
Chapter 661 DO NOT BUY THIS CHAPTER!!!!!

Chapter 661 DO NOT BUY THIS CHAPTER!!!!!

Author\'s note: The following is a chapter that was published in a different volume by mistake. Please do not buy this chapter! It was supposed to be chapter 671, not 661. Unfortunately, I can\'t delete the chapter\'s myself, so it\'ll be a while before this mess is taken care of! My apologies!






In the dimly lit alley, the stench of death hung heavy in the air. Piles of lifeless bodies, drained of their vital essence, littered the ground.

In the midst of it all, the twins and Anna were standing. They had some injuries, and exhaustion was camping on their faces, yet all of them had their attention on the one who raised the dead souls before them.

Before them was a woman, her features obscured by a hooded cloak, who stepped forward, a wicked smile curling her lips. Her dark eyes gleamed with murderous aura as she spoke, her voice dripping with a sinister allure.

"Ah, the infamous Anna and her delightful companions," the bloodmancer purred. "It seems the tales about you haven\'t been exaggerated at all. In fact, I think they have been downplayed a bit, or our little encounter would be long since over."

Anna, annoyed by the woman, couldn\'t hold back anymore. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

"What\'s the hurry, darling?" the woman smiled again. "We got all the time in the world to get acquainted, don\'t we? And as for what I want..."

"I have a keen interest in capturing you alive, Miss Succubus," she replied as her grin widened, revealing sharp, elongated canines. "As for your charming friends, they would make exquisite additions to my collection. Oh... I can almost feel the pleasure of draining their blood as we speak!"

"Great, another psycho lover!" Irina scoffed as she exchanged glances with her sister, who rolled her eyes. "If you think we\'re here to entertain you, you\'re sorely mistaken."

"Why do we always attract freaks! Come on!" Verina chimed in. "For once, bring us someone who asks us to coffee before revealing their damaged attitudes!"

"Oh, I can do that as well," the woman licked her lips. "Or how about we fight it out and decide everything later?"

"Stole the words right out of my mouth," Anna smirked, cracking her knuckles.

With swift and coordinated movements, Anna and the twins launched their assault on the woman. Fiery spells and strikes flew through the air as they sought to overpower the bloodmancer. Yet, to their surprise, she proved to be a formidable adversary.

Her control over blood magic was masterful, and she effortlessly deflected their attacks, weaving crimson tendrils of blood all around them to block their every move. With each passing moment, it became clear that they were at a disadvantage.

Besides the fact she was effortlessly holding her ground against three opponents, her psychotic laughter was more annoying.

The more it echoed through the alley, the more uncoordinated the trio got. as she began to subdue her opponents. The mysterious enemy revelled in their struggle, her dark powers steadily gaining the upper hand on them.

"Is that all you got?" the woman mumbled uninterestedly. "Meh, looks like I got excited for nothing then!"

The twins attacked the bloodmancer from both sides. But to their dismay, the woman summoned thick blood tentacles and slammed them against the wall. But that wasn\'t all. The tentacles seemed to actively drain them of their energy.

While the twins struggled on their own, Anna lashed out at the woman. The temporary shift in focus was enough for the twins to get the upper hand and free themselves.

However, Anna wasn\'t so lucky as the woman grabbed her by the neck, lifting the succubus off the ground.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk," the woman smiled as her blood-soaked fingers tightened around Anna\'s neck. "Did you really think you stood a chance against an Archbishop like me? How naive can you be?"

Anna\'s eyes widened when she heard the woman refer to herself as the Archbishop of the Cult.

"Oh, right. I never introduced myself properly to you," The woman said as she summoned other tendrils to keep the twins occupied. "The name\'s Molina; however, people also refer to me as the fourth Archbishop, and with you captured, my task here is complete."

"Like... hell, it is..." Anna gasped for breath, her struggles growing weaker by the second.

Irina and Verina fought desperately to free Anna, but Molina\'s power was overwhelming. With a cruel grin, Molina leaned in, her tongue darting out to lick Anna\'s cheek.

"You think so, darling. But you\'re already mine..."

Anna\'s eyes blazed with fury as she felt the Bloodmancer\'s tongue against her skin. And the next second, a powerful shockwave unleashed out of her that sent Molina stumbling back.

Irina and Verina seized the opportunity to turn into Yamauba forms and attack the cultist. Molina tried to dodge the attack, only to stumble into Anna\'s path.

Molina then tried controlling the blood within her opponents to knock them out. But somehow, she couldn\'t do it. Even when she tried summoning blood tendrils to protect her, she failed. It was like her powers had been sealed away after she got hit by the shockwave.

Without her powers, it wasn\'t difficult for the three of them to get rid of the mighty Archbishop.

Soon, Molina was on the ground, panting and defeated. Irina and Verina stood over her. Their demonic forms slowly faded as they regained their composure. However, Anna needed answers more than anything else.

"Why were you after me," she yelled at Molina before slapping her. "what do you know about the Whisperer\'s medallion?"

Molina\'s lips curled into a sinister grin, and she remained defiant despite her defeat. "I may be captured, but you\'ll get nothing from me. The Cardinal\'s plans are already in motion, and you can do nothing to stop it."

"Well, well, ladies. I must say, this catfight of yours was quite entertaining." Ashton\'s voice broke the tense silence as he casually strolled into the alley.

Anna shot him a withering glare, her irritation evident. "Ashton, this is hardly the time for your humour."

"Hey, hey, I come in peace!" Ashton raised his hands as if surrendering to the girls. "But in all seriousness, can I do anything to assist you?"

Anna and the twins exchanged quick glances, silently communicating their decision. Finally, Anna nodded.

"You can take the lead in interrogating her. Maybe she\'ll be more inclined to talk if it\'s you."

Molina, still restrained by the twins, sneered at Ashton. "You won\'t get anything out of me, no matter what you do."

"We\'ll see about that," Ashton said as he approached Molina calmly.

He then gestured for the girls to step back. As soon as the girls released Molina, Ashton pointed his palm towards Molina, and her body drifted towards him like iron to a magnet.

"I... won\'t talk... no matter what you do!" Molina shrieked as she struggled in Ashton\'s grasp.

"Who said anything about talking?" Ashton smirked, and before Molina could process what was happening, he sunk his canines into her neck.

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