
Chapter 422 Orders

After spending a night of passion with Maria, Mira proceeded to make a highly detailed report of how well her subordinates fought against her. Thanks to her enhanced brain functions, Mira was able to remember the names of all her subordinates, every detail of their attack patterns, teamwork, strength, and leadership abilities.

Mira also gave her input on what they can do better, how they should consider training going forward, how to make their team more efficient, and the necessary qualities a leader should have.

p After putting all her thoughts into a jade slip, Mira found Alicia and gave it to her.

"I know I said my report would be ready in a few days, but I decided to just get it out of the way now. All my thoughts regarding you guys' progress are in this jade slip. However, there is one thing I'd like to tell you in person that you should share with the other girls as well," Mira said with a light smile.

Alicia took the jade slip and nodded seriously at Mira's words, waiting for her to continue.

"I can see that you all have just entered the Foundation Realm not too long ago. Naturally, I'm glad that you girls were able to make it progress so fast, but now I want you all to slow down to consolidate your foundation. I don't just mean in terms of cultivation either."

"While you should do your best to reach your absolute limits during the Foundation Realm, you shouldn't forget your physical training or weapon skills. You saw firsthand how powerful an Intent could be. Now, I'm not expecting you all to comprehend some form of Intent, but I do want all of you to have perfect mastery over your weapon's basic moves while trying to make them your own as well. All of these things will allow you to have a perfect foundation when you eventually reach the point of breaking through to the Core Formation Realm."

"If you can do this for me, I'll give each and every one of you a Core Formation Recipe, and depending on whose mastery of their weapons is higher when you all reach that point, I'll give them their own specialized Core Formation Recipes."

"I don't know if you've heard of what a Core Formation Recipe is, but it's basically a recipe that can enhance the Core you make when breaking through to the Core Formation Realm. As you can see, my new appearance is thanks to my Core Formation Recipe."

"Obviously, I'm a unique case, but that doesn't mean the Core Formation Recipes I plan on handing out are weak. Take Celaine as an example. She was able to fight evenly with me, partly thanks to the Recipe I gave her. Though most of that is just her natural talent, but if it weren't for the Core, her body wouldn't have been strong enough to be able to face me head-on like that."

"Anyways, all you need to know is that a Core Formation Recipe increases your strength, deepens your foundation, and boosts your potential. That should be more than enough incentive for you girls to work hard!"

Mira explained, and Alicia's mouth couldn't help but drop. She's never heard of such a ridiculous thing, and yet, here's Mira was saying that she'd give something like this out to everyone as long as they focused on their basic weapon skills, foundation, and physical strength.

If that's all they need to do, then, of course, there's no reason to hesitate! However, at the same time, Alicia felt like they were undeserving of all this.

Ever since they met Mira, they've only been on the receiving end. Not once have they given back for everything Mira's done for them. To the girls following Mira, subordinating themselves to her, she was nothing more than a god to them!

When they were stuck in that bandit camp, being used as nothing more than toys for the men there, Mira came in and saved them. When they felt like their lives lost all meaning, Mira helped them out of their slump! Although she didn't use conventional means to help them, and it could only be described as physical and partly emotional torture, Mira still helped them find purpose.

If that wasn't enough, Mira trained them, taught them how to cultivate, and showed them how to fight. It wouldn't be wrong to say that Mira opened up a whole new world for the girls.

For once in their lives, they were able to live without having to depend on someone else. Although it was at the cost of Mira teaching them, they weren't in need of her assistance after her training.

From that point on, they spent their time doing missions, hunting beasts and humans alike, all for the sake of boosting their cultivation in hopes of catching up to Mira.

Just when they felt like they had reached a decent cultivation level with a sufficient amount of power, Mira comes in and drags them to one of the top Sects on the Western Continent.

Now, Mira's sitting here telling them that as long as they keep working hard, she'll give them something that can boost their strength and potential to ridiculous degrees?!?!

What have they done to deserve such kindness?!?


For years, their goal has been to be of use to Mira, but forget about giving back, they've only been receiving more help!

How are they supposed to repay all this? No, better yet, are they even able to repay Mira? They already owe her their lives several times over, but now Mira is also giving them a brighter future.

Such a thing is probably worth more than all their lives combined thousands of times over. Actually, if Mira isn't lying, they wouldn't be able to repay this debt even if they had a million lives!

Alicia knows better than anyone else that the women under Mira aren't all that talented. There are a few good seeds, but they aren't what anybody would call 'talented'. Alicia is by far the most talented one out of all of them, but even that's stretching it.

One must remember that before they were captured and then later turned into cultivators, they were just simple village girls.

They picked berries in the forests, knit clothes at home, and cooked and cleaned for the family. Forget about fighting and growing stronger; they barely left the safety of their villages! It doesn't help that many of them missed the glory days of learning and cultivating.

At this point, the only realistic way for many of them to grow quickly is through constant repetition and life-and-death scenarios.

Mira knew this as well, and although she wasn't against them taking such measures to grow, hard work can only take them so far. If they wanted to even think about being of any use to Mira, they needed their talent raised, and foundations deepened.

That's why she made this request.

Actually, Mira was going to give them the Core Formation Recipes regardless of whether she brought this up, but she figured they might be more motivated if she made this request.

Though Mira would be lying if she said she wasn't experiencing the effects of the sunk cost fallacy right now. She's already put in so much effort to help and invest in these girls. It would be a huge waste if she just threw them away because they were no longer useful.

Alicia and Mira stared at each other for a good while before Alicia lowered her head and whispered, "...Why?"

"Hmmm? Why, what?" Mira was confused by the sudden question.

"Why are you so good to us when we've done nothing for you?" Alicia looked up and questioned right to Mira's face.

However, she realized that what she said might've come out wrong and quickly explained herself.

"I didn't mean to say it like I'm questioning your intentions and what you want to do with us. Each of us would gladly give up our life if it meant we could be of use to you. I just don't understand why you haven't asked for anything in return yet! I mean, we are your subordinates! We are here to be your hands and feet! Just say the word, and we'll do our best to accomplish what you want!"

Mira stared deeply into Alicia's eyes as if she were looking into her soul as she said that. Alicia trembled slightly, but her gaze didn't leave Mira's.

Around a minute late, Mira sighed and released a slight smile.

"I think you've got the wrong idea here, child. As you girls are right now, you are of no use to me. What can Foundation Realm weaklings do around here where the average person is at least at the Core Formation Realm? Don't get me wrong. If we were back in a city like Lunar Fox City, I would absolutely be ordering you girls around, but here there's nothing you can do. Hell, even I'm relatively limited! With my strength, I can probably deal with most people in the Core Formation Realm, but even I will be troubled by those in a higher Realm. Only by reaching the Core Formation Realm will you lot gain the right to be of use to me."

"As for right now, just keep training and getting stronger at a steady pace. Once I know you guys have the strength and potential to stay with me in the long run, only then will I start ordering you around."

With that said, Mira got up and left, leaving the stunned Alicia alone with her thoughts.


A/N: Thank you so much, everyone, for the support! Last month, we made it to the Top 10 of the Golden Ticket Rankings, so here are an extra 10 chapters as thanks for all the support last month!

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