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Chapter 508 508

Chapter 508 Chapter 508

Gazing at Angel, Mary's skeptical expression revealed her doubt about Angel's ability to handle Nexus. "Will Angel be enough to distract Nexus?" she wondered.

The stakes were high, and their plan demanded precision and skill to succeed.

Angel felt a flush of embarrassment as Mary's gaze settled on her. Memories of the unconventional encounter with Nexus surfaced, causing a mix of shame and excitement to play on her features. The peculiar incident had left an indelible mark on Angel, and her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue at the recollection.

In a moment of candid reflection, Angel couldn't help but acknowledge the thrill she felt during that encounter. The memory of Nexus's uniquely fucking her pussy over which was against their plan played in her mind, and a mischievous glint sparkled in her eyes as she recalled finding a peculiar delight in the unexpected twist of events. Nexus cum was the most delicious cum she ever had and the little moment of their sexual experience was the greatest moment of her life.

Angel, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over her, quickly offered an apologetic tone to Mary for the unexpected twist of events involving Nexus, "I didn't expect Nexus to be so... unpredictable. I'm sorry for any inconvenience, Lady Mary."

Mary, however, gracefully waved off the need for an apology, assuring Angel that Nexus was a unique and enigmatic individual, hardly predictable.?"Nexus has always been an anomaly. Unpredictability is part of his essence. We just need to adapt our plans accordingly."

As the conversation unfolded in Mary's elegant mansion, the room itself exuded an air of sophistication, adorned with luxurious furnishings and bathed in soft, muted lighting.

Meanwhile, Angel, her embarrassment still lingering, shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She stole glances at Mary, gauging her reaction to the unexpected turn of events. Mary, however, maintained her composed facade, masking any hint of concern that might be brewing beneath the surface.

Gathering her determination, Angel's actions became more deliberate. Clenching her fist, she suggested a new strategy, her eyes reflecting a spark of determination, "I can get two more helpers to go at Nexus together. I don't think he can beat all three of us in bed at the same time."

The room, once filled with a subdued atmosphere, seemed to pulse with renewed energy at the prospect of a change in tactics. The play of light and shadow on the intricate decor mirrored the shifting dynamics between the two women.

Mary, considering Angel's proposal, responded with a measured nod, "That might be our best course of action. Nexus is protective of the James family, especially Tiffany. We need to separate them first."

Mary, a master strategist, allowed a subtle smile to grace her lips, "Very well, let's proceed with that plan. But remember, we need to tread carefully. Nexus is not to be underestimated."

With a nod, Angel acknowledged Mary's caution and left the mansion, stepping into the night with a sense of purpose.

As Mary watched Angel depart, a subtle frown creased her forehead. She knew the odds were against Angel and her accomplices when facing Nexus. However, her primary goal was not to defeat Nexus outright but to create a diversion, to stall him.


The city awoke to the embrace of a golden sunrise, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets. Nexus, with a purposeful gait, navigated the labyrinthine pathways toward the James family estate. The morning air, crisp and invigorating, hinted at the promise of a new day, yet the undercurrents of uncertainty lingered, painting the familiar surroundings with an aura of intrigue.

Approaching the grand residence, Nexus's steps echoed against the cobblestone streets, each footfall a testament to his commitment and the weight of his responsibilities. As the sun ascended in the sky, long shadows danced on the pavement, mirroring the complexities of Nexus's own journey in this transformed city.

In the midst of this dynamic environment, Nexus was abruptly halted by the arrival of an extraordinary carriage. Adorned in opulent hues of gold, white, and pink, it stood as a stark contrast to the city's muted tones. Nexus, attuned to the city's shifting energy, regarded the carriage with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

The carriage is a masterpiece of craftsmanship, it seemed to transcend time, a relic from an era of opulence. Its intricated detail caught the morning light, radiating wealth and extravagance that clashed with the clandestine atmosphere pervading the city. Nexus, a discerning observer, absorbed the visual feast, seeking clues within the ornate facade.

As he approached, the air crackled with an unspoken tension. The morning breeze, carrying the scent of awakening flowers and distant city sounds, seemed to hold its breath. Nexus, a sentinel in the midst of uncertainty, poised himself to respond to potential threats. His senses, finely tuned, scrutinized the intricate details of the carriage, searching for the subtle cues that might unravel its mystery.

As the carriage door swung open, revealing the figure within, Nexus's initial wariness transformed into a sense of relief. The person stepping out was none other than Angel, a familiar face in this intricate dance of alliances and deceptions. The tension that had lingered in the air began to dissipate, replaced by a more relaxed atmosphere.

A genuine smile graced Nexus's face as he greeted Angel. "It's been a while," he remarked, his tone a blend of familiarity and warmth.

Angel, in turn, reciprocated the pleasantries with a nod and a smile that hinted at an underlying purpose, "It has been a while, Nexus"

With the morning sunlight casting a gentle glow on their encounter, Nexus couldn't help but appreciate the subtle play of light on Angel's features.

"What are you doing here, Angel? I have never seen you around here before!" Breaking the brief silence, Nexus inquired about the purpose of Angel's unexpected appearance.

Angel, maintaining an air of casualness, expressed her desire for a leisurely chat. "I thought we could catch up, since the last time you left, you seemed to be in a hurry."

Nexus couldn't escape the shadow of his past encounters with Angel, and as he stood there, memories of their previous interactions resurfaced. The lingering sense of shame and regret played like a subtle undercurrent beneath the facade of their present conversation.

The invitation, framed in the guise of a friendly chat, carried an unspoken weight—a chance for Nexus to amend the uneasiness that had marked their previous encounters. His internal struggle between the desire to refuse and the need to mend strained ties played out in the subtle nuances of his expression.

However, Nexus, unwilling to perpetuate any discomfort, relented. "Alright," he conceded.

With a radiant smile, Angel suggested they move to a more secluded and comfortable location. Nexus, considering this an opportunity to right past wrongs, agreed with a simple "okay." The air between them seemed to lighten, as if the weight of unresolved matters had momentarily lifted.

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