
Chapter 364 Wedding Day (Part-3)

Cambyses first observed that the carriage she was on was attached to four stong, strapping horses, all adorned with bright blue and golden clothes.

It seemed this was the \'barding\' Alexander was talking about.

Over her sides, she then noticed that a large number of soldiers too had similarly dressed horses which they were mounting, releasing an imposing aura as each of them held a spear and a shield in each hand and carried a crossbow on their back.

These were their escort who would guard them when they passed through the city.

And lastly Cambyses spun her head back to see all the guests get on their own, less flashy carriages, all pulled by two horses.

It went without saying the number of horses attached to a carriage delineated its significance.

And today Alexander and Cambyses were the most significant ones.

While Cambyses soaked her eyes with all the beautiful colors, clothes, and jewelry around her, Alexander placed his eyes on his bride, peering into her face through her red veil matching her dress.

And the most significant change he noticed about Cambyses was her hair.

Usually, Cambyses put her hair in a ponytail.

This was both because she liked it, and also because it was the style a maiden was expected to put on.

But today her hair was parted into six strands which were then tied together on top of her head in a complex fashion forming a cone shape, like a pagoda raising into the sky.

Clips and pins made of iron from a sword or arrow used to kill a boar were used to hold her voluminous chestnut, while chains of silver pearls wrapped around each of the six strands.

The reason behind using iron that was used to kill a boar was because in Adhnaia, boars were a symbol of virility so usage of this accessory was viewed as a way to ensure a fertile union.

"I like your hair," Alexander commented to Cambyses, drawing a coy smile from the girl.

Although they had been together for months now, and done many intimate acts, somehow remembering it was her wedding day made the girl feel shy at of a sudden.

After all the guests were ready and everything was set, Hemicus bought his horse next to Alexander, and with after receiving a nod from the pasha, signaled the carriage driver to start, thus signaling the start of the long procession.

As the long line of dignified guests exited the personal estate of Alexander and made their way into the main street of the city, the makeup of the procession looked like this.

At the very front were two rows of six soldiers, colorfully dressed and holding Alexander\'s standard, a bright red flag with the image of a metallic black flower.

Alexander\'s choice for such a design was not done out of his own thought but because this motif was a way of paying homage to his homeland.

In Thesos it was customary to use flowers in one\'s war banner, and even the reason the famous \'War of Flowers\' 16 years ago was called such was because both the powers used flowers in the flags.

And so by using such a design Alexander sent the message to his men that they would not become Adhanians by staying here, but be just Thesisans in Adhania.

Behind these standard-bearers were the trumpeters and drummers, numbering around ten on each row for a total of forty.

They were the marching band of the group and wore feathered caps with extremely tall red plums, making them very eye-catching.

Following them were two squads of soldiers on horseback, leading the main carriage that Alexander was on.

Flanking this carriage were even more soldiers, this time on foot and marching alongside their lord, armed with Zanzan\'s latest weapons.

And behind Alexander\'s carriage were the rest of his entourage, all too guarded by rows and rows of marching soldiers, until the procession\'s tail constituted of the various servants of the manor, slaves, and even ordinary folk.

Alexander had declared today a city-wide holiday, with only a scant few slaves left in the industries as a precautionary security measure.

And as the reason for this holiday was known and Alexander had even invited the populace to join his procession, the roads were packed with a cheering crowd, all huddled together and craning their neck to just have a flashing glance at their lord and lady.

And as Alexander\'s line passed through the newly paved street, the crowd cheered and whistled and danced on the sides to the matching beats of the marching bands, as onlookers marveled at their handsome lord wearing a strange dress, was mesmerized upon seeing the pretty bride in her veil, awestruck by the magnificent carriage they were riding on, impressed by the beautiful horses pulling them and fearful of the large number of strong fearsome soldiers under their command.

"I\'m gonna have a wedding just like that! Lady Zanzan is so pretty," Were the thoughts and cries of many an immature girl.


From now on Cambyses would be titled Lady Zanzan.

While many an immature boy wished they would be able to pamper their wife just as the pasha did his.

And for others, it was about pointing at someone in the procession and introducing him to the people in the crowd, detailing how that person was connected to them.

"Look, look, there\'s my father. He\'s the soldier guarding the lord," Small boys would cheer pointing their young fingers at their father.

While some adults would describe how they knew that person who knew a person who ultimately knew one of Alexander\'s retainers.

The number of stories, lore, and gossip that this single parade generated would sate even the chattiest housewives gossipping mouths for a month

As a bonus treat for the crowd, it was not as if Alexander and Cambyes were the only attraction of the precession.

The people were also astonished by the carriages that followed the main carriages, smitten by the number of beauties that were on them.

Ophenia was one of them, but the one that drew the most attention was Mikaya\'s carriage, she and her cousins\' looks and unnatural hair color standing out by far from the others.

Seelima and Hellma were also beautiful, but their cold looks and haughty demeanor caused many to shiver, while Mikaya and her company appeared friendly and casual, as the Matrak princess even shot off casual winks at a few of the lucky men.

And for a handful number of especially lucky men in the crowd, somehow looking at those faces and the smiles hanging off the three women, weirdly bought up memories of the past night, and if it was not for these noble women\'s pure white hair and their unimaginable status, an absurd thought would have entered their minds.

\'To think there are three whores who look just like these noble ladies. What are the chances?\' These men rationalized the coincidence.

While Mikaya giggled and licked her lips as the cavalcade continued, saying, "I like some of these. They look tasty."

And though the Queen mother and Hellma did not get the full innuendo, her maids sure did, and could only roll their eyes.

And then fearful of their mistress might run her mouth a bit too much, Nafia quickly asked a question, "Mistress how are you enjoying this new type of ceremony? It is certainly different..and seems fun."

Typical upper-class weddings in Adhania occurred with the groom visiting the bride\'s house, committing various rituals with a priest from the Temple of Ramuh as a witness, followed by a grand feast and finished by a procession where the bride would be taken to her new house, the groom\'s house.

But Alexander seemed to have inverted, jumbled, skipped and added a great many steps until the wedding ceremony looked nothing like the original one.

And this seemed to irk the Queen mother a bit, so could not help but interject in a dismissive tone, "Hmmm, parading us like slaves. Likes winning botty from a war. How disgraceful!"

"Hahaha, don\'t be like that Seelima. This is a fun event. See how these peasants are jumping around. Like cute dogs," Mikaya knew the Queen mother was not really against this ceremony.

Or else she would have not gotten in the carriage in the first place.

But this was just her expressing her displeasure at Alexander changing Adhania\'s customs.

As a side note, Mikaya\'s comment about the people around showed the true feelings the nobility held for the people.

Even when Mikaya slept around with these people, she saw them as nothing but toys and distractions.

While in the front, Cambyses in a low voice complained to Alexander, "How long do I have to smile and wave? My hands hurt, my teeth are freezing and I can\'t feel my lips," as the couple constantly smiled and waved towards the crowd while the parade marched on.

"Until we reach the temple." Came Alexander\'s reply as he took out some ropals from a coin purse in the carriage to throw into the crowd, much to the ear-splitting delight of the crowd, "Glory to the lord."

Cambyses knew well that all this opulence around her was not just because Alexander loved her.

But it was also because it was a way for him to boost this image among the people.

Which Cambyses was totally okay with.

And so she hid the face she made and chose to bear with the discomfort.

\'Well I guess I just have to sit and wave,\' She comforted herself.

The procession preceded as such, with much music, merriment, and delight in the air, cheerful chatter abound, until finally, the carriage approached the huge, recently renovated Temple of Gaia.

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