
Chapter 409 blossom of young

Scanning the place, Jiangyu’s eyes landed on the familiar tall figure carrying a large broken piece of wood.

"Boss! Let me get that."

He calls out and quickly strides over in an almost jog pace.

However, Lu Tian did not stop. He walks over to the pile of things they had already gathered and toss the piece in his hand down.

The piece of wood lands on top of the other things and dusts flutter everywhere.

He turns away to look in the direction of his team and walks towards them. As his figure nears them, he removes the mask covering the lower half of his face.

"Help clean this place. Xu Long will fill you guys in on the details."

Hearing his sudden order, the members of Wolf Team were slightly confused, but no one dare asked further questions.

Each person quickly puts on a mask and start helping Yue Ling’s team pick up bulk items.

With the extra hands of Wolf Team, Yue Ling’s team were relieved. There were more people, so they should be done before night fall if not a little later.

Jiangyu place the mask over his face and looks around. However, not seeing a certain person, his heart dropped.

Could Xu Long have lied to him?


Just as Jiangyu felt his feelings had been deceived by the assistant, a child like voice calls out to him from behind.

It was a voice that he could make his heart fly to cloud nine.

His throat motion in a difficult gulp and he slowly turns around to the face the person.

Met with a pair of big round eyes, his cheeks flush red. However, thanks to the mask he is wearing, no one is able to see his expression.

"J... Ju Suo."

Standing at the entrance door to the back, Ju Suo smiles sweetly to the tall and bulky man. The way he says her name made her heart flutter like millions of butterflies were gathering inside her.

She did not hesitate to walk towards the man and her smile widens.

"Are you here to help us clean?"

Jiangyu did not answer but shyly nod his head in response. He stares her adorable face and could only fight the urge to hug her.

Never did he think that someone this cute will actually take interest in a big man like himself.

"Ahh, the blossom of young love."

"Truly a marvelous sight to see."

"My heart is going t-thump, t-thump, t-thump."

As the pair were distracted in their own world, three voices sound from the side of them.

Both Ju Suo and Jiangyu returned to their five senses and turned their head to look in the same direction. However, what they saw dumbfounded them to the core.


Lin Hui and Xu Long squatted down in a close distance with their palms under their chin. The glisten in their eyes was so visible like they were watching the best show ever.

Standing behind the two was none other than Liu Shan.

He held both his arms up with the tips of his fingers touching the top of his head like he was making a heart shape.

And as if the three people were already not enough, everyone’s eyes was glued in their direction. Except for Lu Tian and Qi Li.

Jiangyu’s chest began to motion up and he turned into a Spanish bull ready to charge, while Ju Suo’s eyes flash with a dangerous glint ready to kill. Both figures quickly reach out to grab who ever they could.

"Ah! Run for your life!"

Liu Shan shriek and jumps back with both his arms flapping at his side. It was like he had transformed into a bird and swiftly dodge a bullet.

At the same time, Lin Hui and Xu Long transformed into two Armadillidiidae (roly poly bug) and quickly rolled away to escapes the claws of death.

"Well, everyone seems to be getting along quite well."

An angelic voice chuckles and everyone’s attention shift to the direction Ju Suo had entered.

"Boss!! Save me! I mean, save us!!"

Liu Shan yells at the top of his lungs at the sight of his boss. If anyone can stop Ju Suo from unleashing her wrath, it’s her and Jiangyu wouldn’t dare to lay a hand on her!

Yue Ling stood near the back door with Uncle Zhi. Neither had anticipated to walk into such a scene.

Running in her direction, Liu Shan, Lin Hui and Xu Long were beaming in joy at the sight of their savior. Just a little more and they are saved.

However, just as they near her by five feet, each person was quickly met with a cold chill that sent them turning in 180 degrees another way.

Lu Tian glares at the three idiots with murderous eyes. How dare they try to use his wife as a shield?!

He had always thought Xu Long had a weird personality but seeing how Liu Shan and Lin Hui aren’t so different, he doesn’t even know how to think anymore.

Shaking his head, he ignores Jiangyu and Ju Suo’s process in chasing down the three men. He walks over to his wife and sighs.

"Why did you come inside? It’s still a mess in here."

Turning away from the lively show, Yue Ling looks at Lu Tian and smiles a chuckle.

"Uncle Zhi and I came to check how everything is going."

She knows that he is worry about her health and safety, but she isn’t so fragile like a porcelain doll.


While Yue Ling and everyone continued their task in Uncle Zhi’s shop, no one was aware about another situation taking place at the same time.

In the far distance away from the heart of Imperial, a 7-story hotel stood its ground.

Unlike Imperial Hotel or the luxury hotels that frequent its wealthy guests, the people entering in and out are from common households.

"We agreed that you guys will take care of her. How did it turn out like this?"

A woman’s voice echoes through the thin walls inside the fifth floor of the hotel.

Inside the room, the woman paced back and forth with an angry expression. Lifting her hand, she bites her nails to calm down her frustration.

Sitting on the bed, a scrawny man with a haggard face stares at the angry beauty.

"Ning Mei ah, we really did try, but our plan was interrupted by another group."

Hearing the man, Ning Mei pause in her steps and throws him a glare. However, staring at the man, her face scrunch in disgust.

This is man is so ugly that it makes her sick just looking at him.

She inhales a deep breath that shook her body to calm herself.

"What about your boss? Didn’t he get captured? What is he planning to do to compensate me for the first half of the money that I already paid?"

The scrawny man’s eyes lit up at her words. A malicious grin curl on his lip and he chuckles.

"Don’t worry. This is all part of his plans. We are already working on our backup plan."

He looks at Ning Mei and licks his dry and crack lips.

"As long as you keep your part of the deal in paying us the remaining 100 million yuan, we will get rid of Han Yue Ling for you."

Ning Mei’s stiff shoulders finally relaxed. Turning around, she walks to the only desk in the room where she had placed her handbag.

Opening it, she takes out a thick yellow envelope and place it on the tabletop.

"In here is 50 million yuan. Once you guys have completed your task, I will give you the rest."

Seeing the thick envelope, the man was taken back by surprise. He did not think Ning Mei would give them a split payment of the remaining money.

However, his gaze slowly moves from the envelope to Ning Mei’s figure.

She was wearing a red sweater with a short white flare skirt and black heels.

Though her figure isn’t well proportioned like other women he has seen, she can still be considered a beauty.

Suddenly, the image of his boss’s red hair beauty enters his mind. He licks his lip again and stood from the bed.

Unaware of the man’s thoughts, Ning Mei closed her bag and picks it up. She could not wait to leave this filthy place.


Just as she was about to turn around, she was pushed against the desk. She frowns in disgust at the smell of the man and held onto the edge of the desk for support.

"What the fuck are you doing?!!"

The scrawny man wraps his arms around her waist and began to feel every inch of her.

"Ning Mei ah, you were the one who walked in here. Did you think you can just leave?"

Ning Mei’s face drained of all colors hearing his words. Last time, she met with the boss, but he had a woman. Now...

"Y-You let me go! Let—mmf—!"

The moment she wanted to raise her voice more, the man held her face and turn her head to meet his mouth. His tongue stuck out to lick her smooth face with saliva.

Moving his hand holding her face, he stuck his index and middle finger with dirty nails inside her mouth.

Pressing his body hard against her back, his other hand grabs her short blonde hair and roughly pulls her head back.


Ning Mei screams at the sudden pain. Goosebumps ran down her body at the feel of the man’s tongue on her neck and the taste of the man’s salty fingers in her mouth.

She struggles to free herself but was frozen by his next words.

"If you want to keep your image, be good for me."


Her eye’s shook in horror with tearful eyes and her struggles stopped.

There has been many scandals about her with different men, but she never cared because each man was famous and good looking.

However, what will happen to her if the world were to know that she is seen with a disgusting low life like this man?

Thinking about her career, she bit her lower lip and she close her eyes to allow the man behind to do whatever he wanted.

If she doesn’t do as he says, her life in Imperial is over.

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