
Chapter 605 A Master Always has His Apprentice's Back (2)

Chapter 605  A Master Always has His Apprentice\'s Back (2)

"Reaper, I must admit, you have played your cards well," the Council leader praised, his voice dripping with a twisted admiration. "Bringing Flintmace and the mercenaries from the Kernel Tower to your side was a cunning move."

Flintmace stood tall, his imposing figure radiating pride and determination. He had always been a force to be reckoned with, and now his loyalty was fully aligned with Ashton and the cause they fought for.

The Council leader continued, his voice resonating with authority. "But you see, Reaper, I am a member of the Cult of Cosmos. However, I am no ordinary member.

I am a priest, and these esteemed council members before you are my trusted Deacons, sworn to serve the will of the Cult."

Gasps filled the courtroom as the truth sank in. Once seen as pillars of the empire, the Council members now revealed themselves as part of the very Cult that sought to undermine it.

The Emperor\'s face contorted with disbelief and anger. "You... you are a traitor! How could you betray the empire and the people you were sworn to protect?"

The Council leader sneered, his eyes glinting with malice. "Oh, Emperor Gabe, you have always been blind to the true power that lurks within this empire.

The Cult of Cosmos seeks to create a new era, a world shaped according to our desires. And now, with the Cult\'s influence within the empire, our victory is within reach."

Thousands of corrupted royal guards filled the courtroom as the Council leader spoke. Their eyes glowed with an unnatural crimson hue, their loyalty now belonging to the Cult. The mercenaries tensed at the sight of this overwhelming force.

Adri, the Emperor\'s cousin, stepped forward with a conflicted expression. "I have made my choice, Gabe. The Cult promised me power, and I have chosen to stand with them."

The Emperor\'s eyes burned with fury, his voice laced with disappointment. "You have forsaken everything, Adri. Your family, your loyalty... all for empty promises and darkness."

The Council leader chuckled darkly, revelling in the chaos unfolding before him.

"Emperor Gabe, your time is over. The empire will fall, and the Cult of Cosmos will rise to reshape the world in our image. As for you, Reaper and Bella, our leader has a different plan for you."

With a nod, the deacons transformed into fearsome creatures, threatening to end everyone and everything present inside the courtroom.

Ashton, his eyes ablaze with determination, stepped forward to face the Council leader. "Your twisted vision will never succeed. We will stand against you, united in our resolve to protect this empire and its people."

Flintmace, Vulcan, and the mercenaries stood by Ashton\'s side, their weapons at the ready. The room crackled with tension as the two opposing forces faced off, the fate of the empire hanging in the balance.

The Council leader raised his hand, and the corrupted guards surged forward, their weapons drawn. The battle was about to begin, and the room became a battleground as chaos erupted.

With a resounding battle cry, the mercenaries launched themselves into the fray, charging against the corrupted royal guards with unwavering determination. Their weapons clashed against the darkened blades, their skills tested in the face of overwhelming numbers.

"Hm... should I use 1% or 10% of my strength?" Flintmace pondered aloud, his voice resonating with power as he effortlessly lifted a soldier off the ground.

With a flick of his wrist, he intended to deliver a light reprimand. Still, the sheer force behind his gesture resulted in the soldier\'s head being obliterated, along with a few unfortunate souls standing nearby.

"Ah, perhaps 0.1% will do the trick," Flintmace concluded with a wry smile, realizing the extent of his immense strength.

He clapped his hands together, producing a controlled shockwave that surged through the courtroom, shattering pillars and sending debris flying.

Just as Flintmace revelled in his display of power, he felt a firm grip on his shoulder. Startled, he turned to face Vulcan, who stood atop a mound of unconscious soldiers, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

"You\'ve grown taller-" Flintmace began, his voice trailing off as he took in the impressive sight of Vulcan standing triumphantly.

"One shouldn\'t make fun of their elders." Vulcan reprimanded Flintmace before gesturing towards the empty seat in a corner. "How about we let the younguns handle this mess. These opponents are too weak for us either way."

"Ah, I see how it is," he chuckled, acknowledging Vulcan\'s formidable skills in the heat of battle. "Very well, let us step aside and observe the prowess of our comrades."

The two seasoned warriors gracefully moved towards the designated corner, finding a vantage point from which they could oversee the impending clash. With crossed arms and watchful eyes, they stood tall, their presence commanding respect even in their moments of respite.

"Would you look at them?" Ashton chuckled, shaking his head as he spotted Vulcan and Flintmace lounging on conveniently placed chairs.

"Guess we brought a sledgehammer to a thumb war," he quipped with a smirk. "No wonder they got tired of squishing ants and decided to take a coffee break."

"They\'re probably discussing the best way to make tea or sharing grilling tips while we\'re here amid all this chaos," Anna mused, raising an eyebrow.

"But hey, I can\'t blame them," he continued with a grin. "If I had the strength of a million oxen, I\'d probably be napping on a cloud somewhere."

In the middle of an epic showdown with the Cult of Cosmos, his companions enjoyed a casual hangout session. It was like an action movie where the extras enjoyed a picnic while the heroes fought for their lives.

"Alright, enough goofing around," Ashton said, regaining his composure. "Time to get back to business and show these cultists what happens when they mess with the wrong crew."

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