
Chapter 355 What A Zompirewolf Looks Like (2)

An hour passed... Ashton kept fighting the guards and killing them when he got the chance. However, he wasn\'t unscathed from their relentless attacks either. When someone fights so many people one after another, they are bound to lose composure and commit some mistakes.

Ashton wasn\'t much different in that regard. He made mistakes, and when he did, the guards were there to capitalise on them. Resulting in him being covered in wounds from the head to the toe.

His werewolf genes were doing their work, but the healing he got from them was minimal, even though it was boosted from [Draconic Physique] trait.  Sadly, the wounds he received were not minor scratches, that could heal instantly.

Darjud and his guards must have done something to stop his healing from working. It couldn\'t be poison since he was immune to any type of poison. But whatever it was, it was working.

By this time, Anna had regained consciousness, and so did Otiga. But none of them could do anything either.  The numbing drug administered to them by Darjud was still going rampant within their bodies.

They were helpless to do anything but to watch Ashton suffer as one more cut appeared on his blood-drenched figure.

"Next!" Ashton yelled as the last of the guards fell to the ground lifeless.

But the next moment his legs gave out. He ran his sword into the muddy ground to support his weight. The ground wasn\'t muddy when the duels began, but as the duels progressed, the dusty soil turned into a muddy swamp with the blood of his opponents.

He was in rough shape. Merely using the body of a werewolf wasn\'t going to be enough. Especially against his next opponent. Well, it wouldn\'t have if he hadn\'t secretly activated undead transformation without alerting anyone else.

"Why do you quit and save us some time?" Jacklin mocked Ashton\'s pathetic state, "But then I guess, killing you would bring me more pleasure than merely seeing you die."

"Looks like you already forgot how our last battle ended?" Ashton smiled weakly before forcing himself back to his feet, "Just because I used an ability back then doesn\'t mean I can\'t beat you up without it."

Ashton could see his words had dug deep into Jacklin\'s mind. Just like he wanted them to.

[Someone should give you an award for being such a great actor.]

\'What can I say? Try spending 16 years being pathetically weak, you\'ll become an expert in acting weak.\'

While it was true his wounds weren\'t healing, the situation wasn\'t as dire as Ashton had led everyone to believe. [Draconic Physique] coupled with hydra\'s armour, nearly gave him immunity to physical attacks.

The guards were indeed strong, but they weren\'t strong enough to put him in such a miserable state. Acting weak and injured was all a part of his plans to make Jacklin drop his guard around him so that Ashton could take care of him as quickly as possible.

As far as his blood was concerned, it was a side-effect of activating undead transformation. The longer he stayed in the form of an undead werewolf, the more blood spots appeared on his body. All he did was to make sure the guards hit him in the place his blood was about to burst through to make it seem the guards were hurting him.

He wasn\'t sure anyone would fall for his act. But the morons were busy enjoying his misery that they forgot to pay attention to the details. A mistake they would pay dearly for.

"I was thinking about going easy on you... but it doesn\'t seem like I have to." Jacklin forced a smile on his face, "I will turn you into the miserable piece of shit you are."

"Keep talking and I will..."

Jacklin had had enough of Ashton\'s cocky remarks. The fucker already had one step in his grave but was still barking as annoyingly as before. Ashton threw the sword aside, expecting Jacklin to fight using his fists, like the last time.

To his surprise, Jacklin took out a dagger from his shoulder belt and pointed it at him, "Let\'s start by severing that foul tongue of yours."

The following moment, he lunged forward and swung the blade with all of his strength. Ashton used his claws to block the attack, only to receive a kick to his chest. He was staggered, Jacklin decided to keep pressuring his opponent and since Ashton was already in a rough shape, it was unlikely that he would be able to fight back efficiently.

Jacklin attacked again. Ashton jumped back to avoid the strike, but Jacklin was a tad bit faster. The blade ended up drawing some blood from Ashton\'s shoulder. Watching Ashton bleed filled Jacklin with confidence he kept attacking and hurting Ashton over and over again.

He was so obsessed with the feeling he didn\'t even notice Ashton\'s smile. Nor did he notice how his attacks were not even breaking through Ashton\'s skin anymore. He slashed at Ashton once again, but this time, the blow didn\'t connect.

"Where the hell is that bastard?"

"Don\'t you know, you should never turn your back to your opponent?" Ashton whispered in his ears.

Jacklin turned back as quickly as he could, only to see that Ashton had grown massive bat-like wings on his back. Not only that, his face had completely changed into that of a wolf and his blood spots had completely disappeared. It almost looked like he was never hurt in the first place.

Jacklin regained his composure and threw the dagger at Ashton in an attempt to create some place between them. Ashton immediately caught the dagger, before hurling it towards Darjud who blocked the attack with a finger.

"Was that an invitation of some sort?" Darjud asked sternly.

"Maybe." Ashton confidently replied while pointing at Jacklin with his thumb, "He wouldn\'t accomplish much on his own either way. Not saying that two of you would make any difference."

Darjud smiled, "Your taunts are quite effective. But I\'m afraid I can\'t break the rules. Finish him off and then, we\'ll have a duel of our own."

Ashton shrugged and turned back, only to meet with Jacklin\'s fist. The surprise attack should be enough to make Ashton wobble. Unfortunately... not only did Ashton catch his fist, but he also broke Jacklin\'s finger with ease.

"I told you, didn\'t I? I can defeat someone like you any time of the day."

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