
Chapter 464 Guests From Sybarsis (Part-5)

Alexander found the claimed land and wealth the Margrave family controlled to be certainly impressive.

"I see. Thank you for clarifying," Alexander gratefully nodded, and then thinking of a long-term strategy regarding building a relationship with his family, could not help but pose, \'Then might I interest you in a special bow that would be great against sieges?"

Here he was not actually referring to the crossbow but the instant bow.

He actually wanted to use this opportunity to test out his brand-new toy.

And as for the technology landing into other\'s hands, Alexander had already accepted that fate as the hand-to-hand, close-quarters nature of warfare had made that a foregone conclusion.

And his only hope was to have better-trained men and better-quality bows.

"Oh? Is that the special bow you used to win against the Jahal mercenaries? We have indeed heard of it," Lord Janus did not disappoint Alexander with his intelligence network, and alluded to the fact that he already about the crossbow.

And Alexander was beginning was understand why.

Because the Margrave family was an arms family with clients everywhere.

He would not be surprised if even Djose did business with them before and had people there.

"Yes, there is that. But we also have another type," Alexander mysteriously answered with a smile, and then proposed, "Perhaps it would be better to show you. Does tomorrow work?"

"Of course. We would love to," It was Lady Margaret who replied in a heartbeat, for she was quite eager to get every advantage she could get.

And thus they again met up at the garden behind Alexander\'s manor the next day after lunch.

First Alexander showcased the crossbow.

There were several targets situated at various distances which were shot at by a few of his bodyguards using the crossbow as they mechanically aimed, shot, reloaded, and repeated the process multiple times.

While Alexander introduced the system,

"As you can see, the weapon\'s main advantage is that it can allow even a peasant to shoot with the range and accuracy of an experienced archer. Very good to turn useless peasants into good soldiers quickly and cheaply." Alexander sounded like a salesman.

"And as for its downside of the slow reloading time, well if you are defending a siege, it is not a problem. You can take your time behind the safety of the fort."

"Which leaves only the cost. The bow is made of iron or steel, which makes the things a bit on the pricier side."

Alexander shot a very knowing gaze at his two guests, indicating they would not be cheap.

But the duo did not care.

Particularly it was Lord Janus who was over the moon, and understanding the military potential of turning raw recruits into expert sharpshooters, excited shouted,

"How much? How much is it? No! We will buy it regardless!"

This type of weapon was exactly what they needed and he could not wait to buy it.

Even one would be enough because after that their blacksmiths would be easily able to replicate it.

"Haha, well let us wait till I show you the next weapon," Alexander only chuckled, as he then bought out the next demonstration, the instant bow.

And the following barrage of ten men shooting nonstop and creating a wall of arrows that shredded the straw duLady Margareties left the two gaping nobles in awe.

In fact, Lord Janus for some time could not find the words to speak.

"This bow is complete of the crossbow. Rapid firing and to be used by skilled men, it is ideal for holding small passages and narrow spaces around a fort. We call it the instant bow" Alexander gave the sales speech, and finished by saying,

"With this, you can guard critical points with only a few men, and let the remaining reinforce the more exposed places. It is quite the nice tool."

"Yes. We will buy it," And got this, almost absent-minded answer from Lord Janus.

Because the man still felt what he had seen was a dream.

The showcase was that effective.

"Haha, I\'m sorry Lord Janus, but I never got to know your relationship with Lady Margaret. May I?" Alexander in return lightly asked this with a chuckle.

But what he was actually saying was that he wanted to talk to Lady Margaret regarding this.

And the beautiful lady with raven hair understood this, as she stepped forward and said, "Uncle Janus has been my father\'s right-hand man and the head of our army for decades. Regarding the military, his words are my words."

"I see. But what if the sale of these weapons is not military but political." Alexander suddenly posed with a light smile, one which drew caution and apprehension from the lady, while anger and aggression from Lord Janus.

"What do you mean by that Lord Alexander?" The older man sounded hoarse and enraged, like a tiger whose tailed had been stepped on.

He was off the mind that Alexander was eyeing the now available Margaret.

While Alexander treated the loud outburst as if it was a light breeze, and sent a teasing glance to say,

"What I mean is that in exchange for these weapons, I want a free trade agreement with your family. So no tariffs and no taxes.…for twenty years."

This was the play he had targeting towards since he offered to show the weapons yesterday, and thus, he expectantly asked the pregnant lady.

"As the eldest member of your family, you can at least get me that much can\'t you?"

"Twenty years? Are you mad?" But even before Lady Margaret could respond, from the side Lord Janus furrowed his eyebrows and exclaimed in anger.

This was clearly Alexander taking advantage of them.

But Alexander reasoned, "Without these weapons, perhaps you will not be alive after twenty weeks. So why worry about that now? Is your survival not the greatest concern?"

This reminder made the duo a bit poignant, as they really could use these convenient tools.

"...th…that…uLady Margaret, still, I cannot make that decision now." But Lady Margaret was still unable to give a definitive answer.

And this made Alexander ask, "Oh? Not even when your family\'s survival is at stake?"

"Is your family authority that divided? What? Is there a power-hungry uncle?"

"......" Lady Margaret only stayed quiet, not preferring to discuss her family situation with an outsider.

But the silence was enough to make Alexander understand there were major complications.

It was likely the family would disintegrate even without the attack.

And so he decided to give up on the family, "Okay, I understand. I wish you all the best in your war."

He said in a final way, indicating the talks were over.

"Wait!" But Lady Margaret seemed to be of a different mind.

"I cannot guarantee that I can get you the trade agreement. But I will do it if I become the family head. So please!" She pleaded and even bowed her head a bit.

The poor woman had no other card in her hands.

"..." Alexander paused and turned to give the lady a solemn look.

He did not say anything cliche like, \'And if you can\'t?\'

The lady was clearly asking for an investment, one where one had the chance to win or lose.

And from what he seemed to gather, the chance for her to lose was much greater.

But then Alexander saw his own situation, about how he was surrounded by enemies on all sides, and ultimately decided he really could not afford to play it safe.

"Okay. I will."

Alexander\'s short answer sounded like music to her ears, and the lady lifted her head with shock and surprise, for she did not think it would be this easy, which rapidly transformed into glee and relief.

"Thank you, thank you. We will not disappoint you," And quickly words of gratitude began to flow out.

"But there is one condition." Alexander abruptly interrupted her, and then listed it a wary woman,

"And that is that you will not replicate them or sell them to another party without my express permission."

"I want you to swear it by the gods."

This was Alexander\'s production and transfer embargo.

The reason for which was obvious.


And to which Lady Margaret agreed in a heartbeat.

When Alexander had said he had a condition, the lady dreaded he would want to lay with her.

And so this reasonable request was nothing.

And thus, with that, the fruitful meeting came to an end.

The nobles then spent the next day determining how many crossbows and instant bows would Alexander allow them to make, after which he took them on a tour around Zanzan, and showed them many of its wonders, like paper, soap, glass, etc, all selling by the shop counters owned by Alexander.

And all of which were bought by Lady Margaret in small quantities.

It was here that Lady Miranda was at last beginning to truly see Alexander\'s true potential, and by the end of the day, her attitude towards Alexander had very much changed.

Which was perhaps best illustrated on the day of their departure.

"My lord, once we win, I will be sure to come and visit you, Please pray for me, *chuu*," The lady then suddenly gave a very daringly peck to the cheeks, before pulling a flushed face and turning her head rapidly away to board her ships, much to Alexander\'s surprise and the dismay of one Janus.

It appeared for whatever pragmatic or emotional reason, the lady expressed her desire to pursue a romantic relationship with him.

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