
Chapter 244 - Inciting Demonic Deeds


When Apollo left, before doing anything, he visited Typhir. Unlike before, he had finally regained consciousness from the pain. Additionally, there were also signs of color returning to his face. However, when Apollo dropped his mantle, Typhir was surprised to see him standing right next to him.


"Apollo, what brings you here? I haven't seen you at all in the past 3 weeks. Then again, I guess there's not much to be talked about here is there," Typhir said with a pained smile. While it was a lie to say that he didn't hold some small regrets from his mindless reaction, a part of him felt consoled that Apollo paid him a visit.

"No, that's incorrect, there are definitely some things to talk about. For example, your healing, how exactly is it going?" Apollo questioned while looking at Typhir's bandaged torso. The lack of blood or fluids told him that Typhir's regeneration rate should still be rather high.

"My body is recovering but," Typhir paused and frowned while trying to clench a fist, "My power doesn't stop losing power. I don't know how I'll face my family in this state. Not only will I be scolded, but I'm also sure my mother's temper will explode," Typhir sighed.

Meanwhile, Apollo pondered for a moment before posing a question, "What if I find a solution to this issue. I've come to find that nothing in this world is absolute. For something to be so, it would require a power that, quite frankly, no one in this world possesses. 

In response, Typhir's jaw dropped, "You said what?!"

"I know, my words sound weird but allow me to explain, I have read some texts, and based on what I've seen, a lot of issues that plague man aren't as drastic as they seem. So, what do you say if I can turn your tragedy into a blessing?" Apollo continued.

"If that was truly possible, then I'd say hell yeah. But, you just said so yourself, no one in this world possesses the power to correct this matter, no?" Typhir countered. In response, Apollo simply smiled.

"Don't worry. You have proved your loyalty through your actions, from this moment forward, I will see you as one of my own. And, when it comes to my own, I'll make sure they're properly situated," Apollo said before his body started to dissipate in the night. 

As he watched this, Typhir muttered to himself, 'That guy is really weird, but for some odd reason, I believe him. There's a weird charisma to him that I can't put my finger on.'

When they reached outside, Apollo paused. While standing atop the building of the Spiritual Infirmary, he took a gander into the horizon at different angles. Before he made his next action, he looked below and saw both Odessa and Nadida approaching the infirmary.

'Now that I think about it, aren't these two hanging around each other more often? I could have sworn those two hand countless differences upon their first meeting. Whatever, that matter is their business,' Apollo thought to himself.

Soon, he pushed the matter to the back of his mind and focused on another task, "Fuhrer, can you use your perception to search the entire academy grounds?"

"I can, but tell me what you're looking for specifically. The more specific you are, the faster I can point things out for you," Fuhrer responded while appearing next to Apollo.

"Tell me the position of Grayson and Reiner. Then, I want you to tell me and monitor the positions of the disciplinary committee as well as Geneva and the upper personnel. I don't want anyone getting in the way of what I'm about to do. Additionally, if there is any additional surveillance, alert me of that as well," Apollo answered.

Subconsciously, Fuhrer smiled, 'Beginning to sound like a true leader. It seems that the experience has opened his eyes to always hold a grasp of the larger picture. If he did so before, this situation could have been avoided. Nevertheless, this incident was still in his best interest and easy on me as I didn't have to orchestrate anything.'

A few moments later, Fuhrer finished his thorough scan of the area. He found that the upper personnel wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. Moreover, they were confined to their typical areas. With this information, Apollo further cemented his course of action.

"I found those two individuals but something is amiss. The area seems far too light, there isn't even a single overseer. Hold on," Fuhrer said before honing in on some conversations taking place. As he listened, he became privy as to why the area seemed so lifeless.

"It appears that not only is your target in a foul mood due to extra restrictions placed on him, since ample time has elapsed, everyone feels the immensity of the situation has died down. As a result, the increased security has returned to its prior condition," Fuhrer said.

Apollo took this as his signal to move. Stealthily, he moved towards Reiner's position first. While his target should have been Grayson, after assessing the likelihood of everything going as he pleased, he realized the chances of getting them both were very slim. Thus, Apollo settled for the individual that vengeance should be unleashed upon.

Several moments later, Apollo appeared at the side of Reiner's residence. Much like his, there were wards upon wards layered into a secured defense system. Fortunately, this is where Fuhrer came in. He extended a finger full of Hellfire and burned a small section of the security measure large enough to fit Apollo in shadow form.

They entered through a minuscule hole and appeared behind Reiner silently. Despite the lack of academics, his residence in the special area was already paid for the month. In other words, his cultivation wasn't targeted that much. Even now, he engaged in cultivation.

'Since no one else has dealt with you accordingly, I shall take these matters into my own hands,' Apollo determined while exhaling. At the same time, a dangerous light filled Apollo's eyes. 

Upon noticing this, Fuhrer chuckled and agreed with this behavior. He incited such dastardly thoughts, 'Indeed, that's how one is to behave. When others prove to be unreliable, take matters into your own hand. More often than not, you'll only be able to rely on your own judgment. To lead is both a great burden and blessing at the same time.' 

All of a sudden, a sweltering heat filled the atmosphere, but to Apollo, it felt comfortable. Suddenly, Apollo spoke, "A series of unfortunate events is about to befall you, but don't worry it is no one but your own fault. If you wish to blame someone, then blame the administration for making your punishment too light."

Reiner was startled and jumped to his feet, "How did you get in here? It should be impossible to bypass the security measures. No, more importantly, what do you intend to do?"

Almost immediately, Reiner went to retrieve his ax. It was only now that Apollo realized this weapon was in fact a Spirit! However, Apollo didn't come here to fight, he came to torture and exact revenge. Thus, he pointed towards Reiner.

"Fuhrer, suppress him," Apollo ordered. Fuhrer complied and conjured a small suppressive field. It wasn't like gravity where one's body felt heavy, Reiner was robbed of the ability to move altogether, this included his essence as well.

"Since you're unable to see your mistakes, then I should bear witness to your end," Apollo stated in an almost emotionless manner. When he got near to Reiner, he popped out his eyeballs but left the nerves intact.

"Fuhrer, sustain his vision and make sure he maintains consciousness," Apollo stated. During his training, he learned how to control his Demonic Anima better. As a result, he sacrificed a small portion of his Demonic Anima to undergo his Iraym transformation.

When he saw Apollo's form, Reiner wanted to scream in terror. But, with all movements sealed he could bear witness to what came next. The gauntlets around Apollo's hands shimmered with Hellfire as he carved Reiner's body.

"This is a flame you'll never contest," Apollo said as he recreated Typhir's wound on Reiner's body. The only difference was the fact Reiner was missing much more flesh. By the time Apollo was done, there wasn't an inch of Reiner's body that wasn't mutilated.

To make matters worse, the entire time, Reiner possessed front row seats as he experienced torture in two different ways. Numerous notifications sounded as Apollo stared into Reiner's eyes.

"Enjoy your end," Apollo chuckled with a smile before impaling both of Reiner's ears and melting both his brain and Soul Temple with Hellfire. Finally, he absorbed all the residual energy in his Soul Temple before leaving. 

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