
Chapter 760 Doubting the 'Truth' (Part-1)

Chapter 760 Doubting the \'Truth\' (Part-1)

In the case of the former, it was an easy solution.

While for the latter, Alexander could simply ask Lapitus that he wished to have Lady Felicia as one of his wife\'s handmaidens.

Or simply have the pair to run away from home and take asylum under him in Zanzan.

Even that simple move would make it very hard for Lapitus to find the duo in a city of two hundred thousand. 

But Lady Felicia herself did not care for those, her goals being much loftier.

So listening to Alexander seemed to make herself increasingly frustrated.

According to her planned schedule, this should have been the point that Alexander took her to bed without any questions and the rest would unfold from there.

But the very first roadblock, the challenge of seducing Alexander to take her appeared to be too challenging for her.

She did not think simply honey potting Alexander, a twenty year old brat would have been so hard.

In her mind that was supposed to be the easy part!

When she had formulated her plans, she had focused her attention on what to do after she had laid with him, thinking the first part was already set in stone.

But now when Alexander had called her \'mother in law\', she mostly knew this game was lost, for the word emitted a kind of taboo that was not to be violated.

And hearing it she had felt a sudden urge to stab the guy, the connotation making her feel old.

"Does my lord not find me attractive?" And then trying for the very last time, the lady finally posed this, sensually biting down on her lips to show how \'hurt\' she was. 

If the man still did not invite her, then Lady Felicia might truly be out of ideas.

But like predicted, Alexander simply smiled and requested, "It is getting late my lady. And we have a big day tomorrow. Get some rest."

Alexander was not the type of cuddle any and every woman who came to him.

Alexander believed he had addressed the reasons Lady Felicia had come here dressed like that and that was that.

He would not entertain her more than that.

Besides he believed that during wars, one should be distracted by these pleasures.

And he meant to follow his beliefs. 

Though he did feel a twinge of regret at not being able to savor such a delicious body being offered so defenselessly in front of him.

Especially those milky jugs.

But hey, you win some, you lose some.

Whereas in the opposite camp, Lady Felicia upon hearing this felt like her sky was crashing down.

If she left Alexander\'s tent now, if morning came and their relationship still remained in its current form, if she could not leave Alexander with even a single memory of a hot, steamy night, she knew all her plans and schemes were likely to vanish like smoke.

Forget about ruling Thesalie, Alexander might not even remember her other than that she was the mother of one of his numerous mistresses or worse maids.

While after reuniting with her husband in the morning. she would go back to her usual life.

No, it would not even be her usual life, it would be far worse,.

For without her father Lord Ponticus or her lover Petrino to finance her expensive lifestyle, the consequences could be imagined.

Lady Felicia did not want to even think about how she was going to lead her life from that point.

\'Why? What mistake did I do?\' As she thought about these, the woman found herself asking, even doubting her own body she was proud of.

And then suddenly! 

After almost drowning in this whirlpool of her confusion, suddenly Lady Felicia\'s eyes seemed to extricate herself, turning from muddy and clouded to sharp and clouded.

It seemed that she had made a decision.

All of a sudden her face then hardened, losing all those soft, alluring features, while her tone became sharp, as she stepped towards Alexander in that outfit, boldly posing, 

"Before I go my lord, may I ask who do you plan on leaving to govern your city? Will it be you, a nobleman, or perhaps a Tibian?" 

This complete shift to a totally unrelated topic caught Alexander a bit off guard, as until then, Lady Felicia had not shown any kind of interest in any of this.

\'What does it have to do with her what he did with the city?\' So he asked himself.

And he really wanted to say the exact thing out aloud, but in the spirit of keeping things civil and polite abstained.

Instead, he gave an answer that was not an answer, only replying, "Perhaps." 

By now, like his counterpart, his eyes had turned very sharp and penetrating, clearly showing he did not like being questioned like this.

But facing such a gaze, Lady Felicia actually seemed unfazed, at this time point clenching her teeth and quickly saying in a single breath, 

"Then would you consider me ruling the city in your stead! I know the place and the people. And they will certainly be more receptive to a Tibian like me rather than an outsider like you my lord."

Finally, she revealed it, her true intentions, being forced to divulge them.

Lady Felicia had said these words in possibly record time, so quickly in fact that for the first few moments, Alexander doubted his ears, thinking he must have missed something.

But once the initial shock wore off, and his mind processed that Lady Felicia was indeed asking what he thought she was asking, a quiet but blazing fire rose in his heart. 

To think that after all he had gone through to have the city, a nobody like her would ask to snatch it from him like that.

She was not even a part of his faction.

\'Who is she to decide who I give the rule of the city to? How dare she ask this!\' So Alexander was both angry and incredulous at the absurd demand.

After spending the last few days with her, Alexander found the lady to be quite smart in his interactions.

And that was what made the whole thing all the more incongruous.

So for a while Alexander did not know to respond, laugh out loud like he had heard one of the world\'s funniest jokes, immediately kick her out of his tent in that state, or simply lambast her for even having the gall to suggest such a thing.

And at last he settled on this response, his voice mocking and taunting, 

"Is that why you were trying so hard to sleep with me? To become my mistress? Did you think you could get it if I thought you were a good fuck?"

"..." Lady Felicia did not immediately answer, her eyes only fearlessly meeting Alexander\'s enlarged and angry pair.

At the end of her ropes and seeing no other way, she had decided on this crude direct approach and simply asked Alexander what she wanted.

And the reaction was what she had expected.

If she was in Alexander\'s position, she might have reacted the same, or even worse.

And that was why she originally wanted to worm into Alexander\'s pants first and then slowly cajole it out of him.

But since that option was out, she knew she had to face Alexander\'s naked hostilities head on when she asked him, so she then replied in a prophetic tone,

"The dislike the people of Thesalie have towards foreigners, especially Adhanians is truly profound. My lord, even if you can conquer Thesalie, you will find it very hard to rule the city effectively. Rebellions, riots or just subtle sabotage might continue for years, stoked further by forces from the capital. All this will make holding the city a constant headache for you."

"But if you let a native rule, a Tibian born and raised in the city, even if it is only a puppet position, all these problems can be largely mitigated." At this point, Lady Felicia\'s voice had turned soft and enticing, 

"And who better can you find than me, the daughter of the previous city lord?" 

"I can help you rule the city without any problems my lord!"

Lady Felicia softly whispered next to Alexander\'s ears as she finished by promising, 

"....." Alexander did not immediately say yes or no.

He was moved by some of the points raised, like the inevitable resistance the city would have to his rule and Lady Felicia being the best viable candidate to try and minimize it.

With Lord Ponticus\'s entire family gone, and all his male successors killed, Lady Felicia was the closest living relative the people had who was still living in the city.

So putting a puppet like her on the throne was also a time tested technique, with perhaps the best example being how the British were able to control a quarter of the world using this.

So its efficacy could never be questioned.

But he was also skeptical about some of the other things.

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