
Chapter 213 Cambyses's Surprise

\'I didn\'t realize it with all the heating on the first floor, but tonight\'s gotten really cold.\' Alexander commented his heart, while he walked across the unheated hallway, his thoughts floating to whether the town\'s people had adequate winter clothing.

\'Probably not. And there\'s little I can do about it anyway,\' Alexander lampooned a bit as he was already doing everything he could and it still wasn\'t enough.

But he quickly threw such distracting thoughts away as there was little point in agonizing over things he could do nothing about.

Alexander then at last approached his room and once inside, found it to be properly heated, with a roaring fire going on in the fireplace, though there was no one working it.

Very few people were allowed to enter this room, with two guards posted at the entrance at all times, and so Alexander assumed that Mean had likely set up the fire and went to rest in her room two doors to the left.

Thus, he put down the candle stand, poured himself a large glass of wine, and opened the window to let in a bit of fresh air.

And as he gazed down the open window, he was a little awe-struck by what lay in front of him.

Because just below, where the city of Zanzan used to exist now had turned into a blob of white smoke.

Or that\'s how it looked like to Alexander as the night mist had entirely swallowed the city of eighty thousand, fully blanketing it with a thick, almost impenetrable mist that formed almost a dome-like shape around it.

This marvelous sight looked almost like god had put a white conch over the city, concealing it from the rest of the world as he attempted to turn the city into a frosty winter land.

And the chilliness of the almost sub-zero night that assaulted Alexander certainly seemed to imply that intent, as Alexander felt the warmth in the room being rapidly sapped away through the open window and being replaced with a bone-shattering coldness.

But strangely Alexander didn\'t dislike this cold.

On the contrary, for the moment he quite liked the cold stinging sensation that pricked his body, letting his still slightly damp body cool itself in the frosty breeze while he took large sips of the sweet wine.

But there was someone who didn\'t like being cold and miserable.

"The fuck you doing opening the window?" Came Cambyses\'s annoyed voice, making her displeasure known very clearly.

Alexander, who was lost in his thoughts did not hear the girl enter the room and so turned around to greet her.

"I was just…" Alexander was about to explain himself and the surprise appearance of another guest made him lose his focus- Mean.

\'So, this is the surprise,\' Alexander smirked in his heart as he properly laid eyes on the short girl.

The petite woman looked like she had just taken a bath, her long hair still damp and glistening, it parted sideways by two golden peacock hairpins with studded rubies on its tail, wearing a bright crimson dress, her cute toenails painted ruby red and shyly peeking out of her matching high heels.

Mean literally looked like a fairy, one of those red fairies that Alexander read about in his nursery rhymes.

Alexander had thought the surprise would be a new kinky play and so Mean coming here was quite surprising for him.

Usually, it would be either Ophenia or Gelene that would accompany Cambyses at this time of night and this had become common to the point that Alexander no longer found threesome too surprising, an almost blasphemous statement that Alexander never thought would ever say in his life.

Alexander was not so stupid that he didn\'t understand the implication of Mean being here all dolled up.

But he didn\'t know exactly how to start the conversation either.

And so said with a smile to Mean, "The dress makes you look like a fairy from the heavens. So beautiful."

This was the first time Alexander saw Mean turn so red so quickly as she only lowered her head with a deep flush, clenching her tiny fists in embarrassment.

"So, what\'s the occasion?" Alexander gave an impish smile at Cambyses.

"Oh, don\'t play coy, Alex." Cambyses only rolled her eyes at Alexander.

But nevertheless answered him, "It\'s your present for making me police chief, and cooking that delicious dish."

"Heh, those are all things I did for you? So why is Mean here?" Alexander had a mischievous smirk on his smile.

"Well, you did make her head of staff, didn\'t you? And besides, as my slave, she must serve her with mistress," Cambyses gallantly declared with her hands on her hips.

Seeing Cambyses almost arbitrarily decide Mean\'s fate, Alexander turned to ask her for her own opinion.

"Do you want to do it?" He asked Mean a serious question.

If Mean truly didn\'t want to sleep with Alexander then he would not.

And he would even stop Cambyses from forcing her.

In response to the question, Mean only lowered her head even more, refusing to make eye contact.

"Alex, don\'t be daft. You are humiliating her!" Cambyses\'s air of easiness dissipated as she said this, scowling at her Alexander for doubting Mean even when she had come all the way here.

Cambyses\'s words made Alexander give an awkward pause and then, as he glanced at the almost thirty centimeters shorter girl, Alexander let out an worry that had always concerned him, "Cam, Mean might be a little... you know...young!"

"What young? I\'m older than you, brat!" Mean spat out in rage.

She really hated it when people underestimated her age due to her short stature.

"Haha, okay, okay." Alexander chuckled at the fiery response.

And then stated with a teasing smile, "Guess I will take your first time today then!"

"Bah! Who\'s giving you my first? I already gave my first time to mistress," Mean raised her voice, a bit flushed, as she quickly lowered her head.

"Now Mean," Cambyses sent a glare at the small girl for playing difficult, which made the girl a bit flustered at displeasing her mistress.

"Come undress me," Cambyses then suddenly gave an unrelated task.

The room had been again turned cozy by now due to the roaring fire and Cambyses felt like being naked.

And so soon, the young girl had her clothes stripped and her beautiful figure revealed, the moderate peaks, her curvy waist, and her beautiful thighs.

Cambyses then walked past Alexander, letting him have a full view of her nude, swaying ass as she did so, and she poured herself a large glass of wine from the nearby table.

Afterward, she made her way to the bed, sitting at the edge of it, her beautiful legs dangling over the thick carpet, as she parted her legs wide open, revealing her already drooling garden to everyone, and then with one of her hands started teasing her quivering quim, her body also quivering in anticipation of the show about to happen.

Taking a sip of her sweet wine, she then ordered Mean in a hard voice, "Now, Mean, stop being disobedient and go ask your master."

And hearing her mistress\'s dictatorial command, Mean, like an obedient girl, with her head lowered slowly tip-toed towards Alexander using her small exquisite feet and once close enough, with a reddened face and in a weak low voice mewled, "Ma…master Alexander, please unclothe this naughty bunny and devour this tiny…. this tiny slut to your heart\'s content!"

Alexander\'s mouth went a bit agape at hearing such lewd words coming out of the raven-haired tsundere, made even cuter by how she had stammered the words, her head lowering a bit more each time she said the next word.

\'Cambyses\'s handy work no doubt,\' Alexander remarked as Mean would never say this on her own and received his confirmation when he glanced at the chestnut hair girl, who gave him a nodding smile as she pleasured her little sister, letting out small pleased moans even before they had started.

\'This girl is becoming more lascivious by the day,\' Alexander commented as he felt Cambyses was losing her inhibitions with each passing day.

But Alexander quickly returned his attention to the girl standing immediately in front of him, Mean.

So without further ado, Alexander silently approached the beet-red girl, and using his hands raised her chin to stare directly into the dark eyes, flushed with shyness and anticipation.

Alexander could tell she very much wanted this,

"Ahhh, my cute Mean..my cute slutty little Mean," Alexander smiled a wolfish smile at the short girl and then stole a hot kiss, his thick lips enveloping the cheery thin lips of the girl.

Mean\'s fiery night was about to begin.

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