
Chapter 237 Vanessa And Hazel

"Do you still want to go?" Damian asked, his voice tinged with urgency, as he pried open the iron safes and swiftly collected the stolen riches, stuffing them into a weathered leather sack he had discovered in the captain's chambers.

"Of course I do!" Marcus replied, his voice filled with determination. "Let's make our escape before the captain returns."

Once the leather sack was filled to the brim, Damian set his sights on the secret passage, rumored to be hidden behind a painting.

"Indeed, it's here. I never thought she was telling the truth," Damian remarked, a mix of surprise and satisfaction in his voice.

The hidden passage revealed itself as a rounded tunnel, resembling a thick pipe, with ankle-deep water flowing through it. Damian, with his heightened senses, detected the sound of approaching footsteps from one of the nearby halls within the mansion.

"Hurry, someone's coming!" Damian urged, prompting Marcus to take the lead, while he followed closely behind, ensuring the painting concealed their escape route once more. Although Seline had claimed it was a secret known only to her, Damian couldn't shake off the suspicion that the captain might have been aware of its existence all along. After all, he resided in that very room.

Motivated by their need for a swift getaway, both Marcus and Damian quickened their pace, following the only path available to them, which led to a secluded spot in the forest, close to a cascading waterfall.

"Gosh, that's quite a height! Are you sure we can make the jump?" Marcus hesitated, peering over the edge and observing the water below.

Damian contemplated the idea of nudging Marcus off the cliff, relying on his telekinetic abilities to ensure a safe landing. However, the risk of hidden rocks or other dangers lurking beneath the surface made him reconsider. Instead, he employed his telekinesis, causing both himself and Marcus to float gracefully down toward the awaiting water below.

I would rate this continuation a 6 out of 10. The dialogue and interactions between Marcus and Damian are well-established, and the plot takes an interesting turn with the mention of Vanessa and the mysterious place in the woods. However, there are a few areas where the narrative could be improved to enhance the overall flow and engagement of the story. Here's a suggested revision:

They swiftly landed on the ground, their feet barely touching the water. Marcus looked at Damian with gratitude, bowing his head in acknowledgment of their successful escape.

"I can't thank you enough for saving me," Marcus said sincerely, a sense of relief evident in his voice.

Damian nodded, appreciating Marcus's gratitude but couldn't help his curiosity. "Now that we're out, how do you plan on leaving this island? It's surrounded by water."

To Damian's surprise, Marcus smiled, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "I used to be a ship captain before they imprisoned me. I've hidden a small vessel on the other side of the island. It should still be there since nobody ventures to that area."

A sense of hope swelled within Damian as he realized their escape might be closer than he had anticipated. "That sounds promising. Once I find the person I'm searching for, can we meet at your ship?"

"Absolutely," Marcus replied. "Let me explain the exact location and how to reach it."

With Marcus's knowledge of the island, he not only detailed the whereabouts of his hidden ship but also provided Damian with valuable information about possible locations where Vanessa might be found. After their exchange, they bid each other farewell and went their separate ways.

As Damian took to the skies, scanning the island's coastline, he knew finding the ship wouldn't pose much of a challenge. It was just a matter of ascending and locating the other side. However, the search for Vanessa was an entirely different matter.

"I've heard whispers about a mysterious place deep within the woods," Damian pondered aloud, his thoughts intertwining with the wind. "Could Vanessa be headed there as well?"

With determination fueling his every step, Damian ventured into the dense forest, guided by the hope that he would find his companion and unravel the secrets that lay hidden within the enigmatic woods.

As Damian pushed deeper into the dense woods, every step became a battle against the relentless assault of mosquitoes and the creepy crawlies that seemed to multiply with each passing moment. The incessant hum of insects filled the air, and Damian could feel the bites and stings on his exposed skin.

Amidst the constant buzz, Damian's perseverance was rewarded when he stumbled upon a trail—a series of muddy footprints imprinted on a winding path. They were a faint sign, easily eroded by the elements, but they offered a glimmer of hope, a potential link to Vanessa or her abductors.

Damian knelt down, studying the footprints with a mix of anticipation and caution. It was impossible to determine with certainty whether they belonged to Vanessa or the very people who had taken her captive. However, in the absence of any other leads, following this trail became a necessity, a lifeline to a potential breakthrough.

With renewed determination, Damian set forth, his senses heightened, and his instincts on high alert. The path twisted and turned, leading him further into the heart of the wilderness. Every rustle of leaves, every distant crack of a branch, teased him with the possibility of a confrontation, a chance to rescue Vanessa from her captors.

Any sound or movement made Damian alert, preparing for a fight, but it was usually nothing. It felt like the trail he had found would lead to nothingness, until he heard voices! Marcus had mentioned that very few people ventured inside those woods, so the presence of a voice carried great significance. Damian carefully pushed through the dense leaves, parting them to reveal the origin of the sound.

"It's here!"

Before him stood a massive stone temple, reminiscent of a pyramid. Many pirates encircled it, some sleeping in tents while others huddled near campfires to warm their bodies. Cages containing prisoners were scattered about, serving as a grim reminder of those destined to explore the ancient site, either meeting their demise or being forced to disclose information about the traps and adversaries lurking within. Damian's heart raced with a mix of trepidation and determination.

"How should I approach this?" Damian wondered, peering at the pirates from behind the bushes. It seemed like killing them all was the only viable option. Sneaking in was impossible due to their sheer numbers, and his invisibility cloak wouldn't suffice for both him and Vanessa to utilize simultaneously.

Deciding that eliminating every pirate was the best course of action, Damian emerged from the bushes, wielding a massive slime ax. "Who's that?" one of the pirates exclaimed.

Gripping the axe tightly with both hands, Damian hurled it towards the pirate. The weapon connected with the man's torso, cleaving him in two, resulting in a gruesome scene of bloodshed. "Get him now! He's unarmed!" another pirate shouted.

The pirates rushed toward Damian, seizing the opportunity of his momentarily weaponless state. However, their decision proved unwise. With his telekinetic powers, Damian commanded the axe to fly back into his grasp, forcefully colliding it against the pirates, catching them off guard.

One after another, they fell. The forest transformed into a macabre graveyard as the pile of corpses steadily grew. The prisoners who observed the carnage from a distance initially felt a glimmer of relief, but as time passed, fear took hold of them.

"Will he turn on us next?" echoed their collective concern. Damian appeared more beast than human, instilling uncertainty about their own fates.

Despite their fear, Damian's primary concern remained finding Vanessa. After dispatching the pirates, he meticulously searched through all the cells, but she was nowhere to be found. One observant prisoner noticed Damian's search and spoke up, "Are you looking for someone?"

A flicker of hope ignited within Damian. He approached the man's cell, gripping the cold iron bars. "Yes. She's a beautiful woman with black hair, and..."

Before Damian could finish describing Vanessa's appearance, the prisoner interrupted with recognition. "She's inside the temple. Some pirates took her there. It seems someone she knows went into a frenzy down below. Another girl with red hair."

"Hazel!" Damian exclaimed. Vanessa and Hazel were trapped within that treacherous temple. Damian knew he had to venture inside to find them.

Grateful for the information, Damian clenched the cell bars and summoned his incredible strength, shattering them. "Thank you," the prisoner said tearfully.

"Do as you please, but stay out of my way," Damian replied with determination.

With a resolute spirit, Damian set forth toward the imposing temple, his path clear and his resolve unwavering.

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