
Chapter 271 - Initiating The Predetermined Trek


After crossing over the threshold, Apollo didn't feel any different from before. Whatever Saehtyn was warning him about, it didn't seem like it was alerted yet. Or, at the very least, they had yet to sense his presence. Due to the Monarch's Tenebrosity, his presence was becoming harder to sense the more his attainments increased.


In light of this, Apollo and Typhir continued to move without pause. Their safest bet was to constantly change their positioning. After all, they needed to do their best to survive for 7 days here. Accounting for the journey they had traveled thus far, there was still well over 6 and a half days left before the connection here became strained.

As the towering castle in the distance became closer, the grandeur was even more apparent. At a glance, one would think it was just big. However, that was a large understatement. The proper term to call it would be colossal. Apollo was sure that not even 7 days here would be enough to scour the entire inside of it.

Furthermore, the chances of getting lost were extremely high. Nevertheless, Apollo was still eager to enter. He needed to first come in contact with Furcas and then locate the Link Portals to attempt a journey to another hidden piece.

"Are we heading to that extremely large castle?" Typhir questioned while rolling his shoulder to alleviate the aches. Now that the initial pleasure of his Destruction Intent subsided, he was left with an aching body.

"Not quite, for now, we'll avoid that general area. The chances of a bad situation taking place is even higher there," Apollo responded while gazing into the distance.


Meanwhile, inside Saehtyn's Castle,

"Hoh? That little boy has returned and it seems he had already worked up the confidence to pass through the barrier. I'm not sure if I should call this foolishness or bravado. After all, there is a fine line between both sides," Saehtyn muttered to himself while gazing out one of the enormous windows surrounding him.

While lost in thought, he crossed his arms behind his back with a faint smile. Despite his warning, he truly commended one who tested adversity. After all, his position was gained through the flames of destruction. The Lord of Wrath, Ira's Befriender, these aren't titles that simply came easy.

It required a large number of shocking feats to earn these titles. Just the time Lord of Wrath meant the Ira he contained was almost boundless. When it came to direct confrontation, those who met his flames and weapons found themselves in a precarious situation in record time.

Of course, there were still those who could rival him, if not subdue his strength altogether. It's just the people capable of doing so are few and far between. 

"I've been bored these days anyway. After my meeting with a few of the Lords over the shifting powers and change in the world's frequency, there isn't much to do. Continuously governing these lesser fools is becoming too tedious for me. Perhaps I should adjudicate my position," Saehtyn muttered to himself. 

As he tapped his finger on his chin, an echo could be heard. Despite the soft tapping, the state of his body was so strong it innately combated the atmosphere around. After some time, Saehtyn made the decision to make a move. Typically, he wouldn't do so but he was curious as to how much this lad had advanced.

Since the matters within the castle were quiet, it was the perfect opportunity to slip away. Before anyone was the wiser, he vanished through a scorching portal as he honed in on Apollo's exact positioning. 


Within a few moments, Saehtyn walked through the portal right before Apollo and Typhir. When he appeared, Typhir was frozen solid whereas Apollo was more surprised to see this being again. He was almost certain that the upper echelon of any power usually didn't move personally.

"Hmm, I guess your advancements aren't terrible. At least your flame has entered the Greater standard. Your vitality is also repairing, but not fast enough. Hm, what has compelled you to enter this place?" Saehtyn inquired as his body shrunk to a size comparable to Typhir.

"I have to find someone. I think I should be able to protect myself well enough to enter now," Apollo answered truthfully. While he didn't reveal the individual just yet, the fact that he was searching for someone surprised Saehtyn as a whole.

"Oh really? Just what individual could you be seeking? Aren't you new here? How have you come to possess information surrounding individuals that reside within Ashiraem?" Saehtyn asked with great interest. If he was taken to meet someone, then perhaps he met an unknown power that imparted this assignment.

On the other hand, Apollo was conflicted. Revealing the presence of the system was completely out of the equation. However, Saehtyn was also strong enough that he would see through Apollo's fabrications.

Thus, Apollo came to a decision after he revisited their past meeting, "Master Azridan has tasked me to do so. He has left me a set of instructions. I'm looking for someone named Furcas. I don't understand their importance, but this is what I must do," Apollo said. While doing so, he tried to keep his internal fluctuations as stoic as possible.

In return, Saethyn was quiet for quite some time. It was unknown just what he was doing, but the longer he remained quiet, the more Apollo felt he was under a great deal of pressure. Fortunately, a fit of laughter escaped Saehrtyn's mouth.

Soon enough, he laughed hysterically, "Why are you looking for the castle's fool? Among all of my unofficials, he is the weirdest. That old man is simply unable to be understood. I suggest you refrain from meeting him. Nothing good will come from doing so. Any questions you have, I may have the answers myself."

Although it sounded enticing, Apollo was left in a rut. He truly didn't possess any questions. He was simply following the instructions of the locator. Plus, if the system said Furcas was a vital piece it was the truth. However, Apollo was skeptical, he wasn't sure if the Furcas he sought and the one Saehtyn knew was one and the same.

Nevertheless, Apollo took a moment to really determine whether or not there was anything he could use Saehtyn for. Once he took the time, he realized there was indeed a practical use for him.

"You said Furcas was an old man? How old exactly?" Apollo asked.

"Hmm, I'm not sure. But from what I can tell, he should be an ancient demon. At least in body, he should be. As for his mind, he is quite a worrisome individual. His capricious behavior can only be called odd. I could try to explain, but it wouldn't do him justice. You'd have to experience it firsthand," Saehtyn responded with a small smirk.

Before Apollo could ask another question, Saehtyn revealed his own, "Would you like to enter the castle? However, you will be restricted to the lower levels. The environment of that place is sort of special. It'd be dangerous to venture too high within. Fortunately, that character doesn't move outside of the first 6 levels. All of which are still within a Lesser Demon's ability."

Without hesitation, Apollo agreed. However, before they left, Saehtyn also turned toward Typhir, "Is this your creation? He carries a fragment of your source signature. Interesting, A Lesser Demon creating another and the difference in strength isn't that great."

Apollo spared Typhir a glance before nodding in response. "It seems to be one of my talents so to speak."

"Very well, come along. I hope you meet who you seek and obtain the answers you need, if any," Saehtyn said before opening a portal. Before allowing them to enter, he coated them in his aura before releasing them inside.

Contrary to what they thought, Saehtyn didn't enter after them. He conjured a new portal and entered that one. Due to their states, he opened a portal directly to the entrance of the castle's 1st floor. As for him, he returned to his lair. 

Upon landing, both Apollo and Typhir remained shocked by what they saw. Just a single floor's ceiling was already tens of times larger than they were. Inside here, they felt akin to ants. But, when he recalled Saehtyn's true size, he found this to be acceptable. 

"We have found the path, now we need to walk it. It seems that things are working in our favor," Apollo mumbled. With this bypass, it saved precious time that they truly didn't possess.

Meanwhile, another system notification appeared.

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