
Chapter 1666

The passenger cabin was in a mess. The cries and prayers of the passengers, as well as the whistling of the strong wind that poured into the cabin, were mixed together. The cockpit door was damaged, and the wind from the broken windshield blew directly into the passenger cabin.

The first – Class cabin was slightly better. There were not many passengers, and the quality of the passengers was higher. Under the advice of the flight attendants, they could still sit in their seats quietly. Of course, they were also scared pale, and many of them kept crossing their hands in front of their chests and praying.

Feng Jing was more worried about Xia ruofei’s safety since he had not returned.

At this moment, the purser Guli walked over and whispered in her ear that her friend was in the cockpit and asked her to go with her. She immediately stood up and followed Guli to the cockpit.

Feng Rao was even more shocked when she arrived at the cockpit. In the co – Pilot seat, Brook’s arm was covered in blood. The windshield in front of him had disappeared, leaving only a large hole in it where strong winds kept pouring in. The cockpit was in a mess, and the instrument panel on the co-pilot’s side had been opened.

What made Feng Jing’s heart jump was that the person flying the plane was Xia ruofei!

When did this guy learn how to fly a plane? Also, are there no more pilots on the plane? Feng Jing suddenly felt as if her entire world had collapsed ...

Xia ruofei was focused on lowering the plane’s altitude. He didn’t have the time to talk to Feng Jing, so he turned around and said,””Quickly sit down on the seat behind me and fasten your seat belt! Purser, please help her put on the oxygen mask!”

The seat behind him was the closest to him. Once the plane lost control and was about to crash, Xia ruofei only needed a thought to bring Feng Rao into the spirit map space.

Feng Rao sat down in the seat behind Xia ruofei with a confused expression. With the help of the chief flight attendant Guli, she fastened her seat belt and put on the oxygen mask.

The plane swooped down quickly. Although the thrust had been reduced, the space velocity was still increasing. The entire plane was shaking as if it could disintegrate at any time.

The altitude displayed by the altitude meter was also dropping rapidly, and the oxygen content in the cabin was naturally gradually increasing.

When the altitude indicator reached 10000 feet, which was about 3000 meters, Brook finally let out a sigh of relief. He shouted,””Xia! Now, try to maintain this height! Reduce the speed appropriately!”

“Alright!” Xia ruofei said.

He focused on controlling the control stick and slowly adjusted the plane’s attitude to a level flight. At the same time, according to Brook’s suggestion, he continued to slow down the throttle a little. The space velocity that had been increasing due to the dive just now also began to slowly decrease.

After the speed dropped, the airflow from the hole formed by the shattered windshield naturally wasn’t as strong as before. The noise in the cockpit also decreased.

At this moment, Brook could basically confirm that the plane and the passengers were temporarily safe.

He then tried to contact the ground and determine the location of his plane.

Because many of the instruments on the co-pilot’s side had been damaged in the explosion, Brook was unable to determine the plane’s position through the global satellite positioning system. However, he knew that the air traffic control on the ground must have noticed the abnormality from the moment the plane deviated to the sudden descent. Therefore, it should be fine if he called directly on the Civil Aviation emergency channel.

Brook called out through the emergency channel,””may day! may day! may day! Flight QF108! Flight QF108! We’ve encountered a hijacking incident. Currently, our body is damaged and the cabin has lost pressure due to an explosion! Requesting ground radar assistance!”

Brook first used three consecutive “may Days” to announce the flight’s state of emergency. Then, he clearly reported the flight number and briefly reported the situation.

He was worried that the communication system would be damaged. Fortunately, he received a response from his headphones very soon. Although it was not very clear due to the loud noise, and the sound was intermittent, the communication was not cut off, which made Brook feel a lot more at ease.

“QF108, report your altitude and speed!” The sound of the air pipe was sometimes loud and sometimes soft, and sometimes it reached Brook’s ears.

Brook quickly glanced at the altitude and air speed meters in front of him, which were still working normally. He reported the current altitude and speed to the air traffic controller and asked, “We’re requesting to land at the nearest airport. May I know where we are now?”

Due to the loud noise in the cockpit and the intermittent air – to – ground communication function, Captain Brook only heard a few words but did not get any useful information.

He had no choice but to say,”I didn’t hear you clearly, please repeat it!” QF108!”

The officer repeated, but Brook still couldn’t hear him clearly. He couldn’t help but feel a little anxious.

Xia ruofei was also wearing his headphones. His hearing was much better than Brook’s and he could basically hear what the officer was saying.

Hence, Xia ruofei turned around and said loudly,””Captain Brook, I heard from the other side that we are in the Okland information region. Now we have two options, one is to fly to the Wei nation, and the other is to fly to Saipan. The distance is about the same, and the officer said that we should make our own decision!”

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