
Chapter 2364 - 2364 Swept clean (1)

It wasn’t that Xia ruofei had never seen the world. As a straight man, he had never paid much attention to diamonds.

Xia ruofei didn’t really appreciate the huge pink diamond. He put it back into the box with the other diamonds and kept it in his storage space.

Finally, Xia ruofei locked Golden Fox Metatron in the space cage.

After that, he began to clean up the entire training camp.

The first was the building where Metatron lived.

According to the prisoners and merendo himself, this building was mainly for the instructors of the training camp, and all of them lived on the second floor.

Other than that, there was a Sentry on duty at the entrance of the first floor 24 hours a day.

Xia ruofei came out of Metatron’s room and went straight to the second floor.

It took him a while to interrogate Merlin. It was not even three in the morning yet. Everyone was in deep sleep at this time, and the whole building was quiet.

Xia ruofei sneaked in and activated his spiritual power to scan the area. He started to clean up the first room at the end of the corridor.

He didn’t even need to do anything. As long as he entered the room, everything would be within his scope.

The sleeping instructor did not resist at all and was immediately thrown into the space cage by Xia ruofei.

Hence, Xia ruofei was rather fast. He swept through the rooms along the corridor. In a short while, more than twenty instructors on the second floor were all captured by Xia ruofei into the space cage in a confused state.

He used his mental power to check again and confirmed that there were no fish that had escaped the net on the second and third floors. In this three – story building, only the entrance on the first floor had a Sentry on duty.

Xia ruofei did not stop. After clearing the last room on the second floor, he ran straight to the first floor. He did not have much time left. He had to finish everything before fouro’ clock. Otherwise, the sentries would immediately notice that something was wrong.

The Sentry post on the first floor was at the entrance of the stairs, but it was facing the entrance of the building with its back facing the stairs.

The Sentry was a little sleepy and did not notice Xia ruofei who was quietly approaching from behind.

Xia ruofei slapped him unconscious, and with a thought, he put the Sentry into the space cage.

After cleaning up the building, Xia ruofei set his sights on the student dormitory.

Although there were still many mobile sentries in the training camp and sentries on the watchtowers, Xia ruofei was prepared to deal with these people last.

The reason was simple. The students who were asleep were the easiest to deal with, and the possibility of a mistake was the lowest.

In addition, he did this in case an accident happened while dealing with the Sentinels. If the Sentinels found out and fired their guns, the sleeping students would be woken up.

By then, with more than a hundred people surrounding him, each of them armed with firearms, it would be difficult for Xia ruofei to control the situation even if he was a cultivator.

If he locked all the trainees in the space cage, even if they were discovered when dealing with the Sentinels, he would only have to deal with a few people. Overall, the situation was controllable.

So, after Xia ruofei left the three – story building, he hid in the shadows and used his psychic power to investigate for a while. After calculating the right time, he used his agile running and quick reaction to Dodge and move around the tactical training ground. He successfully passed through the training ground under the eyes of the Watchtower Sentry and arrived at the student dormitory.

The student dormitory was a row of low bungalows, and there were a total of five such bungalows.

Each bungalow only had two rooms on the left and right, and each room could accommodate about ten people.

However, considering that there were many sentries outside, Xia ruofei estimated that there were only about 70 to 80 people in the dormitory.

There were no sentries around the student dormitory, so Xia ruofei sneaked into the first house without any trouble.

Whether it was in the country or abroad, the dormitories of students and soldiers were almost the same.

The living conditions of the students in this training camp were very ordinary. A single – story house was divided into two rooms on the left and right. There was a drain faucet along the back wall outside the house for the students to wash up and take a bath.

As for the toilet, there was a large toilet at the back of the row of houses, which was shared by all the students.

Xia ruofei sneaked into the student’s dormitory. There was a row of large beds against the wall. Seven or eight people were lying on the beds, sleeping soundly.

Xia ruofei’s eyesight was extremely good. Even though the visibility was very low, he could still see very clearly. There were a total of eight students here. There were white, black, and yellow people. The students ‘weapons were neatly placed against the wall. They were all AK -47 automatic rifles.

Although this gun was a little old, its performance was quite good. Many mercenary organizations liked this Classic Automatic rifle.

Xia ruofei observed for a while and began to lock the students in the space cage one by one.

The entire process was rather smooth, and he didn’t encounter any resistance at all.

Then, Xia ruofei immediately went to the next room and did the same thing.

Xia ruofei was like a hard – working bee. While avoiding the patrols and sentries, he visited the houses one by one. In about half an hour, he had locked up about 80 students in the dormitory into the space cage.

These trainees all had excellent physical fitness. Xia ruofei was very happy to get so much free labor.

During this process, the mobile patrol team passed by the student dormitories several times, but they did not find anything unusual.

After Xia ruofei had cleaned up the student dormitory, he turned his attention to the sentries outside.

The first ones he dealt with were the sentries on the Watchtower.

This was because these spots had the best view and the help of searchlights. If they were not eliminated first, Xia ruofei would definitely be discovered when he was dealing with the mobile patrol team.

Of course, even if they were to lose their tracks, Xia ruofei would still be able to escape unscathed.

Moreover, most of the people in the training camp had been captured by Xia ruofei and locked up in the space cage. The remaining forces in the training camp were only about 20 sentries in total.

Even if they left now, Xia ruofei would have earned a lot.

Therefore, he was very relaxed.

Xia ruofei sneaked towards the nearest Watchtower. Under the cover of the night, he reached the bottom of the Watchtower very smoothly.

Xia ruofei patiently waited for the mobile patrol team to pass by before he agilely climbed up.

He did not choose the simple rope ladder that led to the Watchtower, but climbed up from the other side with his bare hands. There was another Watchtower about 20 meters away from the rope ladder, and there was a risk of being discovered if he went up from this side.

With Xia ruofei’s current cultivation, even without a ladder, it was very easy to climb the Watchtower.

His figure flew up quickly in the night. In just ten seconds, Xia ruofei had easily arrived at the bottom of the platform at the top of the Watchtower.

Because he had already mastered his strength, the Watchtower didn’t even shake during the entire climb. The Sentry on duty didn’t notice it at all.

The Sentinel’s back was facing Xia ruofei.

Xia ruofei placed both his hands on the railing of the Watchtower and easily crossed the railing. He landed lightly in the Watchtower.

The Sentry finally felt that something was wrong.

However, before he could turn his head, he felt a heavy blow to his neck. Then, his vision went black and he fainted without any resistance.

With a thought, Xia ruofei kept him in the spatial cage and locked him up.

After his first attack, Xia ruofei did not stop. He immediately jumped out from where he had come from and quickly went down the Watchtower.

After some observation, he took a detour in the dark shadows and made his way to the second Watchtower.

Under the cover of the night, Xia ruofei had cleared out all the sentries on the high ground of the Watchtower.

The entire process was rather smooth. Not only did the observation posts not notice anything wrong, but even the mobile posts that constantly passed by the observation towers did not notice anything.

On one hand, it was a fixed way of thinking, and the mobile patrolling sentries generally would not look up. In addition, the watchtowers were all equipped with searchlights. These searchlights would still rotate slowly at a fixed speed without anyone controlling them. The light was very dazzling, so even if someone occasionally looked up, they could not see clearly.

After clearing the observation posts, the remaining three mobile patrols were even easier.

There were only five people in each patrol team. Xia ruofei hid in the shadows and rushed out when the patrol team passed by, attacking them from behind.

The patrol team was not mentally prepared at all. Besides, Xia ruofei was too fast. How could five ordinary people react in time?

Xia ruofei ended the battle within a few seconds and quickly threw them into the spatial cage. Then, he changed locations to ambush the next patrol team.

When Xia ruofei finished The Last Patrol, it was only 3:30 am.

In the end, Xia ruofei searched the entire training camp and confirmed that there was no one that had escaped. He then smiled in relief and prepared to leave.

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