
Chapter 176. Let’s Meet At Home (7)

Chapter 176. Let’s Meet At Home (7)

He seems to have drunk quite a lot...

The sobbing man was emitting a strong smell of alcohol. The man was sprawled out on the ground, seemingly with no intention of getting up.

Ha Jae-Gun stood a distance away and did not provoke him further, allowing the man some time to himself until he calmed down.

The warm autumn wind grazed the tip of his nose.

Ha Jae-Gun looked up to see the overcast sky.

After some time, the man stopped trembling.

Ha Jae-Gun approached him carefully and asked, “Are you feeling better now?”


Um, sir?”


Ha Jae-Gun was at a loss for words. The man had already zonked out in that short span of time. Ha Jae-Gun looked around in bewilderment and left the man lying on the ground alone.

Ha Jae-Gun returned a while later and struggled to carry the man on his back, heading back down the hill. His car was left with its engine turned on. Ha Jae-Gun put the man in his car, and he drove back home.


Ha Jae-Gun laid the man in one of the guest rooms and checked his condition. He didn\'t suffer much injury aside from some minor abrasions on the neck and wrists. Ha Jae-Gun disinfected the wounds and applied some ointment on them.

Just as he was about to turn around to leave, he noticed the man\'s wallet peeking out of the coat pocket.

Ha Jae-Gun glanced at the face of the sleeping man and pulled out his wallet.

\'Seo Sang-Do...?\'

Ha Jae-Gun finally learned of the man\'s name. He gently placed the man\'s wallet back to where he had found it and quietly went out of the room.

\'Where have I seen that name before...\'

The first suspicion that came to mind was perhaps the man could be a writer of sorts. Ha Jae-Gun pulled out his phone and searched for the name Seo Sang-Do on the internet. The search results were astonishing.

As expected, the man by the name of Seo Sang-Do was a writer who had written four literary novels.

\'His last novel was seven years back. Is he not writing anymore?\'

Amongst the four novels, the one titled Finding My Way caught his attention. Ha Jae-Gun was surprised as he soon recognized that he had read the novel before. A novel written by the elder\'s son. He felt strange that he had such a connection with them long ago.


Jung So-Mi\'s name replaced the browser screen as a call from her came in.

Ha Jae-Gun answered immediately.

"Yes, Ms. So-Mi?"

— You sound a lot better now, Writer Ha. Have you fully recovered?

"Yes, thanks for your concern. I\'ve recovered after resting, taking medicine, and having porridge."

— You must be upset while feeling sick. Cheer up, Writer Ha.

"I\'m feeling better now, I apologize for making you worry."

— Anyway, you\'re amazing, redoing that long script in less than two days. I felt this back when you helped me with the edits for the other novels I was managing back then as well, but I find that your abilities surpass those of normal humans.

Ha Jae-Gun smiled, understanding Jung So-Mi\'s intentions of wanting to cheer him up. Ha Jae-Gun went to take a seat on the sofa and changed the subject.

"Both Rika and Cheol-Soo are doing well, right?"

— Yes, they\'re both doing well. They seem to like how the office has become more spacious. Rika is on my lap right now.

“I feel betrayed, Rika. Ms. So-Mi, you should just take Rika with you.”

— Oh my, really? You can’t take back what you just said. Rika, you heard Writer Ha, you’re going to live with me from now on.

Jung So-Mi chuckled lightly as she said that. She then continued with a serious tone.

— But Writer Ha, there’s something I’d like to ask you.

“What is it?”

— Is something up with Writer Lee? He hasn’t been around in the office recently and is always out and about. His expression is always stiff when in the office.

“Really? That punk isn’t working on his new novel and especially those strange actions—” Ha Jae-Gun did not finish his sentence as a plausible suspicion came to his mind.

“Ms. So-Mi, let’s talk about this later. I’ll give Yeon-Woo a call first.”

— Yes, Writer Ha. I’ll hang up then.

Ha Jae-Gun ended the call with Jung So-Mi and immediately called Lee Yeon-Woo. The boring ringtone rang for a while. It was unusual when Lee Yeon-Woo would usually answer within the first few seconds.

— Yes, hyung. Hello.

Lee Yeon-Woo finally answered the call just before the call was transferred to voicemail. The urgency and evasive tone in Lee Yeon-Woo’s voice made Ha Jae-Gun uneasy.

“Where are you now?”

— Me?

“Of course, who else would there be? Where and what are you doing?”

— W-what else? I stepped out for a while to take a breather and think about the composition of my novel.

“Don’t lie. Ms. So-Mi is worried that you’re always out of focus these days. Did something happen?”

— No, nothing at all. Deputy Jung is just worried for no reason. I’m really just taking a walk outside.

Ha Jae-Gun wasn’t convinced. He felt that Lee Yeon-Woo was putting in more effort to keep up with his bright self.


— Yes, hyung.

“I’m just saying this, but... I’m really fine.”

— ...

“You can’t hear me?”

— I-I heard you. I’m listening, hyung.

“Don’t cause any trouble.

— Why would I create trouble? It’s nothing like that. You’re worrying needlessly, hyung.

Lee Yeon-Woo protested, feeling that it was unfair. Ha Jae-Gun finally felt a little relieved and let it go with a bitter smile.

“All right then, be careful on your way back. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

— Yes, hyung. Please take care of yourself and rest well.

Ha Jae-Gun hung up and headed up to his study.

Ha Jae-Gun looked around the bookshelves for a while and pulled out a book. It was Finding My Way, written by Seo Sang-Do, one of the many books that he had purchased when he had obtained more disposable income.

It was well-written...’ Ha Jae-Gun recalled his first impression of the book when he first read it as he opened the book.

It was the story of a man who had isolated himself from the world after the death of his wife. The man went traveling alone while contemplating the meaning of life and death. The plain writing style was neither exaggerated nor dramatic, which touched Ha Jae-Gun’s heart.

Ha Jae-Gun headed to the living room to read the book. After finishing it, he lay on the sofa and closed his eyes.

Eventually, a sound woke him up.

Ah... You’re awake?” Ha Jae-Gun said as he sat up immediately.

Meanwhile, Sang-Do’s confused face peeked out from the slightly ajar door.

“You woke up earlier than I had expected.”


yes... But, who are you?”

“Do you not remember anything that happened?”

“Not exactly that...” Sang-Do looked down. He felt embarrassed recalling all the actions he had done as he sobered up.

Ha Jae-Gun then slowly approached and stood before him. “Do you not remember me? We met once before.”

“We... met before?” Seo Sang-Do looked up in surprise.

Ha Jae-Gun let out a soft sigh and nodded. “I went looking for you after picking up your father’s keepsakes by his tombstone...”

“Ahh...” Sang-Do’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open, hanging. Stunned, he observed Ha Jae-Gun’s face for a while and finally dropped his head again.

“I’m sorry for what happened back then.” Seo Sang-Do apologized, groaning. I understand that you came with goodwill... Yet I vented my anger out on you.”

“I’m fine. Please forget about it.”

Silence descended upon the two of them.

Ha Jae-Gun turned around and was about to make coffee for him when Seo Sang-Do said, “Have you been taking care of my father’s grave?”

Ah, yes...”

“But why...?”

“Hmm, how should I put it... The day I picked up your father’s keepsakes was destiny? Anyway, I feel for him as a writer.”

“Writer? You’re a writer?”

Ha Jae-Gun fixed his clothes and bowed deeply to Seo Sang-Do.

Sang-Do was taken aback at the sudden politeness that Ha Jae-Gun showed. “Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“I’m Ha Jae-Gun. I apologize for my late introduction.”


Ha Jae-Gun then picked up the copy of Finding My Way he had left on the sofa. Sang-Do froze in place as he saw the book cover of his own work.

“I found it in my own study. I had read it many years back, and I liked the novel, so I bought it.”

Seo Sang-Do’s cheeks trembled. The enraged emotions in him showed in his eyes.

“Throw it out.”


“That’s not a book but trash,” Seo Sang-Do said coldly.

Ha Jae-Gun hurried to him as Seo Sang-Do went to the porch and was about to put on his shoes.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going home. I’m sorry for causing you trouble.”

Ha Jae-Gun stopped Seo Sang-Do. Although he wanted to hear more from the man, it was something he could do next time. Ha Jae-Gun couldn’t allow a man who had just attempted suicide to leave so easily.

“Let’s have dinner together, senior.”

“I don’t have the appetite.” Seo Sang-Do brushed past Ha Jae-Gun.

Ha Jae-Gun quickened his footsteps and raised his voice, “You loved your father, right? Are you walking on the path that your father wanted you to?!”


“If not, have a bowl of rice soup with me for dinner.”

Seo Sang-Do stopped in the middle of the garden. Ha Jae-Gun’s question had shackled and tied his feet down.

Raindrops began falling from the cloudy sky.


— Hello?

“I-it’s me... Won Ji-Yeon....” Won Ji-Yeon said in a trembling voice, with her hat pulled down, covering her face. Her hand trembled violently as she gripped the phone in her hand.

— Are you crazy? How dare you call me?

“You didn’t reply to me... and I also haven’t heard from you about when I’ll be joining ICU Entertainment.” As she said that, Won Ji-Yeon snooped near the exit of an alley.

She could see the building of the studio she was living in. She had been guilt-stricken ever since that incident, unable to return home. She had been staying in motels or public saunas over the last few days.

— What are you saying, unni?

“Pardon...?” Ji-Yeon’s heart sank.

Bo-Ra sighed in frustration.

— I can’t tell you anything over the phone.

Ah... I see. I understand what you mean.”

— I’ll call you later, so wait for a while more. You’ll be dead meat if you call me again.”


The call ended with Bo-Ra’s teeth-grinding warning.

Won Ji-Yeon’s hand dropped. Her heart felt heavy like a huge stone; she grew more anxious by the minute. She couldn’t help but think that she had been deceived and had been used by Bo-Ra.

I should pack my clothes and card first...

Ji-Yeon pulled her hat down and wore her mask back. She quickly and carefully returned to her studio. She reached out to the door and was about to enter the door\'s password when—

“Excuse me, you’re Ms. Won Ji-Yeon, right?”

“...?!” Won Ji-Yeon turned around in horror.

A sturdy-looking man stood behind her. It was her first time seeing the man.

“W-w-who are you...?”

“You know Writer Ha Jae-Gun, right? I\'m here to ask some questions.” The hostility in the man’s eyes was unlike his polite manner of speech.

Won Ji-Yeon could tell at a glance that the man despised her, and he could also tell why he was here.

“I-I don\'t know anything.”

“I haven’t asked anything, so what do you not know?”

“P-please leave. I have nothing to say.”

Ji-Yeon quickly entered the password. However, the man quickly stopped her as she was about to step through the open doors.

“Why did you suddenly stop being an assistant writer?”

“You...! You don’t need to know about that!”

“You deleted Writer Ha Jae-Gun’s script, right?”

“N-no, I didn’t! What nonsense are you saying?! Please move!”

The man blocked the narrow hallway with his arms stretched out. Won Ji-Yeon bit her lips anxiously as she could not find a way through. In her desperation, she began bolting away in the opposite direction.

“Hey! Stop right there!”

The man chased after Ji-Yeon.

Won Ji-Yeon panted heavily as she used all her strength to run away, but the man was faster. Just before she was about to get caught, she spotted three policemen who were patrolling the next alley.

“P-please save me! He’s a pervert!”


The three policemen immediately took action and rushed to the man.

The man started struggling as the three policemen suppressed him.

“I haven’t touched you at all, and yet you called me a pervert?! Excuse me, sir. Please let me go. I’m not a pervert, I just wanted to ask her a few questions. Look here, Ms. Won Ji-Yeon!”

Won Ji-Yeon tried to run away again, but another policeman stopped her.

“W-what’s wrong? That man is a pervert. Please let me go.”

“You’ll need to go with us, miss.”

Eventually, the two of them had to go to the police station.

Won Ji-Yeon did not cooperate with the police and refused to say anything.

Meanwhile, the man had a lot to say.

“I’ve told you everything. Me, a pervert? She committed a crime, and that’s why she’s running away and coming up with such lousy excuses. Wow, seriously! It’s my first time getting called a pervert and getting brought to the police station for it.”

The man then glared fiercely at Won Ji-Yeon and raised his voice.

“Are you sure you’re a writer? How dare you call yourself a writer when you\'ve deleted someone else\'s hard work?! Say something if you’ve got any conscience!”

Ah, quiet down, sir!”

Just then, the doors to the police station were opened.

The man turned around with a welcoming smile, thinking that it was Kang Min-Ho who had arrived, but his face stiffened instantly. The cold-looking man standing at the door was none other than Ha Jae-Gun.

“J-Jae-Gun hyung...” Lee Yeon-Woo stuttered.

Lee Yeon-Woo had called the other writers at the office as he was afraid of letting Ha Jae-Gun know what was going on, but to think that the writers had told Ha Jae-Gun.

“Hyung, I’m sorry. What happened was...”

Ha Jae-Gun’s eyes moved from Lee Yeon-Woo to Won Ji-Yeon.

Won Ji-Yeon looked down at her feet, her teeth chattering in fear. The approaching footsteps rang loud and clear in her ears, prompting her to shut her eyes tightly in fear.

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