
Chapter 382 Succubus Queen (10)

"Plus I gained a few skills finally, but they aren't going to do much for me. I'll just wait until I obtain some more skills to actually fuse them with others," I muttered as this kingdom had a new species I was excited to eat.

Alright, bring it bitches.

As soon as I stepped out of the dark forest, I was greeted by a sweltering and extremely bright sun that almost blinded me.

It felt as if my skin was burning off, but my skills quickly adjusted and my regeneration continuously healed me as I skipped down the sun-kissed prairie.

Before me was an open grassy field filled with a hot sun, cool breeze, cloudless skies, and a massive kingdom in the distance made of completely white stone.

"So this is why brother hates this plane so much… The sun drakes are really something else," I muttered before flapping my wings and then drinking a potion that Mistress had granted me ever so kindly.

Just kidding… I just bought it from a store on the way back on my second trip.

[Potion - Potion of Illusion]

[A normally illegal potion as it is better than most illusion skills. Drinking this will allow you to take the form of any being you desire. The only downside is that you must take the form of somebody you have seen, not somebody you have heard of.]

It was a broken potion that was going to let me turn into Elfy, as the sun drakes have an amazing relationship with the elves.

And, it only got better when all of their trees began to be raided by different demons, and the sun drakes with their kind personalities helped them out to such an extent that I could live peacefully for a few hundred more years.

"But, there is definitely something fishy," I muttered as I checked my body for any unwanted changes, but the potion did everything right and exactly what it said it'd do.

'I was also thinking that as well. They're helping out elves so much that they can live a peaceful life for about four hundred years, but not trying to protect the actual source,'

"Well, we don't really know that yet. We just know that they're helping them in the kingdom, not in the tree so either they have special conditions, or they just don't want to get physically involved with the demons… or maybe something else," I muttered before landing far away from the gate of the kingdom.

The white stone made it look like an archway to heaven and the soldiers looked so divine you'd think they were angels sent down to protect this place.

Two sides of a plane at war with each other… One is a dark and evil demonic place while the other is a sun-bathed place where they obtain their happiness from the joy of helping others.

On paper, this is the best place to live, but I just can't shake the feeling that something fishy is going on here, so I'll have to tread carefully.

But I guess, for now, I should just make contact with a duchess and hopefully earn her help from there.

I just hope the royals and nobles aren't ugly, otherwise staying here will be a bit more uncomfortable than I would like… not that I have anything against them, but their personalities should make up for it… I hope.

"Stop. Please show us your identification," The guards said, but after looking up at me from their books, they realized I was an elf with tattered clothes that I had formed through drinking the potion.

"Oh, please forgive my rudeness. I'll lead you to the identification center and you can create an ID. Plus, I shouldn't be saying this, but I believe a beautiful woman such as yourself should know that you need a sponsor to stay here. They aren't that hard to find, but I suggest going towards the center of the town and declining any offers you get until you see somebody with an insignia that has the shape of a dragon's mouth," The guard said.

"Thank you very much, sirs. I'll be sure to make good use of your information," I said before giving them a little curtsy and another guard took me to a room right inside the thick white wall.

Everybody was so nice and cheery here that I could tell why most elves escaped to this place if they weren't captured by demons.

Even the most depressed people would feel cheery immediately.

But, it's a shame that I'm here.

My target for this mission is to pick off one of the higher-tiered nobles here who is in line for the throne, and possibly pick off a few of the lower-tiered ones.

But, it's not that easy since the drakes here are so strong and so strong in fact that my Mistress is even slightly scared of the empress who is the strongest warrior here.

She is the most benevolent, but when angered, she becomes a raging dragon that won't have its anger quelled until every enemy is slaughtered.

My Mistress had to learn that the hard way after just barely escaping his grasp with two missing arms and one leg.

Thankfully, she had some amazing healers that helped regenerate her limbs, but without them, I'm sure she wouldn't have been a queen any longer.

"Please just fill out some basic information such as your name, date of birth, and which tree you came from," The guard said after gently handing me a piece of paper with his large hand.

"Thank you," I said but was a bit nervous to fill in the tree part as I had no idea where Elfy came from.

'Oh, their trees are just named by the chief's last name, so just think of an elven last name,' My inner demon thankfully saved my ass.

What would I do without you…?

"Okay, that's it," I said while handing the paper to the guard and he immediately took it, scanned his eyes over it and it seems he didn't have any problems with the tree name as he gave me a bag of supplies and let me exit the walls room, directly into a town center.

It was bustling with joyful activity and nothing seemed suspicious so I decided to hit up a cafe for now before making my way deeper into the kingdom.

"Here is your coffee ma'am… and here is your pastry," The sun drake kindly said as he placed all my items down onto the table and took the tip I had just placed down.

I finally got to get a good look at them and boy was I not disappointed.

,m Everybody was so beautiful and handsome with their white or yellowish hair, mixed with their lightning gold eyes and gold-colored scales that ran up different sections of their body.

Mostly everybody was pretty tall and it seems like I, at a tall height of six-foot, was just above average within this society.

"I'm gonna try and pick up a milf tonight," I muttered, and even though my inner demon kept telling me to focus on the mission, I just wanted to hook up with somebody.

After finishing my delicious pastry and coffee, I made my way into the bathroom where I changed into the beautiful yet simple white dress that fit this body perfectly.

Well, it fits me perfectly as in it looked good, but the dress was a bit too long which I didn't mind since it covered up most of me.

As I walked down the street, everybody treated me like a normal civilian and like on their own, some even calling out to me from food stands and since the food looked so good, I helped myself to almost all of it.

This place was almost like a succubus, something that allures you and traps you with pleasure and you can't escape until you die.

"But, there doesn't seem to be any actual negative intentions like from what I've seen in movies about Los Angelos and stuff like that…"

'I knew about some angels that would vacation here since everything was so nice and even better than where they came from,'

Wait, angels? There are angels here?

'There could be, so just be careful and try to not too stand out too much or at all. An angel could easily see through this illusion and depending on their rank, you might have a tough fight or just possibly die,'

That's a bit scary…

'Indeed it is,'

As I walked farther into the kingdom, I began to receive some sponsor requests but when I turned them down, none of them shot me a glare or a scoff but just gave me a little present before sending me off with a bright smile.

But, this time, I could tell some of the smiles after I rejected them had a slight amount of fakeness.

I see… so the higher you are in the hierarchy, the more real you become.

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