
Chapter 753 Taking Thesalie (Part-2)

Chapter 753 Taking Thesalie (Part-2)

During that time, the forty thousand Zanzan soldiers and forty thousand camp followers filled their pockets with the riches of the residents, their bellies with all the fine food the city had to offer, and their spirits with the soft flesh of the women, and even the men and children as preferred by some perverts.

And as they enjoyed this, aside from arson and burning the place down, almost every other heinous act was conducted by the invading men.

The Tibian men were beaten or killed if they resisted, the women were forcefully taken and many of their valuables were snatched.

And this occurred to the point that the surrounding air around Thesalie for those few days was filled with the mournful screams of women and children and the mad cackles of men.

The only ones who managed to evade this cruel fate were those lucky enough to find a way to escape or hide and not be discovered.

In hiding places like the sewers, the surrounding hills, or even inside the destroyed rubbles of a house.

But just how effective those places were, was really up to the individual\'s luck.

In this mad revelry, even many of Alexander\'s high ranking officers took part, including many nobles.

He would even later learn of many of them having taken part in a wild o*gy in one of the large halls of a deceased noble, the sound of flesh hitting flesh and loud and unrestrained moan emanating from there making even the surrounding soldiers blush with shame.

Given Adhanian nobles\' experience in that area, it was little wonder they would choose to celebrate like this.

And they did, they additionally let out cheers like these, 

"Hahaha, Thesalie. We are actually inside Thesalie. I\'m actually doing this inside Thesalie."

"Finally! My dreams! My ancestors\' dreams! It has come true." 

"Lord Alexander! Haha, truly he is my lord, hahaha, glory to Pasha Alexander!"

Even as the nobles swung their hips and partook in these raunchy activities, even as they were there in the flesh, they still could not pull themselves out of the magical realm they were in.

Everything seemed too surreal to them.

They still could not believe they had done it!

And this feeling of incredulity would be hard to describe to an outsider, as the fall of Thesalie meant something truly special to an Adhanian to an outsider, something much more than the simple fall of a mere city.

They had been trying to get it for centuries and finally, they had done it.

The city was there. 

A close approximation to what the nobles were feeling could be how the Islamic world had reacted to the fall of Constantinople at the hands of Mehmed II in Alexander\'s previous life.

The fall of the city at the hands of the Muslims had been prophesized by Muhammad more than eight hundred years ago.

At the time he this prediction, the Byzantine Empire was the superpower of the western world, whereas the Arabs were nothing more than a paltry group of nomadic wretches living almost uncivilized lives out in the desert.

So when they heard a man promising his group the capital of the western world, at the time it seemed like a pipe dream inside a pipe dream.

It would be almost the modern equivalent of claiming that a poor, unknown country conquering Europe, a continent at the forefront of technological innovation

Thus many pagan Arabs had openly mocked Muhammad for making such a howling at the moon prediction and for deceiving his followers.

But right after his death, the Muslim armies had managed to crush both the superpower of the west, the Byzantine Empire, as well as completely destroy the superpower of the east, the Sassanid Empire, even quickly capturing their capital, Ctesiphon.

And they did it at a speed that had to be seen to be believed.

So to the huge Muslim army, the capture of Constantinople seemed imminent.

And in order to prove their prophet right, the Muslims launched a huge naval and land invasion of the city.

But as you might well know, that failed.

As did many subsequent attempts.

Greek fire, its allies, and the formidable walls of the city all worked to keep its people face and the Byzantine royal family alive, as Constantinople stood for centuries.

Until the age of gunpowder and the arrival of Mehmet I, that is.

So once he took the city, he was able to fulfill Mohammand\'s prophecy, something that sent shocks of elation reverberating throughout the Muslim world.

At last, their prophet\'s words were made true, and for their success, the Ottomans got to rule the Islamic World for the next five hundred years.

The fall of Thesalie invoked a similar feeling to this in the nobles.

Now, Alexander of course did not take part in any of the sacking of the city, even though a small part of him wished he did after hearing how the nobles had enjoyed themselves.

He wanted to experience that at least once in the time he was young and foolish. 

After all, \'life\'s too short, why not enjoy it?\'

But these were only stray thoughts.

Alexander would never seriously consider it. 

So instead, he and around a thousand men remained in the camp, planning only to enter the city three days later once the soldiers had thief fun and things calmed down.

Something the guarding men were a bit disappointed by as this would mean missing out on all the fun,

Thus Alexander had to promise them adequate compensation in some other way.

While Alexander waited the three days, he did not simply idly stay in the tent, drinking his heart out in celebrations.

Rather, he was actually quite busy, mainly writing letters detailing his victory.

The recipients of these letters ranged from his wife and family to his allies such as Pasha Farzah and Lady Inayah, to the king himself, and to even some of the more neutral nobles in the vicinity of his territory.

The reason for the last one being to show off his military prowess and pressure them into joining him.

Or at least discourage any attacks from them.

And in that endeavor, Lady Felicia had offered her help, the lady actually being quite well versed in Azhak.

During her lesson, she was seemingly taught quite a few languages.

And as they sat together and wrote these lengthy, personalized letters, she also made small talk.

 Such as, "My lord, I really did not lie when I said Lapitus would wait ten days to open the gates. He told me he would. I don\'t know what happened!"

Regarding this case, the lady was genuinely worried.

She knew this was one tangible thing she would easily prove to Alexander, and she had failed.

\'Dammit! That useless swine! The one time I choose to rely on him he fucks up like this.\'

\'Ugh! And I was so close to laying with him too. If I only had a few more days, I could have had him… fuck …\'

Internally, the vocabulary of curses and cusses this demure, soft looking lady was spewing towards her husband would have shocked anyone.

She really was upset at Lapitus, for had he waited a few more days, she would have been in a much better position.

And once she had finished venting on Lapitus, she then turned to Alexander.

\'And this wooden block! What\'s up with him? I\'ve been flashing everything I have and he still hasn\'t taken me?

\'Is he a eunuch? Does he have a problem? I heard he has a wife and kid. So what gives?\'

Alexander had proven to be a far harder catch than Lady Felicia had originally anticipated.

Originally, she thought that given Alexander\'s young age, she would need two, at best three days to wrap him around her fingers.

She had assumed that with the man, or more like boy being away from home for so long, and fighting a war, the lack of female companionship would soon overtake his lust upon seeing her tantalizing views and he would then assault her defenseless at night, thereupon having a taste of her delicious fruits.

And once he did this, given the experience, the illicit nature of the act, and the fact that Alexander had forcefully taken her, Lady Felicia planned to make him consider further concession.

Of course the act itself could be considered minor in front of Alexander, as he could almost do anything he wanted without facing major repercussions.

But Lady Felicia knew that nobles placed a lot of importance on their looks and so was quite confident in being able to make Alexander give out some things in return.

The extent being dependent on Lady Felicia\'s skills, both in bed and on the negotiating table. 

\'Hehehe, he is a just slave. I bet he has never tasted a real pussy,\' Lady Felicia smugly claimed after knowing of Alexander\'s past.

But that confidence had soon been eroded by now,

Today was already the sixth day and that presumed nighttime attack was yet to come.

So currently Lady Felica was almost at her wit\'s end trying to bait Alexander.

If nothing worked, she even considered attacking Alexander herself and go from there!

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