
Chapter 2940 - 2940 Safe arrival (1)

While the plane was cruising, the two flight crews worked in shifts, shuttling back and forth in the cabin almost non – stop to provide the most thoughtful service at all times.

When she was almost done with her drink, she didn’t even need to press the bell for a beautiful flight attendant to fill it up. The three meals were even more sumptuous. In addition, qiuhang also provided each passenger with an exquisite wash bag, which contained a full set of bulgari’s nursing suit ... Except for the seats in Economy Class, the service was completely first – Class.

This was truly like home to the guests. While the security team members enjoyed super – Standard and high – Quality service, they once again saw Xia ruofei’s omnipresent influence through these details.

When the first ray of morning light shone through the porthole, the seat belt indicator light in the cabin finally lit up. The plane had entered the descent phase.

After the flight attendants confirmed that everyone had fastened their seat belts, straightened their seat backs, and put away the small table, they finally finished their work and returned to their seats.

The Boeing 757’s huge body slowly descended under the pilot’s control. Soon, the runway that extended to the sea on Peach Garden Island appeared in their view.

There was absolutely no problem for a Boeing 737 to take off and land on Peach Garden island’s airport runway. If it was a Boeing 757, the length of the runway barely met the standard, but it required the pilot to have very precise control and find the landing point very accurately. Once there was a slight flat drift, they could only fly back. Otherwise, it was easy to go off the runway due to the insufficient length of the runway.

Therefore, the landing operation was also personally completed by the most experienced captain Nelson.

With one hand on the control stick and the other on the accelerator, he focused on controlling the plane to descend steadily along the runway.

Xia ruofei had already arrived at the airport. At the same time, he was controlling the Taixu xuanqing formation to fully activate it on the side of the runway.

The staff of Peach Blossom Island Airport had also entered the zone. This was the first time the administrator of the tower had directed the landing of an aircraft on Peach Blossom Island. However, the route on Peach Blossom Island was relatively simple, and there were no other aircraft taking off and landing in the airport, so they only had to strictly follow the standard procedures to command.

The Australian airline Boeing 757 was getting bigger and bigger in everyone’s field of vision. Soon, it entered the end of the runway steadily, and then it gently touched the ground at the expected landing point. Nelson’s entire operation was almost flawless and could be said to be close to perfect.

The reverse thrust of the engine was turned on, and the plane began to slow down rapidly. Finally, at the second last Exit, the plane had already dropped to the safe speed for taxiing and left the runway smoothly.

Nielson’s technique was indeed excellent, for such a heavy aircraft to land on a short runway with a few hundred meters of space left.

The airport’s Guide car was already waiting on the runway. The guide car with flashing yellow lights LED the Boeing 757 to the scheduled parking spot.

When the plane descended through the clouds, the security guards on the plane couldn’t help but look out the porthole.

At that stage, all one could see was a deep blue ocean.

During the aircraft’s approach process, there was a turn. When the turn was carried out, Peach Garden Island happened to be on the right side of the aircraft. Everyone immediately saw the small island that looked like a Pearl embedded in the sea. The lush vegetation and white beach on the island were clearly visible. The water around the island also changed according to the depth of the water, gradually changing from light blue to dark blue, looking very layered.

Everyone was intoxicated by the beautiful scenery in front of them and felt even more strongly that joining the guard team was the correct choice.

When the plane landed, whether it was the security team or the crew of qiuhang, they all felt the refreshing atmosphere of the Paradise Island. No one knew the existence of Reiki, but they felt as if there was a hint of sweetness in the air, which made them feel refreshed.

After the plane taxied into position and stopped the engine, the ladder truck that was already prepared on the side drove over and firmly fixed the ladder to the door position.

A ground crew member quickly ran up the accommodation ladder and knocked on the cabin door.

After receiving the signal, the flight attendant immediately opened the cabin door.

Ma Jia unbuckled her seat belt and stood up. She began to organize everyone to pick up their luggage and get off the plane in an orderly manner.

Ma Jia and Lin Yue walked at the front of the group, and Xu Yougang was at the back.

In addition to the Veterans of lone wolf, there were also some old comrades that Xu Yougang had contacted. These two groups of people formed the main body of the peach blossom guard.

Hence, Xia ruofei had basically decided that ma su would be in charge of the guard in the future, Xu Yougang would be the Deputy, and the officers of lone wolf would be in charge of one piece of work.

As soon as Ma Jia and his lover, Lin Yue, came out of the cabin door, they saw Xia ruofei, who was waiting for them with a smile on his face. They hastened their steps.

Xia ruofei laughed and walked up to Ma Jia to give her a hug. Xia ruofei had wanted to shake hands with Lin Yue, but Lin Yue graciously imitated him and hugged him.

“Old company commander, sister – in – Law, was the journey smooth?” Xia ruofei asked.

“It’s too smooth! Along the way, the people from Quto treated us like they were the Masters!” Ma su said,”ruofei, you’re the most respected!”

Xia ruofei was stunned and asked,””My face?”

Lin Yue rolled her eyes at Ma Jia and said with a smile,”Ruofei, I think qplease airlines knows that you’re the one who rented the plane, so they’re very friendly to us! By the way, there’s also a Captain who said that he’s an old acquaintance of yours. He sees us Chinese as if we’re his family!”

Just then, Xia ruofei heard a warm voice from above.””Hey! Xia! We meet again!”

Xia ruofei looked up and saw Brook sticking his head out of the side window of the cockpit and waving at Xia ruofei.

Brook was also very surprised. Although he knew that Xia ruofei had rented the plane for his employees, he did not expect to see Xia ruofei here because the destination was a small island in the South Pacific Ocean.

When Xia ruofei saw that it was Brook, he was also very surprised. He and Brook were really fated to meet. The first time they met, there was a hijacking incident, and the two of them worked together to avoid a huge life and death crisis. The second time, the plane he took landed one after the other, the Airbus 350 with the peach blossom corporation’s LOGO and special paint, and just happened to be in time for Brook’s last flight before his retirement. He witnessed Brook’s plane fly over the Watergate and his retirement ceremony. And today, he met Brook for the third time on the Paradise Island.

It had to be said that the two of them were indeed fated.

Of course, this third encounter was something Brook had strongly requested and fought for.

Xia ruofei also waved at Brook and said loudly,””Hey! Captain Brook! We’ll talk later!”

Half of Brook’s body was already out of the window. Xia ruofei was really worried that the old man would fall down accidentally. The cockpit of a Boeing 757 was very high. If he fell, he would be half – dead even if he did not die.

The security team members also walked out of the cabin in a single file and walked down the accommodation ladder in an orderly manner.

Xia ruofei waved to everyone and smiled as he nodded.

Ma Jia beckoned to Xia ruofei and began to organize the team.

Xia ruofei, the boss, personally came to the airport to welcome them, which made everyone feel honored. The Veterans who had worked with Xia ruofei in the Army all smiled and greeted him.

Everyone had a strong sense of novelty. After more than ten hours of long – distance flight, they still did not feel tired at all.

After all the security guards had alighted from the plane, Brook walked out of the cabin immediately. He quickly walked down the ramp and came to Xia ruofei.

Upon seeing Xia ruofei, Brook gave him a big hug and said happily,””Xia! I didn’t expect to see you again on this small island in the South Pacific Ocean! Is this what you Chinese people call ‘meeting by fate’? By the way, I’ve been learning Chinese recently. Oh ... Your language is really difficult!”

Xia ruofei laughed.”Brook,’we’re fated to meet’ is usually used to describe couples. It’s not suitable here.”

Then, Xia ruofei asked again,”by the way, didn’t you retire?” Why are you still participating in the flight mission?”

Brook smiled and explained to Xia ruofei the reason for his appearance on the chartered flight. At this time, Captain Nelsen and the crew walked down from the plane. Except for the co – Pilot who was finishing up in the cockpit, all the crew members were present.

Brook then introduced Nelsen to Xia ruofei. He said,””Xia, this old man is Nelsen. He’s my classmate in the aviation school, but he’s two years younger than me, so he can fly for another two years!”

“Captain Nelsen, thank you for your hard work in renting my plane!” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”my staff told me that qiuhang’s service is very thoughtful. They are very grateful!”


“You’re welcome, Mr. Xia,”Nelson said with a smile. You will always be our Quto airlines ‘distinguished guest! “Every Air Australia fleet has learned about your case of forced landing. It was truly shocking! To be honest, even a professional pilot might not be able to do it better than you. It was a miracle that an amateur who had never flown before could do that! So, you’re the idol of all of us qucan pilots!”

“Hahaha! You flatter me!” Xia ruofei smiled and said,”although I can’t rule out the possibility that I have a certain talent for flying, don’t forget that a person’s survival instinct is very strong and can bring out their full potential. If I were to fly again in a simulator, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to do it!”

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