
Chapter 497 Unjust Death

"It looks like Master dropped us off at the right place. Now, let's get to searching for this Mira girl!" Sue Ming, the leader of the girls who appeared out of the crack, said.

"I'll visit Mira's previous Sect Master. You ten should investigate the surrounding area for any clues relating to Mira." Sue Ming ordered her subordinates.

"As you command, Mistress Ming!" They soluted and scattered.

Sue Ming glanced around and saw a Branch of the Battle Maiden Sect in the distance. She stepped forward, crossed hundreds of kilometers in an instant, and hovered above the Sect.

Then, with another step, she appeared in Sect Master Jane's office, right in front of her.

Sect Master Jane jumped up in shock, pulled out a sword, and pointed it at Sue Ming, "Who are you?! How did you get in here?! What do you want with me?!"

She stared wearily at the otherworldly pink-haired beauty in shock, fear, and confusion.

'How strong is this woman to appear in my office without me knowing? No, a better question would be, why is she here? I don't remember offending anybody lately. I definitely don't remember offending anyone who could send such a powerhouse.' She thought as cold sweat dripped down her back.

Sue Ming released a beautiful smile that could bring men and women alike to their knees. No, in fact, it actually did.

Sect Master Jane's eyes turned lifeless with a pink hue, and she kneeled in front of Sue Ming.

"So many questions from such a weak little ant. Instead of contaminating the air around me with your breath and talking, you should be groveling at my feet like the inferior being you are." She said in a soft, silky, and enchanting voice.

Sect Master Jane followed her command and crawled to her on all fours. Sue Ming lifted her foot and pressed it against Jane's head.

"There you go. Now you understand the right attitude to have when you're in my presence," She nodded, "Now, little doggy, can you tell me a bit about Mira? I want to know her looks, temperament, attitude, actions, strength, and friends. Don't leave a single piece of information out."

With her head still looking at the floor, Jane answered in a monotone voice, "Mira is a very beautiful girl. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen. I don't think even goddesses are as-"



One of Jane's arms fell from her body, but the woman couldn't even scream as she had no control over her mind.

"Tsk. Who's prettier than a goddess? Can she be more beautiful than me?! Stop praising the woman and give me a description!" Sue Ming clicked her tongue in dissatisfaction.

As blood leaked out of her shoulder, Jane continued answering in the same monotone voice, "She has silver hair, red eyes, looks to be in her mid-teens, has dense muscles, and always has a slightly murderous expression."

"Good! Now tell me more about her."

"She has a crude personality. Doesn't mix well with others. Indifferent. Trains all the time. Will kill you if you annoy her. Is incredibly strong in her cultivation Realm. She only has two friends, Maria and Celaine," Janes's sentences were choppy and blunt, but it was enough for Sue Ming to form a rough outline of Mira's appearance, personality, and habits.

"Where did she go after she left your Sect?"

"A few years ago. To the Main Branch. But she's a free spirit. Who knows where she actually went?" Jane answered in the same choppy manner.

'So, she left this Branch Sect a few years ago to the Main Sect, but this person is right. I feel like Mira would be more inclined to travel alone. So, it's possible she never went to the Main Sect and decided to explore the world instead.' Sue Ming thought, but this was good information, nonetheless.

'I'll have to stop by the Main Sect, but I'll save that until after I confirm her actions.'

"Tell me a little about her friends," She ordered, and Sect Master Jane didn't disappoint.

"Maria. Blonde. Curvy. Beautiful. Outgoing. Shameless. Caring. Nice. Closest to Mira."

"Celaine. Green hair. Pretty. Saber. Training maniac. Quiet. Reliable. Mira's training partner."

A rough image of Maria and Celaine formed in her mind, but it was hardly enough for her to understand their personality and habits.

"Is there anything left for you to tell me? Any secrets those girls might have?" Sue Ming asked.


Sect Master Jane was silent for a while before eventually shaking her head, "No. Mira didn't trust anyone. Even me."

Sue Ming nodded in understanding and didn't press for answers.

"Well, if that's all you know, then it seems your worth has run out. Bye-Bye~~" Sue Ming swiped her hand, removing Sect Master Jane's head from her body.

Just like that, someone Mira had a history with and had grown to respect was murdered. There was no epic battle, nor did she die peacefully from old age. She was just unlucky enough to have some connection with Mira and paid the price for this sin with her life.

Sue Ming didn't spare Sect Master Jane's corpse another glance and teleported out of the room to the sky above Lunar Fox City.

After waiting a few minutes, her subordinates returned to her and began reporting.

"I interrogated the City Lord, and he said that Mira singlehandedly destroyed a Sect called the Soul Devouring Sect."

"I asked around and learned of a group linked to Mira. It seemed to be called the Devil Empress Army. Apparently, they helped Mira when she destroyed the Soul Devouring Sect."

"I found the Zaria Family, which shares a connection to Maria, Mira's closest friend. They told us that Mira shared a trial area where one can grow stronger."

Sue Ming turned to the one who said this and asked, "Did you kill or capture them all, Diana?"

Diana shook her head with a disappointed expression, "No, Mistress. It seems like Maria's parents disappeared and haven't been spotted ever since. I saw no point in killing them if they weren't directly related to Maria."

Sue Ming nodded and didn't press any further. Still, she felt the need to remind her subordinates of their reason for being here.

"That's fine. Killing Maria's distant family wouldn't do anything and is just a waste of time. However, I want to make sure you understand Master's orders and why he sent us down here."

She glanced at her ten subordinates and said, "We are here to make Mira's life a living hell! Don't forget that!"

"Yes, Mistress!"

"Good! Now, let's keep scouring this city for anything useful. I want to know everything about Mira's first years in this world!"

"As you command, Mistress!"

Afterward, they spread out around the city and began digging deeper into Mira's past, scouring for every little detail.

They need to do this, despite having access to Mira's life 24/7 in their Master's room, because not everyone in his harem wants to sit down and watch Mira's life and thus wouldn't know everything about it.

Most, if not all, of his harem members, don't derive joy from watching him torment poor, innocent women into becoming his slaves. How could they when the same thing happened to them? And watching Mira's life is too pitiful.

Nearly all the women by the god's side never passed their first life before caving in and accepting them as their Husband and Master. A minority passed their first life and caved in their second life, while the rest caved in their third.

Having a god torment you and abuse you mentally, physically, and spiritually for decades while whispering sweet nothings in your ear about how "if you accept me, then all the pain will disappear" is hard to bear. Especially for ordinary, mortal women who grew up and lived normal, happy lives.

The average person couldn't possibly bear that pain, shame, and agony for so long. So, watching Mira fight through that, despite knowing her inevitable end, is too tragic for most of the girls to watch.

At most, they'd watch snippets of Mira's life, but for the most part, they tried not to look. To some, it was even more agonizing to watch Mira suffer than remembering what he did to them.

Mira spends every waking second defying him, pushing through in hopes of getting revenge. However, what can a normal person do against a god? Even if she becomes the strongest being on her planet, that's far from enough. To fight a god, she has to become a god herself. But how difficult is that?

Nearly impossible!

Plus, the rest of her life was rather boring whenever the god wasn't torturing Mira. She trained, trained, trained, and trained some more when she had free time. If she wasn't training, then she was killing. If she wasn't doing either of those things, then she was either dead, eating, or sleeping.

Therefore, nobody wanted to watch her life as it was not only pitiful and miserable but boring as hell!

Sue Ming was one of the women who didn't feel like watching Mira's life and, thus, didn't know anything about it. However, that didn't matter much as she and her subordinates were great at gathering information.

It would only take them half a day to a full day to learn everything there is to know about Mira's life in Lunar Fox City and the Battle Maiden Sect's Branch outside of it.

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