
Chapter 127 127: Boiling Grave

The Meteor that the fox cast had intended to deplete the dragon's critical mana, forcing it to cancel its flying spells and descend, allowing it to set itself on her trap.

The dragon is a bit sluggish due to the toll of its World Magic spell, so it didn't have enough time to use its wings and helplessly fell into the deep chasm in the end.

The gorge that the dragon fell off was quite large enough to fit the dragon whole. It was round and measured to be around two hundred meters wide and at least three hundred meters deep.

What the silver fox did was excavate the underground using the Earth Magic Level 10 Sinkhole. Actually, using the Sinkhole over that volume of earth takes time to sink the ground, but she has a way to hasten the process so that it occurs almost instantly.

But the fox hasn't finished yet; that was just the start of her combined assault.

As the dragon struggles under the burden of twenty times its own weight, a huge pitch-black disk with the same area as the pit appears on top of the hole.

A beat later, large boulders were dropped out of the disk and fell in the hole. Being under the influence of the fox's powerful Gravity Field, the weight of each boulder multiplied by several folds.

The boulders weren't made by magic, but by the items that were stored inside the fox's Item Box.

The sturdy and extremely heavy rocks of pure destruction rained down upon the massive monster, pelting devastating blasts into its massive body.

There were several sharp and pointed rocks amongst the debris that managed to penetrate its wings and scratch its black scales. The attacks of the fox actually pierced the Ancient Dragon's Elder Dragon Scales.

The collision of tons of boulders with the dragon's durable scales created screeching noises that rang out from the chasm through the forest.

"SHIT YOU, YOU CUNNING FOX!" The dragon cursed the fox as the sediment kept pouring into the pit.

The black dragon was pinned down even more as the heavy boulders put weight on its wings and body.

Due to its complicated position and the heavy gravity, the dragon was pinned down and let the boulders pile up in the pit, gradually burying it.


Once a few meters of the chasm had been covered by boulders, the silver fox approached the pit and peered down upon the dragon before proceeding to the next phase of her offense.

Several tangerine-hued magic circles appeared inside the pit, evenly scattering themselves fifty meters above the pinned dragon.

The fox poured her magical power upon them, and then her melting spell poured inside the pit.

Before the eyes of the dragon, glowing magma was flowing out from each of the magic circles. As it was cast by a level-two thousand being, the magma isn't something anybody could see in this world.

The spell that was cast in the pit was Compound Magic Level 8 Lava Flow, but the fox thought that wasn't enough to damage the dragon. Just to be sure, she enhanced the spell by casting another spell called Level 9 Blue Magma.

Boiling blue-colored lava started to fill up the chasm like cement. Pouring in the dragon and the boulders within it. The blue nature of the lava indicates its ultra high temperature.

In order to make the lava blue, it needs to be heated to at least six thousand degrees Celsius. But the temperature of the Blue Lava Flow of the fox had exceeded the whooping heat of ten thousand.

A temperature that seemed impossible to occur on lavas naturally. But the essence of magic in this world makes virtually everything possible.


Even when bathed in excessively scorching blue liquid, the black dragon remains quiet. The fox deliberately ignores its silence and continues to channel her mana to fill the pit.

A few minutes of dumping, the pool of blue has reached a depth of thirty meters, and not a scale of the dragon has been visible. The dragon hasn't moved since then, but the fox is sure it is still buried under the boiling lava.

To make things sure, the fox cast Water Magic Level 5 Water Shockwave and poured water on top of the muddy, boiling blue lava. Scalding hot steam was created as the water took contact with the scorching hot blue molten rocks.

The sizzling sounds of the evaporated water rang out from the deep hole. The temperature of the steam alone is so high that an ordinary human would ignite it even though it is vaporized water.

Once the scalding steam subsided, a glossy black surface unveiled itself at the bottom of the pit. The glowing and boiling blue lava has been cooled down and successfully hardened to meters thick of obsidian.

Under that extremely hard glass of black, a massive dragon of the same color is deeply buried. The dragon has been severely weakened by its own explosion, so moving underneath is impossible.

But even going as far as that effort, the silver fox wasn't satisfied yet.

The next thing, the fox opened her Item Box upon the pit once again. From there, mountains of dirt have been poured into the pit. Actually, the dirt was the earth that was sent into the subspace to hasten the excavation of the Sinkhole spell.

When the dirt has been returned to its origin, the fox applies Soil Compaction upon it. The earth within the massive pit deepened and compressed before getting the finishing touch of Soil Reinforcement.

Anyone who got buried under that durable grave would have lost hope of their survival, let alone escaping. Even an elder dragon has a very low chance of getting out of that concrete coffin.

But the Dark Ancient Dragon is built differently from any other ancient dragon out there.

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