But suddenly his light gasp rang out from below him, as the girl there finally laid eyes on his little brother.

"What! Never saw anything like this before?" And seeing the genuine shock, Alexander was internally very pleased.

There was no doubt these girls had body counts in the tens if not hundreds, so for them to let out his involuntary cry, stoked his masculinity.

And then for the following hours, a torrent of lewd shouts and moans devasted the room, by the end of which Alexander was left a very pleased man.

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