
Chapter 550 Deacon's Downfall (3)

Laihud and Vimur led the way as they entered the rocky forest, flanked by a group of Xylopians. The crew had spent the better part of the week teaching them how to use the weapons they had brought, and they caught on quickly.

Alina and Jay followed closely behind, keeping watch on their surroundings. The rest of the crew was stationed at the perimeter, ready to provide backup if needed.

The rocky forest was quiet, almost unnaturally so. The air was thick with tension as they made their way deeper into the forest, the Xylopians scanning the area for any signs of danger.

The Xylopians had agreed to help, but they were understandably wary of the undead soldiers that Reaper had brought with him. Laihud and Vimur had done their best to reassure them, but the Xylopians kept their distance, only following them because of their Leader\'s wish.

As they walked deeper into the forest, the tension in the air grew thicker. Laihud knew that the Deacon\'s humanoid soldiers were way worse than any creature the planet had to offer and could be lurking around any corner, ready to attack.

After several minutes of walking, they reached a clearing in the forest. The ground was littered with debris and broken branches, signs of recent activity. The Xylopians were on edge, their borrowed weapons at the ready.

Suddenly, they heard a rustling in the bushes up ahead. Laihud signalled for everyone to stop, and they all tensed up, ready for a fight.

But instead of humanoid creatures, a group of animals emerged from the bushes. They looked different from the ones they had seen before, more aggressive and dangerous.

The Xylopians backed away in fear, but Vimur and Laihud stood their ground. Inspired by them, the Xylopians broke their vow of non-violence against the creatures as they knew they had to take out the animals before they could proceed.

"Everyone, cover Master\'s allies!" Sven roared, and the summons quickly formed a defensive circle around the others.

Vimur was right behind the summons, with Alina and Jay taking aim from the rear, leading the rest of the crew. The creatures attacked relentlessly, but the Ghosts fought back with everything they had.

The Xylopians watched in amazement as the humans and undead soldiers fought side by side, their movements coordinated and precise.

Finally, after what seemed like hours, the last creature fell. The crew let out a collective sigh of relief, but they knew they couldn\'t let their guard down.

They continued deeper into the forest, with the Xylopians now fully committed to the mission. Laihud and Vimur shared what they knew about the Cult and the Deacon as they walked.

The Xylopians couldn\'t believe someone as dangerous as the Cult had established a hold over their precious planet.

The Xylopians listened intently, and their Leader, who had previously been hostile towards Ashton and the crew, now seemed to have a newfound respect for them and their work.

"If you master wills it, some of us would like to join your ranks." The Leader said, while his followers nodded aggressively.

It seemed the Xylopians got excited after their first time using weapons and wanted to have more such experiences.

While Vimur was more than happy to welcome new allies, Laihud was conflicted as the once peace-loving Xylopians were now preaching violence.

By the time they reached the Cult\'s base, they were fully prepared for what lay ahead. With the Xylopians at their side and Alina and Jay covering their backs, Vimur and Laihud led the way into the heart of the Deacon\'s lair.

As the crew approached the entrance of the abandoned facility, a sense of unease began to wash over them. The building was old and decrepit, and it was clear that no one had been there in years. But the Ghosts knew it was far from true.

Laihud glanced over at Vimur and could see the nervousness etched on his face. Alina and Jay were busy checking their weapons, ensuring everything was loaded and ready to go.

Even though they hadn\'t seen Ashton since separating, they knew he was doing his job because no other creatures had attacked them so far.

Laihud turned to them and said, "Alright, everyone. Stay sharp. We don\'t know what\'s waiting for us in there."

The crew nodded, but the apprehension in the air was palpable. They had been on dangerous missions before, but something about this place made them incredibly uneasy.

As they entered the facility, the darkness swallowed them whole. The only light came from their flashlights, which illuminated the damp, decaying walls. The floorboards creaked with every step they took, making them feel as if the whole structure could collapse at any moment.

Suddenly, a deafening screech echoed through the halls, causing the crew to jump and spin around, weapons ready.

Before they could react, the creatures descended upon them, moving with inhuman speed and agility. The crew fought back with all their might, firing rounds and swinging their weapons in a desperate attempt to fend off their attackers.

"Damn it! Just one of these humanoid bastards was a pain in the ass, and now there are so many!" Vimur cursed loudly, firing non-stop at the creatures.

The creatures proved to be formidable opponents, their bodies twisted and contorted into grotesque shapes that made them difficult to hit. They moved with an unnerving fluidity, dodging attacks and launching their own strikes with deadly precision.

The Ghosts had been trained to face the worst the galaxy had to offer, but nothing could have prepared them for this. Each creature seemed to be able to take down dozens of mercenaries with little effort, and the crew knew they were in serious trouble.

"Haha! Foolish bastards! I can\'t believe I was scared by people of your kind!?"

The Deacon laughed maniacally from a podium as he watched the crew struggle against his creations. He revelled in their misery and suffering, finding it all so amusing. Suddenly, his laughter was cut short when he was kicked to the ground by someone.

The Deacon stumbled back, the wind knocked out of him. He gasped for breath as he looked up to see who had attacked him, and his eyes widened in shock and fear as he saw Reaper standing over him.

Reaper\'s eyes glinted in the dim light, and his mouth twisted into a cruel smile.

"Well, well, well," he said. "Look who we have here. The great Deacon, brought down by a little kick. I\'m glad I didn\'t use more strength, or I\'m afraid my leg would have ripped through your innards. Now then, shall we play a game?"

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