
Chapter 338 Mikaya's Thoughts On The Wall

"Did Lord Pasha enjoy himself," Tajia cheekily asked as Alexander pulled up his pants and adjusted his belt after the deed, which made the man produce a wry smile.

Currently, in his sage mode, Alexander did somewhat regret his action.

But at the time of doing it, the sight that had appeared was just too beautiful for him to no enjoy. Because it seemed that Mikaya could even pee beautifully.

Sensing her master\'s slightly awkward situation, Ophenia, though did not like him fraternizing with of all people, Mikaya, cleverly produced a distraction.

She pointed to the floor and said, "Master, look. We have built the ground slightly angled to help drain the fluids. And we have these water buckets here to clean off any spillage."

"Ohh, that\'s great," Alexander exaggeratedly exclaimed to which Ophenia further added, "Yes, we took the inspiration from slaughterhouses."

"...." Tajia and Nafia silently watched this shameless way for Alexander to avoid the conversation, after which Alexander quickly urged everyone to get back to the room free Mikaya.

The demo was over.

On the way to it, Ophenia informed, "The corridor\'s other end leads to a small alley. So if we want to, we could let men directly from the streets directly experience the wallbutt first before entering the brothel. That could better hide this….mechanism." Ophenia struggled to describe what this novel contraption was.

"Or unfulfilled men leaving the brothel could be given the service. People like who came to get some action but could not find the right girls." Tajia very eagerly suggested an alternative strategy.

This attendant of Mikaya seemed just as vocal about such stuff as her mistress.

"...Let\'s leave how to manage the men doing these things to Tayin. It\'s her brothel after all," Alexander decided to bother this with and relegated the nitty-gritty stuff to his Sacred Priestess.

"Thank you master," Ophenia gladly accepted the task.

The group by now had released their destination, and as Ophenia opened the small, heavy door with a creak, they were unpleasantly surprised to see that it had gained another resistant - Kalopi.

It appeared that the caretaker had entered the room in the short time it took them to finish the deed and make their way here.

"Ahh, master, I\'m sinful for barging in without permission," The moment Kalopi noticed Alexander she profusely bowed, and then hastily gave her reason, "But Captain Hemicus came to me looking to check up on you. And though I said you were busy he insisted to meet you. So, I left him in my office and hurriedly came to see you."

"Ohh, so the hour was up! So soon," Alexander exclaimed at how quickly time flies as to him it felt like he had seen here for like fifteen-twenty minutes.

"Actually it has been two hours." Kalopi sheepishly corrected him, adding, "The guard captain had also come to me an hour before. But I managed to see him off by saying that master was enjoying with all your slaves. And that you had instructed me not to disturb you."

Kolapi then very suggestively looked at Mikaya hung on the wall and felt that she had hit the bullseye, to which MIkaya gave a wide shameless grin.

Mikaya did not care Kalopi saw her like this.

In fact, she would not have cared even if Alexander\'s entire retinue of bodyguards had seen like this.

Because that would have Alexander\'s problem to deal with.

"Two hours!" Alexander was surprised by this revelation and understood that he really had taken his sweet time enjoying Mikaya.

"Okay Tayin, you go and tell Hemicus that it will not be long. Just say that I\'m getting a massage," Alexander thus instructed Ophenia to say the activity that was almost universally understood as adult services.

"Haha, yes master," Ophenia chuckled and accompanied by Kalopi then quickly trotted off.

As the door was slammed behind them, Alexander proceeded to detach Mikaya from the walls by himself, at which point he heard her say, "Alex, why don\'t you let your men in? Just you alone was not nearly enough. And also Nafia and Tajia have not had their turns yet."

"That\'s right, that\'s right. We want our turn too. And Lord Alexander might be running a bit empty down there," Tajia cheekily cheered from behind in support of her mistress.

Alexander only clenched his teeth at this while he quickly worked to undo the belts, and saying, "My men know all three of you by face, figure, and voice. What if one of them tattles to your father? Or what if they let it slip by mistake?"

These men would personally accompany Alexander to all places, letting them have ample opportunities to meet all kinds of high-level people.

How could he take the risk?

"Oh? Alex trusts his personal bodyguards only this much? They must not be very reliable then!" Mikaya taunted as her feet hit the ground, finally free of all constraints.

"Who can guard against greed?" Alexander cleverly retorted, and then with a sneer warned, "And besides, they might choose to only sell you out, not me."

"Hahaha, do you always live in such fear? I have seen your balls, Alex. They didn\'t seem so small!" Mikaya simply brushed off these worries and then attempted to bruise Alexander\'s ego in an effort to have him order the men to \'punish\' her.

But Alexander did not bite.

Instead, he himself bruised him even more, saying, "If I get caught by your father, I will have no balls. Small balls is better than no balls."

"Hahahaha," This made all three of the ladies have a hearty laugh, with Mikaya even rubbing a bit of tear from her eyes.

"Alex, when I first you, I was very dismissive of you. But over the last nearly two months, I must say that I have grown to like some bits of you," Mikaya frankly admitted as she got dressed and put on her overcoat.

Alexander was charming, capable, and witty.

Mikaya certainly found certain parts of him attractive.

"Thank you. And I too have grown to like certain parts about you Lady Mikaya. Like your painting and poker skills." Alexander reciprocated some of the sentiment.

"But you see me as a slut right?" Mikaya asked with a smirk while taking a bite of an apple.

"The feeling has only been reinforced over the last two months," Alexander cynically replied with the same smirk, making Mikaya grin even wider.

It seemed that the duo had developed a kind of twisted respect for each other after committing this intimate deed.

This somewhat charming atmosphere lasted a few minutes, after which the conversation was initiated by Nafia, who said her first words of the whole evening.

In a concerned voice, she voiced, "Lord Alexander, that Kalopi woman is reliable right? She seems to be pretty clever to have guessed where we would be without us telling her."

\'Is she though? After all she knew why I came here. And she saw you guys,\' Alexander did not share the same concerns as Nafia.

But outwardly he did not shoot down the girl.

Because he could feel that unlike the other two, Nafia was genuinely fearful of the prospect of being found out.

"Lady Nafia seems to be concerned that Kalopi will be smart enough to guess your identities. But rest assured that I will personally see to it that your faces remain unknown to anyone who does not need to know," Alexander solemnly promised, his deep, serious tone soothing Nafia\'s somewhat frayed nerves.

But in almost anthesis to Nafia\'s concern, Mikaya appeared like a free bird, only chuckling to her maid and reassuring her, "Hahaha, Nafia you are such a worrywart. Trust me, once you get on the wall and had a few hard poundings, all your worries will go away. Like me!"

After close to two months of abstinence, Mikaya had finally released some of her stress and was in a very good mood as she patted her maid on the shoulder.

Tajia, her younger sister too joined with her mistress, saying, "That\'s right sister. You always appear demure at first, but quickly turn into a vixen. Let Lord Alexander worry about security. You should only care about having fun."

And then she strongly slapped her older sister on the back as if to encourage her, emulating her mistress.

Convinced by the two silver devils beside her, Nafia calmed down, as she asked, "That..that…Did it feel that good mistress?"

Alexander noticed a very distinct squirming with her legs as Nafia asked, clearly indicating that she had been turned on.

In fact, because Nafia still had a crush on Alexander, and this was the first time she had watched him \'work\', it had set her loins on fire.

This was also the main reason why she had bashfully looked away when Tajia pointed to Alexander\'s weapon.

Nafia had found it to be magnificent.

And for the entire time Alexander had used Mikaya, Nafia had not missed a single of his thrust, burning every movement of his heavenly phallus into her retina.

She had even imagined that it was her instead of her mistress getting railed and it had taken Nafia a herculean effort to hold off on masturbating to the lewd play that had happened right in front of her, a testament to the innate shame she possessed.

A quality that the other two had burned at the stake long ago, and who, if they were in her position would have simply stripped and directly pleasured themselves on the floor.

"Hahaha, well you will have to find out," Mikaya only winked a reply, the glee in her voice palpable.

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