
Chapter 190 Unexpected Blow

Chapter 190 Unexpected Blow

Gerrit smiles and says,"That is a good plan."

He took out a tablet from his storage space and showed four GPS locations.

"Help me monitor these hyperbeings. We are still lacking people in the country," said Gerrit.

"Are they the suicide squad?" asked Poison Lord with a grin.

"Hahahaha! We selected them because they are easy to fool," said Gerrit.

"Hey, you can't just ask for help without giving me a return. All the cooperation you said is just a promise. You haven't given me anything yet. You should give me magic bombs or at least the bugs," said Poison Lord.

"Making the bombs is difficult and very expensive. Their cost is a lot higher than conventional bombs with the same power. Breeding bugs is also difficult. What I brought is only enough for the plan, but I will tell your request to the family. Don't worry, Holtien Family will not break their promise. They will bring you to Tier 3 Poison World," said Gerrit.

"If I am just an ordinary person, words that come out of the mouths of families will just probably be farts, but we are allies. I believe your words," said Poison Lord with smile as he raised his hand for a handshake.

Gerrit laughs and shakes the hand of Poison Lord.

At noon, Edgar and Gin are standing on a rooftop as they watch the island. They are wearing loose shirts and sunglasses.

Gin holds the cigarette in his mouth.

"It's a blood bug. If Melody did not mention it, we will probably not find it. It is very small when it is at a larva stage. It is probably injected into the bloodstream, then latches at the heart by instinct. It remains dormant and grows in the heart. A catalyst is probably given, waking the bug. It cannot control itself and keeps sucking blood, causing it to become a lot bigger and explode, which causes severe injury to the heart. To control the timing, those families probably experimented a lot," said Gin with a grave look.

Edgar has a sharp look in his eyes.

"Talk with Emma Fusto."

One day later, they all return home. Edgar started his research on the nullifying device. His clone researched for many months in the illusion space.

The world top families don't know that many blows are moving to them, and one of them happened recently.

A video is circulating on the internet.

Yuxin, one of the demigods, was ambushed while on vacation in another country.

Yuxin was hit by the blue current, but he looks calm, then he grins. He released his aura with his concept. A dark red aura covers his whole body.

BANG! He instantly appears in front of the nullifying device and smashes it.

Yuxin looks at the Origin members, who look afraid, then he laughs. The video is cut off because it was a gruesome slaughter.

The families are shocked that their most proud invention is not effective against demigods.

Edgar chuckled when he saw the video.

"The nullifying device cannot stop a concept of demigods or elemental authority in the 8th circle. Those powers are beyond the understanding of those families," thought Edgar, then he raised his right hand. He is holding a necklace with magic runes and a beast core. He smiles as he grips the necklace.

Government bodies and runesmith companies in the world are shocked. An encrypted information of a magic equipment is suddenly sent to them. It allows hyperbeings to use magic and aura within the range of the nullifying device. It is called Antiserv which means anti-slave. It put a smile on people that understand the meaning of the name.

The governments have a sample of the nullifying device. They research the device and tried to make equipments against it, but they failed. They followed the blueprint of the equipment that is sent to them. The equipment works.

Runesmith companies work overtime to make many pieces of the equipment. The news spread, and many hyperbeings lined up in front of many runesmith shops in many parts of the world.

In a foreign country, a group of hyperbeings run to a shop.

"Fuck! The line is too long! It's the second shop that we visited. It might be the same with the other shops!" said a man who arrived behind the line.

"Shit! The equipment might be gone before our turn comes. Damn you, fatty! It's your fault!" said another man.

A chubby man scratches his head.

"Haha, no one saw these coming, so we were too late to wake up. We just need to stay here overnight," said the chubby man. He looks around him. There are more hyperbeings coming. His small eyes turned sharper.

"The Origin won't dare to attack here," said the chubby man.

"Fatty is right. Its just a mere one night. Its nothing compared to living in fear of being targeted by the Origin," said a man. His friends nod.

Late hyperbeings can't help but cursed as they see the long line.

The hyperbeings that bought the necklace wear it with proud look on their faces as they walk near the long line. The others look at them with envy.

"Why is there no top brands on the equipments?" asked a hyperbeing to his friend as they walk.

"I don't know. They probably look down at its profit. The price of the equipment is quite low."

Some smarter hyperbeings have some ideas.

The chubby man sneers and spits on the road.

The heads of families knew the information before the news spread. They made an emergency meeting.

"Who is it?! Who the fuck is it?!! Is it that shit Sypher again?!" Asked Gerrit to himself as he watches a video on the internet that shows the long line of hyperbeings in front of a runesmith shop.

The face of Poison Lord also looks ugly. The families' plan is advantageous to his guild if it was successfully made.

Later, a sudden, big blow is released by Edgar that could shake the roots of families in the world.

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