
Chapter 42

“Yes, you know just like all sorts of stuff . ”

Jaegun scratched his head with an embarrassed face .

Dasul opened her mouth, indifferent .

“There are a lot of girls who do that because of the money . When they’re done, they quickly come back to work at the karaoke bar . ”

“Hm, yes . ”

“I don’t go because I don’t need money but there are some people that want to go and have a drink together . They give me the same hourly wage but I don’t even go . That’s because when I do and they get drunk, they badger me to go to MT . It’s so frickin’ tiring . ”

Jaegun took out a memo and was jotting points down . .

Dasul added while picking up a pickle .

“There are people that do it in the karaoke bar instead of going to MT . ”


“There are places that don’t allow it, but some do . They order soju and sushi and the sides and sell panties and stuff . ”

“Panties… sell?”

“Before doing it, they sell their panties . As a greeting . If they get about 30-50 dollars, they take off their underwear . You think the men will be able to stand it? They drink a lot and then completely lose it so they give 100 more dollars and go all the way . ”

This was information coming from a current worker .

Jaegun diligently tried to write down everything that Dasul said . His hands were hot and sweaty as he was writing a lot .

“Ah, it’s a bit cold . ”

Dasul murmured while rubbing her arms .

Jaegun stopped writing and said to her .

“Let’s switch seats . I think the wind is cooler there . ”

“Just sit . ”

As she said that, she went around the table to sit next to Jaegun . Her perfume permeated into his nose .

“You write really fast and well?”

Dasul said as she looked at the memo .

Dasul turned her body towards Jaegun while keeping her gaze . And then with her skinny legs, she put them on top of Jaegun’s legs . Jaegun froze .

“It’s warm like this . Why, is it heavy?”

“No… it’s fine . ”

Dasul’s breath was coming directly to him .

The girl continued to talk to Jaegun who felt strange .

“Where was I? You have anything else?”

“Ah, yes . I want to know about the rude people and accidents that have happened . ”

The interview continued .

Dasul said with her legs on Jaegun’s legs like they were a couple .

As time went by, Jaegun got used to it

The other people didn’t care at all .

All of them were having their own conversations within their own group .

“Thank you . I think that’s good . ”

Jaegun covered the memo up .

There were two empty bottles on the table .

Jaegun only drank like 3 or 4 cups . Dasul alone drank a bottle and a half .

“It was hard, right?”

Dasul put her head on Jaegun’s shoulder instead of answering .

A sigh came out of her lips .

“No, I said before . I feel good because I feel like a star . ”

“Hahaha . ”

“I want to be a star . Why do you think?”

“Because they get a lot of money?”

“There’s that but… no it’s fine . ”

Dasul pulled away and picked up a bottle .

Jaegun took the bottle away and poured her a drink .

“You’re really kind . Considerate . ”

“No I’m not . ”

“What’s your name? I don’t ask this a lot but I’m curious . ”

“You don’t even tell yours so why ask . ”

“My name is Dasul . ”

“I know it’s a fake name . ”

“Hmp, fine . ”

Dasul drank another cup .

Jageun got worried .

He didn’t know what her drinking limit was, but she drank alot .

“I want to meet my mom . ”

Dasul said as she put it down

Jaegun looked besides him . A big sigh came out as it was mixed with old memories .

“There’s those songs . Those songs that the singer sings to find their loved ones . They want them to listen to their songs and contact them . ”

“I know . ”

“So I want to be a star . If I can go on TV, Mom will recognize me . She left me and ran away… But if I become famous… she’ll contact me . ”

Dasul put her head down with her lips closed .

Her two eyes were filled with warm tears .

“I’m sorry . I must have been tired today . Why am I like this . ”

Jaegun gave her a tissue .

Dasul took it and tapped her eyes .

“Actually I was tired because I had a rude customer . I got angry so I left and there was a message from you . So I answered you right away . ”

“… Yes . ”

“I’ll be like this for a bit longer . ”

She put her head on Jaegun’s shoulder .

Jaegun’s two eyes were looking at the ceiling .

His shoulders were heavy .

It wasn’t because of her head . It was the weight of her confession .

‘It … won’t be a simple fun read . I promise . ’

Jaegun thought of another reason for the novel in his head .

He will write a story that will comfort her mind . Jaegun was quietly pouring himself a drink in the corner of a loud bar .


Nexon’s office . Mobile planning tea,

The employees were all having a depressed face . Team Leader Suhee was the same . It was the feeling that they were the shell of themselves .

“Cheer up, team leader . ”

“I’m fine . Hemii was the hardest worker . I’ll be at the restroom . ”

Suhee didn’t go the restroom but to the rooftop . There was a park that employees could rest on but there was no one there because of the cool weather .

“Phew… . ”

Suhee sighed as she got a coffee from the vending machine .

The game that they were making was about to be scrapped . It was very common for games to get canceled especially in the mobile team . The feeling of despair felt bigger this time .

‘Jaegun’s scenario was good…’

Jaegun’s scenario that he put so much effort into was about to be scrapped . She didn’t feel good when she thought of that .

Suhee pulled up her phone . Her fingers were looking for Jaegun’s name and was pressing the call button .

“Ah, Suhee . ”

“You answered quickly . Writing?”

“No I wasn’t writing . I came out . ”

“I see . ”

There was loud noise and music coming from the other side of the phoen . Suhee tilted her head and asked .

“Where are you? Karaoke bar?”

“Ah? Yeah, I have work . ”

“That’s funny . What work do you have instead of singing at a karaoke bar? You went with Jongjin?”

“No, not Jongjin . Someone else . ”

“Ok . But when are you gonna buy me food . You promised to buy me something when I came to congratulate you for the Digital Award .

Suhee said .

With a hm, Jaegun answered slowly .

“Ah, Yeah, I will . Ok . When’s good?”

The hesitant voice disappointed Suhee and she bit her lip .

She was hoping for a meeting today .

It was then . .

“Hey, let’s have another bottle of beer . ”

“Wait . Wait . Let me call . ”

Suhee’s eyes brightened .

It was definitely a girl’s’ voice .

Jaegun definitely answered to that voice . That means it wasn’t a passing girl but a girl that he came with .

“Hello? Suhee?”

“Yeah, I’m here . ”

“Today might be hard . How about tomorrow . ”

“Tomorrow? Hm… let’s see I have no idea . I’m not sure if I have an appointment tomorrow . I’ll check when I get back . ”

Because of her pride, a lie came out .

Actually Suhee didn’t have any appointments today or tomorrow .

“Then check and call me . ”

“Ok . I’ll hang up . ”

Suhee plopped on the bench after the cal .

When she put her hand on her chest, she could feel the fast beating . Small sighs came out of her lips .

‘It must be a girl that he knows . ’

Even though she repeated the thought, she wasn’t comforted .

Suhee opened the photo folder on her phone .

When she put in the password, a photo came out .

It was a picture of her and Jaegun standing together in college .


‘Sigh, this is getting me again . ’

Inside a cafe .

Jaegun sighed repeatedly as he was reading the story that he wrote on his phone .

‘The conversations with the female main are so bad . The scenes that have emotions are terrible . Her sex is a girl, but she acts like a boy .

It wasn’t only Jaegun’s thoughts .

Professor Han Hesun said the same thing when he sent it to her days before .

The female main’s actions seemed bad so she couldn’t get into the story as well .

‘Rika, what do I do? I need your help . ’

Rika’s two eyes with a special light opened .

‘I need the power that made me feel Somii’s emotions that time . But what do I do? I can’t ask Somii to come to my house . Amd I can’t go to StarBook’s office and write next to Somii . It’s not even a fantasy book that was contracted with StarBooks . ’

Jaegun wrinkled his face and shook his hair .

It was a serious issue .

To feel that he needed a female’s emotions this bad .

“Isn’t the hair a bit shorter than the picture?”

The two girls at a nearby table was looking at Jaegun and whispering . Jaegun was deep in his thoughts that he didn’t feel the gaze that was headed towards him .

“He must have cut it . I think it’s right . Look at this picture . It’s the same . ”

“What if it’s just a similar person . ”

“You say that now? Since you lost the rock paper scissor, you’re just saying stuff . Just go . Quickly . ”

One girl with her phone came up carefully . And then she tapped the end of the table and said .

“… Hello . ”


Jaegun lifted his head, surprised .

A girl he had never seen before was standing in front of him with her face red of embarrassment .

“What is it?”

“I’m sorry, but… I was wondering if it was right . ”

The girl showed her phone .

His gaze went to the screen .

It was the ‘Today’s book’ section on Navin .

The interview with writer Ha Jaegun who wrote ‘A Dumb Woman,’ was on the screen .

“Ahah… . Yes . ”

“It, it’s right?”

“Yes, that’s me . ”

As he answered, the girl covered her face with her two hands . And then she gestured to her friend at the table .

“It’s Writer Ha Jaegun . ”

The two girls stood in front of him .

As their suspicions were confirmed, they were spitting out words quickly .

“I was unsure but it really was you . Ah, oh my god . I’m so happy . ”

“As soon as I saw the interview, I bought the book . You have no idea how much I cried . And now I’m reading ‘90s Child and that’s amazing too . ”

“How long has it been since you had a cat? It’s a Russian Blue? I also have one . It’s also female . ”

“Ah, I should’ve brought my book . I left it . I need to get it signed . ”

The girl pulled up her phone and asked Jaegun anxiously .

“I’m really sorry but could you take a picture with me?”

“Ah, yes… sure . ”

As soon as Jaegun allowed it, . The girl asked a nearby employee to take a picture .

“I’m sorry but could you take a picture?”

“Yes, sure . ”

The two girls crouched in front of Jaegun, each to their side of him . One girl was covering her mouth while one girl was posing with two Vs with her hands .

The employee took the picture .

“I also followed your twitter . It’s Dallebongbong . I would feel amazing if you followed me back . ”

“Ah… . yes . ”

Jaegun answered .

He remembered that he had told Navin his twitter . He hadn’t used it in a while and he forgot it .

“Ok . I’ll do it as I sign in . ”

“AH, So good! Thank you so much . I’ll tweet this picture too!”

A few people nearby were looking at them .

They had faces like who was that to deserve this commotion .

He was glad, but also embarrassed . It was a strange feeling . He couldn’t believe that someone he didn’t know could recognize him .

‘Navin is really strong . There’s people who recognize me . ’

It was just then .

“Please sign for me too, Writer Ha Jaegun . ”

Is there another person?

As he turned around, he broke into a smile .

It was Suhee .

Her outstretched two hands were holding A Dumb Woman .

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