
Chapter 346 Only I Can Kill It... Isn't That Weird? (1)

The situation was immediately reported to the guards as well as the mercenaries. The presence of an un-named creature in a trial zone wasn\'t a matter mere participants could handle by themselves.

Everyone moved out to subjugate the monster, but there was a problem. Someone had messed around with the portal that led to the trial zone. The technicians were already on it, but for the life of God, they could not figure out why the portals were behaving weirdly.

Since the portals were the main way of travelling between the commanding zones, a broken portal meant that they could not even ask other commanders and monarchs for help. They were on their own in this fight.

"Time is of the essence. Portal or not, we have to get there right now." Sigreid, the four-armed commander of the trial zone instructed his soldiers, "Board the ships, we\'ll go there the old-fashioned way. Nifa, you stay here. As soon as the portal is up and running, I want you to get the other commanders and bring in reinforcements. We\'ll try to hold the creature back till then."

"Aye, sir!" Nifa, who was comparatively the size of a dwarf saluted Sigreid and got to work.

The portals might not be functioning, but the communication channels were. Nifa immediately contacted commanders of the nearest zones to aide them. However, merely contacting them wasn\'t going to do anything.

It would take Sigreid and his men more than a couple of hours to reach the trial zone. As for the reinforcements... they could take anywhere from 6 hours to an entire day just to get there. This meant... all of the participants might end up dead before the guards could even fire a bullet at the monster.

"Bring me the list of participants now!"

Nifa yelled at the nearest management representative. The lady rushed to get the list and handed it over to him. There were more than two hundred participants currently inside the zone. Nifa went through the list and the more he did so, the more hopeless he felt.

"Tsk... most of them are E-grade or below. They don\'t stand a chance against a D-grade monster."

Nifa turned to face the representative and decided to take his frustration out on her. He cared about Sigreid\'s reputation more than anything else, and thanks to the management\'s incompetence, now it would be tarnished beyond repair.

"Who the fuck is in charge of maintaining the portals!?" He yelled at her so loudly everyone around them turned towards them.

The situation was dire, but him losing his crap wasn\'t helping anyone. No matter how angry he was, it wasn\'t time for everyone to work together and get out of the mess as wholly as possible.

Yes, people were going to die, but that did not mean they should stop hoping that none of them would survive. If they were quick enough, that is.

"H-He\'s missing-"

"Missing? MISSING!?"  Nifa took a deep breath to calm his raging nerve before continuing the conversation, "How long?"


"He\'s been missing for how-fucking-long!?"

"We don\'t k-know sir." The lady stuttered through, "The portals don\'t break down often... so we don\'t really need him all the time. But when we realised what was going on and sent some men to look for him... we found he hasn\'t been in his room for a while-"

"Great. Just great. If I find you fuckers had any involvement in the attack, I swear I\'ll give you such horrifying deaths, no one would ever dare to stab us in the backs." Nifa\'s voice was calm but full of silent rage, "Do you have any idea how many lives would be lost-"

"I wouldn\'t be so sure of it, Lieutenant Commander Nifa Bolrock."

Without turning around to face the owner of the voice, Nifa kneeled down. Everyone else around him did the same. A monarch, no matter the seat, required at least this much respect from the ones serving under him.

"I greet the monarch." Nifa politely mumbled.

"At ease, everyone." The man in a wheelchair responded, "As for you, Nifa, I did not expect such an immature reaction from you in a time of crisis. Everyone is worried, but that does not give you the right to go unhinged on someone who works just as hard as you to maintain peace on Euphoria."

He continued, "As my son and the future heir to the seat, you need to maintain your composure in the direst of situations. If you can\'t even do the minimum, how do you expect others to follow you? Apologise to the young lady and stand back."

"Yes, sir." Nifa replied before mumbling an apology.

Short and slender, this orange-skinned man had an aura of calmness around him. He also had a strange bruise on his left foot that stretched from the knee to the heel, which was probably the reason for his disability.

As soon as he appeared there, all the panic and tension seized to exist. With his appearance, everyone knew things would be taken care of without their need.  That was the power of the disabled man, who was also known as Lord Shul D\'ma Bolrock.

"Good job everyone." Shul commended all of them, "Your quick and swift action might seem useless to you, but I\'m sure the ones inside the trial zone would be thankful to you regardless. Our soldier might not be able to save them, but someone else will. So all of you can rest easy."

Nifa knew his father had a way with words. That was the reason no one was able to overthrow him from his seat, even though he had been bound to a wheelchair thanks to the \'friendly\' duel he had with the first seat holder.

But now wasn\'t the time to sway the crowd with empty words. The soldiers were going to reach the trail zone in time to save the participants, that much was true. What Nifa couldn\'t understand was the reason why his father would lie to everyone about a mysterious someone saving everyone\'s life? Did his father finally lose his mind or something?

"Forgive me arrogance, your lordship, but who could possibly save them?" One of the soldiers asked him, but it felt more like he was asked to ask him the question.

"How about someone who defeated the fourth monarch?" Shul replied with a smile, "Someone like him isn\'t going to lose to a creature from an instance dungeon, now would he?"

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