
Chapter 728 Lady Felicia (Part-2)

Chapter 728 Lady Felicia (Part-2)

Even now, Lapitus sometimes had trouble believing he was married to this bombshell of a woman, one who was also his childhood sweetheart 

And Lapitus would thank the gods every time he looked at her for this privilege.

But he knew he could not just keep gawking at her the entire time.

So breaking out of his love struck stupor after while, Lapitus collected himself and replied to her inquiry about the meeting.

He began, "Hmm, it went well. I managed to get almost everything you wanted. I met with the Zanzan pasha and...." 

It took a while for the whole thing to be retold, and in that, Lapitus made sure to not leave out anything with even the minutest relevance.

He started right from how he left the city and who helped him, to how he got into the camp, what he saw there, how Alexander greeted him, his impression of the man, the back and forth of their discussion, the agreements they reached and all the additional fuff.

Lapitus did not even leave out the kind of wine he was served.

And he finished by saying,

"I had my reservation before meeting the pasha. But now having talked to him, I believe him to be a man of principle. I\'m sure he will fulfill his end of the bargain as long as I fulfill mine, That\'s also why I feel safe leaving you and Fabiyana with him. With you two safe, I can do my own thing without worry." 

As Lapitus said this, his body suddenly felt a lot lighter, like the one thing that had been weighing him down was seemingly lifted.

"That\'s good, that\'s good." Hearing this, the lady of the house let out a pleased smile, showing her pearly whites. before launching herself into her husband\'s embrace, the soft feeling of the flesh digging into him and making him feel like it was the most exquisite reward.

And that sensation, coupled with the feminine smell quickly worked to soothe Lapitus, and he thought that all the risks he had taken till now and all the dangers that lay ahead, were all more than worth it in exchange for this simple hug.

So a pink, armors atmosphere quickly developed, especially because they knew they were going to be separated for some time soon, perhaps even for eternity, who knows.

With that knowledge, the couple found themselves suddenly longing for one another, as each tightened the other\'s embrace.

*Chuu*, *Chuu*, 

Then the atmosphere began to get even sweeter, as the duo instinctively moved from simply touching to starting to savoring each other, and at one point Lapitus\'s lips began to trace along his wife\'s pristine nape, while his hands stealthily moved to her towering peaks.

But suddenly, that was where the lovely atmosphere abruptly shattered, for the lady in Lapitus\'s arms out of nowhere asked, 

"But husband, won\'t me and Fabiyana be all alone in the enemy camp? Filled with men? Who will protect us? What if something happens like that time?"

The thing Lady Felicia was indicating was apparent to anyone with half a brain. 

Two defenseless women among a horde of men could really mean one thing.

And in most men\'s eyes, such defenseless prey was too delectable to pass up in any situation.

".....*shake*..." And being reminded of that one unpleasant incident, Lapitus trembled like he had been just electrocuted.

That particular danger seemed to have not even crossed his mind until now.

And understanding he had committed this oversight, though he did not see it yet, he was sure his wife was sending a clear look of derions at him for that.

Kike she was taunting him, \'Even after what happened to me back then, you still are so callous. What a waste.\'

No, in fact it was not \'like\' Lady Felicia was taunting him.

She was actually loudly taunting him as she suddenly detached herself from her partner, putting a slight distance that for all intents and purposes seemed like the chasm to Lapitus.

The way Lady Felicia flipped her switch from being a pleasant, amorous lady ready to please her man to a barbed tongued shrew was something that needed to be seen to be believed.

And surprisingly, facing this biting remark from his wife, Lapitus actually showed no sign of any resistance.

It was apparent this was not the first time this had happened.

Lapitus could only stammer, "Tha… that, he did not seem like that person. Lord Alexander… umm sounded very upright and he swore… that…"

"Sounded upright!" All of a sudden, upon hearing Lapitus use that specific word, Lady Felicia involuntarily exclaimed with introduction, then turned to Lapitus to curse in a way few would believe even was possible, 

"Are you saying the person who wants to massacre this entire city is upright? Are you drunk or drugged you donkey?"

"And why are calling him Lord Alexander? Who is he to you? Imbecile!" 

There was probably no one who would have even imagined that the sweet, soft spoken, demure wife of Lapitus actually had a side this like.

That the high born, refined lady could even speak such crude words. 

Or that the fearless right hand man of the city lord would be so cowed by his wife.

And they would have been even more surprised to know that this was actually Lady Felicia\'s real face, the differential, shy, feminine appearance being just a facade she put on to maintain her social persona.

In fact, in reality, the one in charge of Lapitus\'s family was actually Lady Felicia, which ran much contrary to the conventional patriarchal family structure of the time.

And like how a traditional man would usually discipline his woman, here the woman seemed to be disciplining the man!

Facing which Lapitus actually found himself lowering his head, and trying to mutter in his defense, "I… talked to the pasha… he … I know he is a man!"

"Know the man! When could you do anything like knowing men?" 

But that effort was swiftly snuffed out by Lady Felicia\'s shriek, as the fair lady swung her arm and shouted, 

"If you knew men then how could Petrino r@pe me? That lecherous gaze in his eyes when he looked at me was apparent to even a blind monkey. Everyone could see it? I even told you about it. Yet you failed!"

"And now you are claiming to be an expert? Where were you when I needed you to be an expert?"

If it was not apparent, a couple of years ago, Lady Felicia had been forcefully taken by her elder half brother during a party they were attending as a couple. 

And what made that incident even more tragic was that it might have been totally avoidable.

For even before attending it, Lady Felicia had specifically asked her husband to always be with her, saying to him, "I felt that rotten Petrino\'s gaze over me whenever I meet him these days. Don\'t leave me alone with him."

But Lapitus did not pay any heed to this, feeling his wife was simply blabbering.

So instead he got blind drunk at all the fine wines served at the party, being dazzled by the taste of them, knowing he could never afford them on his own salary.

And then to make the whole thing even more embarrassing for him, Lapitus was later found the next morning totally naked in a corner of the hallway lying with one of Lord Ponticus\'s chambermaids next to him, the proof of their deeds still visible on the lower half of the semi bare woman\'s body.

While in the meantime, Petrino managed to corner Lady Felicia in a deserted part of the garden and have her way with him.

Now, normally this would have at least created some kind of scandal for even the city lord\'s son, especially when it was his half sister that he assaulted.

For although high ranking nobles were exempted from a lot of things, incest was not one of them.

Nevermind she was also a married woman belonging to a high ranking officer of the military.

So in all cases, Petrino should have been chewed out once it was exposed.

But in reality, nothing happened!

And it was not because Lord Ponticus helped suppress this matter.

No, it was because Lapitus did!

Lapitus thought his own failures that night made making such a complaint too embarrassing for him, 

He feared that Lord Ponticus, being the strict military man he was, would demote Lapitus after learning of his lack of discipline once the complaint was investigated.

So when given the choice between avenging his wife and keeping his current post, the man chose the latter.


The man actually chose to swallow the attack on his wife and simply went on about his life with a muted facade of pretended ignorance.

This of course had incense Lady Felicia, who urged many times for her husband to seek justice for her.

But surprisingly, although Lapitus was willing to pamper his love to his utmost in all other areas, this was one area where he would not budge.

And from then on this became a frequent point of contention between the two, where Lady Felicia would constantly remind Lapitus of the event and every time Lapitus would cower away.

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